Brown v Cameron – exclusive poll puts Labour 13 points adrift – guardian.co.uk – I can’t believe a guy like me would make a pro-left post, but the evidence of a concentrated effort to make the current government look bad keeps piling on.
Gordon Brown is failing to persuade the public that he would make a better prime minister than David Cameron, according to a Guardian/ICM poll published today which suggests the Conservatives could win a working majority at the next general election.
Voters give the Tories a clear 13-point lead when asked which party they would back in a likely contest between Mr Brown, Mr Cameron and Sir Menzies Campbell.
The poll was carried out last weekend, after press reports about the Tory leader’s use of cannabis at school and suggestions in some quarters that he had used hard drugs. The poll also follows the publication of a photograph of Mr Cameron dressed as a member of Oxford’s exclusive Bullingdon dining club, which prompted suggestions that the Tory leader, an old Etonian, would be seen as a elitist toff who could afford dress up in £1,000 jackets.
Quite a coincidence that an article like this would show up after so many articles have appeared attacking the current establishment. As you can see on the blog we have been tracking some stories like these:
British companies caught lying about their pollution levels. Is anybody surprised?
Why don’t British women like sex?
Survey: British Girls Have Largest Boobs in Europe
Save your children – Study indicates that Britain is the worst place to raise them
As you can see from our posts above, we (by ‘we’ I mean me) here at Dvorak Uncensored have come to the conclusion that this is a conspiracy led by big polluters from the conservative party, which is fed up by the level of education in the country, where British women don’t like sex since they know nothing about it. The only thing that keeps people from leaving England is the size of the boobs that their women have. We here at Dvorak Uncensored support boobs, no matter their size, shape, colour or religion.
Please send your hate mail to John.
I think such polls have shown up before the last two Brit elections, and the Tories lose every time.
Yes, this is part of the political game in every truly democratic country. I have to say that some of the tory members give me the creeps, but so do some of the labour members.
Gordon Brown? David Cameron? Conservatives? Tories? Sir Menzies Campbell? Oxford? Bullingdon? Etonian? toff? £? England?
These terms are unfamiliar to me. French, perhaps?
“I’m Ted ‘Tubular’ Stevens, and I approve of boobs and pantless Fridays.”
#3, your questions have been answered, the post has been modified to include the appropriate links to give you more information.
You cannot deny that we here at Dvorak Uncensored are anything but thorough.
This isn’t surprising. Cameron has been attempting to move the Tory’s to the center and has been slowly moving up in the polls. The Tories have been 3 to 7 points up for about 9 months over Labour.
With all the scandels about selling Lordships by Blair, the huge money schemes of Labour, the Billions of pounds poured into the NHS over the last 6 years(without improving service, delivery or reducing wait times, and closeing more and more hospitals because they are going bankrupt), a reduction on prisions monies at the same time that the number of prisinors has risen dramatically, along with the huge numbers(for the UK) of illegal immigrants in custudy, quite a few of which have escaped or been put on house arrest then completely lost(many committing serious crimes such as assult to kill, rape, and murder) and the Labour goverment has no idea where or even who these people are. Add to that Chancellor Browns tax grabs, taking 5 to 7 billion pounds a year from private pension funds, that have left 56% of those in the private sector suddenly without a reliable or adaquate pension upon retirement, but not touching the pensions of those employed by goverment. Making inheiritance taxes retroactive and many more such schemes, it’s no wonder that people are just fed up.
The cost of housing has gotten so high that no one with a normal job can afford to buy even a starter house, plus the huge raise in council taxes, especially in Labour and Lib Democrat controlled councils. New laws against just about everything, Social services taking away children left and right and having them placed for adoption before the real parents can even get a court date to fight it.
You can only be arrogant for so long before the masses just say a pox on your house. Gorden Brown is an unlikable elietist, old line Labour Minister and if that isn’t enough, he’s Scottish, not English, just when Scotland is clamoring for independence and any law passed in Parliment can be voted on by Scottish MP’s, even though it won’t affect Scotland because of devolution, but it can have a huge impact in England or Wales. This is fast becoming a sticking point with English voters.
The most interesting thing I think is the fact that if Scotland, because of devolution, weren’t allowed to vote in national Uk elections, the Tories would have been back in power 2 elections ago. The Tories have not 1 MP in Parliment from Scotland. If Scotland were removed from the equation, the Tories would sweep Parliment.
Thats my answer to your **isn’t it a coincedence** statement. After 10 years of Tony Blair and Labours complete and total bungling, the UK electorate has reached it’s limit I would say.
Oh…..and in case you forgot Gasparini…..The Guardian is a Labour paper.
It’s readership is something like 80% Labour and 10% Liberal Democrat. And the editorial page is almost exclusively left-wing, Liberal Democrat or Labour.
I doubt they are part of a Tory plot.