
  1. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    All those childhood memories ruined….

  2. gamabunta says:

    That scene was from “Sleep with Me” if anyone was wondering.

  3. Cripes. This insults someone. I’m not sure who. Perhaps Katie Holmes.

    Say it’s not true!!!

  4. slappy says:

    Haha, never seen the movie, but it does look kinda gay. 😉

  5. morphimus says:

    Nicely done… luckily I still remember that Maverick was in love with a different instructor!

  6. Dallas says:

    I don’t think the movie was gay, but Ice is pretty hot now that I look at it again.

  7. Baron says:

    What’s next? Gays of Thunder?

  8. Mike says:

    #7, I guess it also shows how aptly titled “A Few Good Men” was.

  9. David.W says:

    Fucken Quentin fucken Tarantino’s fucken great.

  10. Jeff says:

    Are we actually that insecure with our sexuality that we get offended by someone poking a little fun of us? One has to attempt that it did have some gay moments in it, but that was probably to attract a female audience.

  11. malren says:

    While this video has always cracked me up, and there is a lot of homoerotic overtones to the movie – there’s a hole in the theory that Tarentino’s character puts forth.

    In the actual film, Quentin says the last line is “You can ride my tail anytime.” Iceman actually says “You can be my wing-man anytime.” That;s always ruined the moment for me. Because I’m an idiot.

    Other than that…so gay. A gay fucking fighting FORCE, man.

  12. moe29 says:

    Now we need a video of QT explaining the true meaning of Madonna’s song Like A Virgin! …now that was funny.

  13. MyDogBen says:

    I’m gay and I’m here to tell you my people don’t claim Cruise. You straight people can have him.

  14. gamabunta says:


    Ask and you shall receive



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