This 3-D CT scan of [ABC newsman] Bob Woodruff’s skull was created at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., on Jan. 31, 2006 — just two days after Bob and his team were hit by an insurgents’ bomb in Taji, Iraq. The scan shows the rocks and debris that were lodged into Bob’s face and neck, and the areas around his eyes.

Another computer-generated CT scan shows the grim reality of Bob’s condition: extreme swelling, numerous tubes and traction, and a number of rocks embedded in his face.

Here are more images showing his recovery and return to ABC.

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Another example of applying what science produces to undo the destruction religion produces.

    Oh, I forgot: ‘Religion of Peace’. Riiiiight.

  2. JT says:

    Now multiply his injuries times 23,000 similar casualties in Iraq and the grim reality of this war hits home.

  3. Awake says:

    This is interesting from a purely scientific standpoint, but it also shows the myopia of the American public.
    If it has to do with an American, be it a journalist, a soldier, a well intentioned yet naive civilian, then it’s important, otherwise it doesn’t matter.
    Over 90 journalists have been killed in Iraq in the last 4 years, more than in Vietnam or even World War II.
    I repeat this yo let it sink in: over 90 journalists killed so far.
    We hear about the American ones… what about the others.
    Where is their wall of names?

  4. Carlos Moll says:

    It’s also interesting because his Social Security Number is clearly visible in the top left corner of those pictures.


  5. James Hill says:

    Since my wife works at an ABC affiliate, I’m glad his recovery was kept in line with sweeps.

  6. TJGeezer says:

    The rate of journalist kill-off and the circumstances surrounding some of the deaths has sparked some serious speculation about just how accidental some of the killings are. Not saying the speculation is valid, just that the circumstances – lots of killings, not always well explained – make such speculation inevitable.

    It’d be interesting to know if more reporters are putting themselves in harm’s way now than did in WWII or Viet Nam.


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