You’ve read about it, now here it is.

And this article mentions why the movie is interesting to conspiracy buffs:

The president’s coat is clearly if briefly seen bunched up on his back — a detail that will be scrutinised by conspiracy theorists who see evidence of a plot in, among other things, a mismatch between the bullet wounds on his jacket and those on his body.

The real other gunmen

  1. Greymoon says:

    So Long John, .

  2. JT says:

    We get another angle of the back of his head seconds before it was shot off. So what?

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    That settles it then…this clearly proves there were, like, six shooters all over the place, all of them agents of the KGB.

  4. Greymoon says:

    But the bunched up suit coat eliminates the shooter in the dusty trunk theory.

  5. Funny film. Ends with a dramatic shot of the book depository – Why? What signigicance would that particular building have to the filmmaker. Strange.

  6. Shane Brady says:

    Wow, a good shot of JFK’s back brace. How amazing.

  7. Mark says:

    5. I too found that interesting. But I’m one of the tin foil crowd.

  8. lou says:

    #5, #7… I believe I read that the camera person went back the next day (after the shooting) to film the book depository. Sort of like using all the film up before getting it developed.

  9. TJGeezer says:

    I suspect the Warren Commission report is about as trustworthy as the 911 Commission report, and for similar reasons. Too many people of wealth and power had too much riding on the outcome to make any official report seem like anything more than an attempt to soothe the skittish herd. But I don’t see what this clip adds one way or another.

  10. Sundog says:

    9. Why, just because it never even mentioned that 50 story, Building 7 coming down? Its just a silly little detail. Why, gremlins took it down, silly.

  11. joshua says:

    It was the back brace that killed him. The first shot would have knocked him over, and Jackie tried to pull him down but the brace kept him upright in the seat.

    The guy who shot the film went back the next day and shot the Book depository with the left over film.


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