LiveLeak is the new Youtube (or one of them anyway) that has miraculously cropped up on the net. Already odd vids are showing up. Personally I’ve had to use Photobucket for some of my vids because YouTube seems oddly slow to process the streams since Google bought them.

  1. John says:

    Holy crap, she is twenty sheets in the wind in that video.

    God save her daughter!

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Anna being just as responsive as when Britney was on drugs… oh, sorry… Britney was being herself.

  3. Mark says:

    Ah, Celebrities. Cant live with em…………

  4. hibiscusroto says:

    weird and creepy? try “depressing”

  5. OmarTheAlien says:

    Of all the things I would not click on, that pretty well tops the list. Why are we so fascinated with these “Super Bimbos”? That one, and Britney, and the rest of the contenders for dumb ass broad of the year.

  6. dtrots says:

    This is my take on celebrities like this. Michael Jackson etc. They have mental problems, depression, etc but the people around are always employees. If they stop to help they’ll lose their paycheck. Unfortunately these celebs don’t have any actual friends around them, just self-centered people hanging around for their own purpose.

  7. Gregory says:

    *sigh* She was a sad person, who really needed help. Instead she was exploited.. by everyone…

    It’s very sad really. Depressing.

  8. Raff says:

    She sort of looks like Courtney Love in this one.

  9. JFStan says:

    Well, there goes a good night’s sleep.. for a week or so. 😛

  10. TJGeezer says:

    6 & 7 – Exactly right.

    Many of these celebrities grew up without a lot of money, and hit it big too soon for them to have gained any perspective at all. It kills some and damages others beyond repair. Saddest of all, a real friend is the last thing some of them will tolerate.

    Okay, compassionate moment over. Ha ha ha lookit the suffering bitch.

  11. RTaylor says:

    This is about as enjoyable as watching a fatal car crash. I swear I had rather pay a yearly fee than these postings just to drive up page hits.

  12. tallwookie says:

    bah, some people can handle drugs, some people cant…

  13. ChrisMac says:

    Can’t we vote celeb posts off this blog.. I’m pretty sure CNN has it covered.. Nancy Grace is still picking at the carcass..

  14. Greg Allen says:

    I vote for sad more than weird or creepy.

    A mother in clown makeup playing with her child SHOULD be really cute and charming.

    But her lack of affect makes strikes me as incredibly sad.

  15. Carolyn says:

    Celebrities need to stop overexposing themselves to stupidity….If you can’t handle the stress, retire….With all the money they have damn, I’d retire and enjoy a more relaxing lifestyle far from the press. Instead of stressing and spending all that they worked for on nonsense crap. No wonder all these people are so stressed and in the verge of loosing control of their life. Like they say too much money can drive a person to their grave…..Especially when they don’t know what else to do with themselves. Tough luck!!

  16. Greg Allen says:

    For some reason this video haunted me yesterday. It made me so sad for her!

    The real creepy part dawned on me later…

    It’s whoever is behind the camera.

    They knew the video they were taking could be used to embarrass Smith for big bucks.

    And then they sold it! They weren’t just joking… they were serious!

    GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTY — can you imagine having someone like that in your life?!?!

  17. ChrisMac says:

    atta boi

  18. Marianne says:

    Might be a fake. Don’t trust everything you see or hear.

  19. Peggy says:

    Not bad lookin’ for a “older woman”

  20. tyra says:

    Hi I tried to share this before but something went wrong

  21. Estella says:

    I believe Anna was being controlled by Howard K. Stern by keeping her drugged. What else could she do with her son eccept bury him in the Bahamas, she had just given birth to her daughter and couldn’t make a trip to the U.S. to bury him, She had to bury him there,. I do believe Stern chose the Bahamas to get away from getting the paternity test. I believe he has alot to do with both deaths. Why doesn’t he want the DNA testing done? That alone tells you he isn’t the father (Biological)

  22. mike says:

    Her lawyer put something in her drink, possibly acid…then I would say that he painted her face , kept her away from any mirrors, then filmed her once the drug kicked into her soul. She looks so very souless, not the real person at all. It’s way too bad that she was involed with him.

  23. CN says:

    She was a satanic ritual abuse victim as time will prove, and before I get the expected flaming its something i have studied as part of a 12 year active search into the truth behind all the distortion, lies and mind controlling media gossip and conditioning we are peddled on a daily basis..

    This video is more likely her mind control programming breaking down than any kind of drug trip, besides didnt the autopsy report show no drugs in her system.

    When a ritual abuse victims programming breaks down the compartmentalised mind (which is resulting from trauma based mind control) starts to fragment and without professional help the victims can start to switch between personalities without warning and often with tragic/dire/humiliating consequences.

    The whole point of compartmentalisng a ritual abuse victims mind is to make sure, as much as is possible, that they can function in other daily activities. Also to ensure that they remain undetected by other everyday people as being victims of abuse in there daily lives (which are often highly reclusive outside of any necessary public appearance) and to aid in programming specific compartments so as to turn the victim into a sex slave for use in occult practices, or to pleasure the whims of sick minded power elite types such as the Bohemian Grove set..

    Dont be surprised if someone famous soon steps up to talk about all this..


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