Marmite Guinness

I realize the above image could make some people feel physically sick, but I’ve personally acquired both these most difficult of tastes, and I’m licking my lips at the prospect of a collaboration.

You’ll probably know about Guinness, but for those of you who aren’t familiar with Marmite, it’s a nutritious, vegan-friendly, British foodstuff originally made from the yeast left over by the beer-brewing process. Usually, it’s spread thinly on toast, and for those who like it, it has a salty, almost meaty flavor. For those who don’t, the flavor is more akin to that of earwax.

In time for St. Patrick’s Day, Guinness yeast extract will be used to make a special spread, limited to 300,000 jars. It’s available today 19 February 2007 for around £2.49 from supermarkets in the UK.

  1. undissembled says:

    Never heard of it before. It can’t be healthy. Can it?

  2. Greg Allen says:

    I like Marmite. I love Guiness. So, this sounds good to me!

  3. Mark says:

    Earwax, um, no thanks. But hey, knock yourself out!

  4. Improbus says:

    I love Guinness Stout maybe I should give this a try.

  5. GregA says:

    I have come to the conclusion that enjoying the taste of beer is genetic. There has to have been an alcoholic in your genealogy for you to like beer. If you lack that bit of color in your lineage, beer is forever beyond your palette.

    My guess is this stuff would make my poo all runny and unmanageable. I will pass.

  6. Greg Allen says:

    Marmite doesn’t really taste like beer — it’s kind of salty, actually.

    As for the “genetics” thing — who knows. My dad certainly liked beer but his mother as a temperance activist! (probably his dad snuck a few, then!)

  7. TJGeezer says:

    Isn’t Marmite a rip-off of the Australian Vegemite product from the 1920s?

    Happy little Vegemites!

  8. TopHat says:

    #6 Marmite came before Vegimite so its actually the other way round.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    My impression is that #8, is correct. Marmite was first.

    It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten Vegemite but I think the two products are fairly different.

    BTW, wasn’t there a story on this board about Vegemite being banned int the US?

    Here: I found it

    But I say, If Vegemite is outlawed, only outlaws will eat Vegemite!


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