Apparently she either wants to look like Dame Edna or Brad Pitt

We at DU, ever vigilant, ever watchful for the events which will change your lives forever bring you around the clock, continuing coverage on the exploits of America’s Sweetheart, Miss Britney Spears. We must rally around her in her hour of distress. Pray for her, children! Let her feel the love!

Britney’s wig hides the bald truth

Another whirl of nightclubs, this time the Roxy and Polo Lounge on Hollywood’s Sunset Strip, did little to allay fears that Miss Spears is spiralling rapidly towards a nervous breakdown.

She stormed out of the first after 45 minutes when the DJ at the karaoke-themed night started playing her first hit Hit Me Baby One More Time in her honour.

Fellow clubbers noticed how she continually broke off from her group to go to the toilet cubicle, each time returning looking increasingly unhinged.
At 1pm on that day the popstar arrived alone – this time in a blue wig – and tried unsuccessfully to book a room, since she had neither money nor a credit card, just a piece of paper carrying a partial credit card number.

As if this weren’t enough for our little darling…

A couple of tourists felt sorry for her and took her upstairs to their room. Then they took her to the gift shop, she went back and forth trying on three different bathing suits.

‘But bizarrely she then went to the pool and tried to shave her legs.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    You think she’s going for the Natalie Portman look in “V for Vendetta?”

    Sorry, Britney, you’re not as hot.

  2. Tom 2 says:

    She is one crazy ****.

  3. Sounds The Alarm says:

    If it walks like trailer trash & it talks like trailer trash….

    Listen Brittany – take some sound advise from ‘little old Sounds here – go directly to Vivid Video and start that porn career you were always destined to achieve. Do it while someone would actually pay good money to see your dead stupid ass getting trapezed!

  4. You have to wonder how much can anyone handle in the public limelight when they themselves are not controlling it as might be the case with someone like Paris Hilton. Our fascination with these people is our fascination with human nature not the people themselves.

    This woman is supposedly worth $100 million and is putting herself through this turmoil. She’s one step away from bringing an AK-47 into a club and shooting up the place.

    She’s going to end up locked up.

    And the suggestion that she go into porn may be humorous, but is in fact genius. It would rock porn.

  5. Pfkad says:

    I wish you guys would quit doing this. I see this privileged, coddled, clueless celebrity going down in flames and I just enjoy the hell out of it. Then I hate myself for being such a petty, cruel, resentful jerk. I wonder who needs help most: me or her.

  6. Gary Marks says:

    I saw the famous photo of Britney when she was in such a hurry getting dressed that she forgot to wear undies. Let’s just say that this new photo of her bald head sorta reminds me of that one.

    If we’re gonna have a pool, I say she’s in rehab by March 5th, 11:00 AM Pacific.

  7. #5 — we cannot stop, this is what we do best…

    #6 — what a great idea for a website!!!

  8. J says:

    I can just imagine how any of you would fair under the same scrutiny. How many of you were successful at her age? How many of you are successful now? She is trying to cope the best she can with a life none of you could even possibly understand I am not saying feel sorry for her but why do you have to beat on her at every single instance?

    Most of the I would say to “famous” people “Hey you asked for it!”. But this girl was too young to understand the down side of fame before she was thrust into it.

  9. RTaylor says:

    Does anyone else think the photo of her bald looks like Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket before he goes homicidal ?

  10. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Her carpet now matches her drapes, as it were.

    I don’t care for her music, at all, but it is sad that the press is covering this so closely. Clearly she’s in some sort of pain/trouble/turmoil/whatever, and other than being a cute singer of questionable skill and excellent bazoomage, she hasn’t done anything to deserve ridicule.

    Everyone picked on K-fed, but he’s looking pretty normal now, eh?

  11. Sundog says:

    “Fellow clubbers noticed how she continually broke off from her group to go to the toilet cubicle, each time returning looking increasingly unhinged.”

    This behaviour is most probably drug related. Cocaine I suspect. She really should get some help. Not that I care, but been there done that.

  12. TJGeezer says:

    Between sips of Schadenfreude, consider. This young woman who grew up without a lot of money suddenly made money before she was even old enough to realize it wasn’t something she was naturally entitled to. Too much money too soon destroys a LOT of young celebrities, talented or otherwise.

    There’s a retired supermodel in my general area, where I ilve in Baja California, who made something like $1 million in large chunks of cash before she was 25. She continued a very successful modeling career into her forties – cover of Vogue, worldwide photo shoots, etc. Now at age 47, she’s living in Mexico, almost broke, and STILL not recovered from the prima donna feeling that she is entitled to lash out at others, have tantrums, etc. Her major assets were either stolen by agents and lawyers or wasted on impulse. Now she’s trying to write a book about her life, but she doesn’t really understand what happened to her because she never grew through it.

    This is a real person, whom I have met, but I won’t spend time around her. She is simply too damned unpleasant to those around her. And it looks like the same sort of thing is happening to Ms. Spears.

    There. Moment of compassion over. Ha ha ha, lookit the bitch suffer.

  13. Mark says:

    Some women can actually pull off the bald look. But not many, and certainly not BS.

  14. Jeff says:

    Who cares…Zzzz…. I can’t wait for the live week to week coverage of her hair growing back.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    Kevin’s gonna get the kids,
    Kevin’s gonna get the kids,
    Kevin’s gonna get the kids,
    (just keep repeating)

  16. Mike T says:

    I really think this girl has lost her mind. I don’t think she is even doing this stuff to get publicity anymore — I honest to god think she’s flipped. She’ll be dead in five years if not sooner.

  17. Carlos says:

    Aren’t we overdue on that sex tape?

  18. Aric says:

    Her sex tape has been out for weeks on youtube…

  19. Mark says:

    18. Nice one, but I like her better bald.

  20. Carolyn says:

    #8 I’m sorry but too young is no excuse to act the way Brittney Spears is acting. She just enjoyed too much of it and thought she can do whatever she wanted. Ever since she made a comment that, “She didn’t ask to be a role model for kids”. Which is part of being a pop star celebrity duh….but really she just wantedo be a role model for white trash which is what she is!!!

    I could name a few who started at the same age as her and they didn’t even loose control the way she has. All these things going on and where are her kids???? She’s a celebrity yet the worst parent ever in the public eye…..

  21. Milo says:

    Paris can handle her drugs at least.

  22. Aric says:

    #19, This one is much better…

  23. KayFed says:

    They have no cluse..
    unless you can walk through 3d in 2d
    this pos runs like a ford

  24. undissembled says:

    Wow John. Your comments are almost as bad as mine!

  25. J says:


    Show me the contract that says you have the responsibility to be a role model when you become famous. It doesn’t exist. These people are artists. Some of you may disagree with her talent but that is because you don’t know what talent is and don’t have any yourself.

    White trash? Why because she came from a lower middle class family? What of her life do you actually know other than what you see in the tabloids? I know plenty of people who came from better homes and have very high status that act much worse.

    Name me one person that started as young and has hit the level of success and demand that she has that doesn’t have major problems.

    Do you have kids? Did you EVER go out without them before they were 2? Did you ever get drunk after having your kids? EVER?

    You have NO idea nor can you even imagine what her life is like. Who are you to judge her anyway? I bet if we probed into your life we could dig up enough dirt that you would look as bad or worse.

    Don’t be so quick to pass judgment on people you only know through the press!

  26. Roc Rizzo says:

    Bummer… She missed her juggler vein!

  27. Carolyn says:

    Yeah, J #25 first of all I have a right to judge as do everyone else on here. You asked me if I have kids. Yeah, I do and ever since my son was born I spend every minute with him unless he’s at school and I’m at work. I also chose my son over going out and getting drunk. I don’t depend on anyone to care for him. I also go out when I want to but I know my limits.

    Do your research and look back at when she first started and she’ll talk about kids her age and being a role model for them. Then after she started being all trashy. That’s when she tried to say she didn’t ask to be a role model. Get with the program!! That is why Celebrities need to watch what they do and say because everyone will catch it. That’s part of being a celebrity. You think a person can gain popularity being an entertainment by hiding out and never showing their face.

    Now let me give you an example of someone who is her age that didn’t loose it. Christina Aguillera!! She had some bad publicity at one point because of an album but you don’t see her going out partying and doing all kinds of other stunts. Smoking, drinking, partying, showing live footage of how trashy she is and other shitt!!! Have you seen Brittney/Kfed on their reality show….Okay if you seen that then you’ll know what I’m talking about. That is why it’s called a reality show!!! (Live/Un-edited for the public to see)….but then maybe your a fan of brittney spears and like that sort of crap……

    Also there are so many celebrities that are on the magz that actually show them and their kids spending time with each other even going to the park. Even some who are single parents, Yet you don’t see them out there partying.


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