Somebody needs to get spanked!

Angry “apple” fan throws a tantrum…and a Dell PC – – I knew that Apple fan boys could be extreme fanatics, but damn, get a grip.

A teen who wanted an apple Macintosh computer (MAC) for Christmas after seeing one of the ubiquitous apple ads on the apple website, but instead got to inherit his father’s older Windows PC, finally got mad early Saturday morning and threw out the inherited Dell PC out of the window in a bizarre case of life imitating “the Internet world”.

The 16 year old boy, Dam Enkhbayar, threw out the computer after it froze while he was downloading video files online. The boy said, “If this had been a Macintosh, I would never have had this problem.”.

‘Would never had this problem’, yeah right. Spoiled and stupid, bad combination.

Said the dad, Mr. Tsolomon Enkhbayar, “I knew he was passionate about getting a Macintosh computer, but I never thought it was that passionate.”

‘Passionate’?, I think you mean psycho.

  1. Joey says:

    This smells of a publicity stunt by the family to get a new Mac from Apple in exchange for a PC they intended on throwing out anyway.

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Yes, yes. Anyone exhibiting a philosophical preference for or loyalty to a OS platform, or type of automobile, or format of recorded music, &c., &c., can be sure to come in for ad hominem attack by would-be “pragmatists,” who egocentrically assume that anyone who can discriminate, and does so, is some kind of finicky, snobbish elitist – or better yet, a “psycho.”

    Go enjoy your unbranded discount gasoline, your ‘white box’ generic food, the whole “I can’t tell the difference, so you must be a sucker or a nut” routine.

    One day, you could try reading Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, paying particular attention to his take on why Quality, as both an abstract philosophical concept and a practical consideration in the material world we inhabit, is essential to a meaningful life.

    I suspect, however, that the whole issue may be a bit over your head…

    That kid who wanted a Mac, OTOH, already knows what I’m talking about.

  3. GregA says:

    No, he is a psyco because he threw the computer out the window.

  4. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    If my father caught me throwing my PC out the window I can assure you that I would not be walking straight for a month.

  5. TK says:

    GImme a break. This is just some spoiled idiot kid who threw a computer out a window. Stupid headline written to generate hits.

  6. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #2 (amended)

    OK, out the window is a bit much… but I consider the fact that he was royally pissed off as somewhat mitigating.

  7. JimR says:

    The father has failed to teach his kid that not everyone can afford the best in quality and reliability, and that a Windoze PC will have to do for now. It’s better than nothing at all.

  8. GregA says:


    He is still psycho because he is complaining about a gift someone gave him. He needs to quit spending all his time complaining, get a job (probably cut his hair as well) and earn some money. Then he can get any damn computer he wants.

  9. John says:

    Seems more likely his parents walked in while he was downloading porn .

  10. Awake says:

    Well, if he were my kid, he would have ‘no downloads’ instead of an interrupted download, since he would not have a computer.
    Same thing with a car… you will drive the car we give you, and you will like it.
    Time for this kid to start paying for his own stuff.
    BTW, why is it that the reliability my laptops and desktops is actually better than the reliability of the Mac systems around us?
    Simple stuff… like for example if a CD gets stuck in the drive of any of my PC’s, I just use a paperclip to release it. Same thing happens on a Mac and I have to take it in for service.

  11. Dick Eades says:

    I hope the kid got his just deserts and wound up with no computer at all, but I doubt it.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    The father of this kid should do two things:

    a) Make him work to earn an iMac and then see how much drive he has when he realizes that he has to work 5 times more than it would to get a PC. PLUS MAKE HIM WORK TO PAY FOR THE PC HE BROKE.

    b) Take him to let’s say The dominican Republic and beat the sh*t out of him, that for sure will cure his spoiled brat attitude.

    That 16yo kid clearly explains the Apple user demographic.

  13. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    We have all been there with out PCs, wanting to pull our hair out for some issue or other when our hardware doesn’t work. PCs or Macs, the technology gods will surely crap on your head from time to time.
    This is all part of the PC experience.

  14. Named says:


    I always forget that the Chinese factories that build Apple computers are so much different than those that build Dells, and that Apple pays their chinese slaves in good, ole fashioned yankee dollars. Wanker.

    DO NOT compare Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance and QUALITY to anything mass produced out of China right now for Apple or otherwise. You just keep sucking Steve Jobs, and I’m sure you’ll get the reach-around you deserve one day.

    Keep on making a fool of yourself Comic Store Guy.

  15. Rick says:

    I dunno…I’m not really feeling good about hanging this bad PR on Apple…and, sure, PR is PR…but this is NOT the spokesperson anyone would want..this is a big weenie.

  16. JimR says:

    There are 5 puters in our house, 4 windoze and a Mac connected by a LAN. There is only one line up… for my Mac, and I’m tired of it. I am looking for 4 used Macs, 500-1GHz CPU. (seriously)

  17. Scott Gant says:

    Well, the headline IS only there to generate hits isn’t it? I mean, not only is it totally wrong, it’s inflammatory.

    The reason it’s wrong? He didn’t own a Mac…therefore how could he be a “fanboy” if he didn’t even own one?

    Also, comparing a 300 dollar Dell to a Mac with the idiotic ramblings of “see, Apple computers are SO much more”. Honestly, have you actually tried to work on one of those 300 dollar Dell wonders? Any decent PC that I’ve bought in the last 5 years has cost me over 1K…even building them myself. But who gives a crap?

    If you don’t like Apple computers, don’t buy them. Who cares? Also Named, where was the computer you’re using right now made? Even if you self made it, where did the component parts get made? I’m guessing China also. So what’s your point again? Or do you make it a point to check every circuit board and part to see where they were all manufactured?

    Getting back to this story, it’s a rotten kid. “He didn’t get a _____ but instead got a _____ which he threw out the window in a tantrum”. There, I’ve taken out the distractions to narrow down the key points of this story.

  18. GregA says:


    I don’t know about Dell, but I am typing this on a Compaq Presario that was ~$500 last August. I have since upgraded to Vista, and I couldn’t be happier. Now days $1k+ gets you into a computer that has a crazy cross fire graphics system and a core duo in it. I am still dubious of the economic utility of a computer with the Xeon multi core processors in it, at least as a desktop computer, as opposed to a video workstation. But then, my needs as an amature photographer, computer professional are pretty meager now days.

  19. Named says:


    Everything in my custom box is china made… No real choice in the matter. See, #2 likes to pretend that Apple makes better quality hardware. He’s blinded to the fact that Apple sources the same parts from the same manufacturers. Plus, #2 constantly raves about how his Apple pleasures him carnally as well as operationally. I have no misconceptions of the like. I used to by first class gear at the cutting edge, but all it gave me were headaches. Now I buy far enough along the curve that the components have gone through some real-world QA and are modern enough to get me through three years are a good performer.

    I have MAC PC’s. I have Toshibas, IBM/lenovos, and custom built white boxes. Guess what? They ALL have problems, they ALL have strengths and the ALL are made in China. But, if I were to go with “quality”, my IBM’s are king. No issues whatsoever. Three logic board replacements for my iBook are quite enough, thank you.

  20. Scott Gant says:

    #19 ah, thanks for clarifying that for me. I tend to agree. It kind of grates on me also the people that take hardware and software so seriously. I mean, get a grip people, they’re just tools.

  21. Named says:


    The people who take things too seriously, especially PC’s and their corporate masters, are tools themselves.

  22. David says:

    I’ve had the exact same experience countless times. Well, minus actually throwing the computer out the window.

    Life is too short for computer rage. Buy a Mac.

  23. BdgBill says:

    I suspect that the fathers use of the word “passionate” instead of “Asshole” means he thinks it’s all the computers fault. I wouldn’t be surprised if the little genius is using his new Mac right now (probably swearing at it, calling it stupid and threatening to throw it out the window also).

    This is exactly the kind of behavior that leads to little Timmy taking an Uzi to school and blowing away his classmates if it is not stopped.

  24. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    How many times did that computer act badly while Dad was using it? But once Junior gets his mitts on it, suddenly it’s loaded with IM, file sharing malware, and who know what else.

    Yeah, it’s the computer that sucks, most definitely.

  25. Brian says:


    Look at the apple fanboys line up rank and file. Totally predictable. Doing just what Dvorak quietly predicted when he made that headline. You dweebs are so easily moved.

  26. none says:

    You dweebs are so easily moved.

    As are the morons that go out of their way to point this out. The Apple fanboys line up rank and file and RIGHT beside them are idiots like you making comments like this. So predictable. So sad. So easily manipulated.

  27. Gasparrini says:

    #23, I don’t get your comment better catch that in a summer Saturday morning.
    Are you translating some phrase from Spanish? Because if it is so I still don’t get it.

    #26, It wasn’t Dvorak who made the post, pay attention. 😉

    Off course, everything has to go through his super-tight filter, he keeps us editors under a very tight leash, and if we get out of line, well, just look at the picture of this post for inspiration.

    Nah, just kidding.

  28. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #10 – Awake

    “Simple stuff… like for example if a CD gets stuck in the drive of any of my PC’s, I just use a paperclip to release it. Same thing happens on a Mac and I have to take it in for service.”

    Restart, holding down the mouse button. Ejects all removable media. Not exactly one of those “Mysteries of the Ancients, known only to a few” that you gotta become a Rosicrucian to find out… 🙂

  29. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #14 – Named

    Your verbal dribble doesn’t even merit “Worst. Retort. Ever, in this thread.

  30. Sundog says:

    29. You HAVE to restart your computer to eject a CD? Really? Sheesh.
    Why again do you think this is superior?


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