An Italian is suspected of hiding his dead father in a freezer for two years so he could keep collecting the old man’s pension.

Gaetano Sivieri confessed to police this week he had stashed his father’s body in an underground garage near the Alpine town of Aosta, media reports said.

“I needed the money,” the 63-year-old was quoted as saying by Corriere della Sera newspaper. News agency Ansa said he had drawn nearly 80,000 euros ($105,000) of pension.

I wonder what techniques idiots like this relied on — before modern refrigeration?

  1. Emanuele says:

    The nephew find it out looking for a chill coke in the freezer…

  2. Janky says:

    “I wonder what techniques idiots like this relied on — before modern refrigeration?”

    Norman Bates used dehydration/mummification. I prefer underground storage.

    Here in the U.S. we don’t have the problem because companies don’t believe in pensions any more.

  3. tallwookie says:

    Ice & sawdust (my parents have an antique ice chest, its got a really interesting design – water drain channels, multiple capture & overflow meltwater trays, interior tin lining, etc).

    But I dont think you could keep a whole body in one of those things, not in one peice anyway.

  4. James Hill says:

    Good thing to consider when my mummy starts to get her pension…

    Get it? Mummy? Ha!

  5. JT says:

    Why didn’t he just bury the body? Nobody would have found it and he’d still be collecting his father’s pension today.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:


    Because they would think he’s a mobster 😉

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I wonder what techniques idiots like this relied on — before modern refrigeration?

    Call him unethical… Call him a scumbag if you must… But I don’t think idiot is the right word for what must have seemed like a pretty straightforward plan at first…

    You know… After getting fucked by state governments, courts, jobs, the IRS, schools, an ex-wife, etc., (and I know I’m not alone) I have to wonder what is the virture in doing the right thing? If I stumble over a gravy train where I can scam some company or such out of a load of cash… I’ll do it. Nobody is gonna think twice about screwing me over, including those rat bastards at Sprint.

    The only thing that would stop me from doing exactly what this guy did is that I would feel horrible doing that to my father… But some other scam might still allow me to sleep at night.

  8. Woktiny says:

    #7 every once in a while, someone comes along and does the “right” thing…. sometimes someone notices… sometimes the person who notices is thus inspired to do something else “right”

    in another 15,000,000,000 years, if the universe doesn’t collapse back in on itself (i think we have 30-40b yrs left) this might cascade to a society so advanced, they actually behave virtuously.

  9. TJGeezer says:

    This guy pulled in $100K in two years – on his dad’s *pension*?

    Janky’s right (#2) – not a problem in the U.S. No pensions, and no one in his right mind would trust a company to pay a pension if the option were offered. Let all U.S. citizens raise thanks to The LORD (or the Republicans, or whoever they worship).

  10. OmarThe Alien says:

    In the days before refrigeration they didn’t have pensions. And this guy is sixty-three; how old ya gotta be in Italy before you can draw a pension? The worst pizza I ever ate was in Italy, somewhere on the coast, maybe Trieste, hell, it’s been a while and that was about all the Italian I knew.


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