Worldwide political correctness makes for the Aquarian Age! Huzzah!

Global politics. Those words send shudders down my spine. WorldPublicOpinion has created a report after questioning almost 28000 people from various parts of the world. And the prevailing reason for turmoil?

The global public believes that tensions between Islam and the West arise from conflicts over political power and interests and not from differences of religion and culture, according to a BBC World Service poll across 27 countries.

Is this a surprise to Dvorak readers? The read is very interesting, but there is always some who believe otherwise.

Asked whether “violent conflict is inevitable” between Muslim and Western cultures or whether “it is possible to find common ground,” an average of 56 percent say that common ground can be found between the two cultures, which is the most common response in 25 countries. On average almost three in ten (28%) think violent conflict is inevitable; Indonesia is the only country where this view predominates, while views are divided in the Philippines.

The views seem to vary depending on how much you are under attack.

  1. ECA says:

    It has its roots in the past, and the religious crusades.
    It also has its bering in the Oil that is there.
    It also has relationship to when the Western civ’s in the Late 1800’s and early 1900’s tried to control the middle east.
    It also has to do with the mentality of the WHITE over anyother color, idea and how SOME cant figure out that Christ WASNT white…

    something that many may not understand, is that IF’ you gave a free Passport to ANY that would want it, and they could Live outside of the middle east and its oppression… about 1/2 of those nations people would LEAVE…esp if you promised them a job.

    I could say the same about many nations..

  2. Nick says:

    “The global public believes that tensions between Islam and the West arise from conflicts over political power and interests and not from differences of religion and culture.”

    And what does “the global public” (whoever that may be) “believe that” the “tensions between Islam” and its victims elsewhere other than the West “arise from”?

    I thinking of in Sudan (in particular Darfur), of the the Christians and Animists in Nigeria, Ethiopia and elsewhere in Africa, the Buddhists in Thailand, Hindus and others in India, Bali, Indonesia and elsewhere, Jews in Israel, the inhabitants of the Phillipines–and really, when it comes down to it, anywhere else where Islam comes into contact with anyone else at all. (Not, of course, that there isn’t vicious conflict *within* Islam, that is to say, between Sunni Islam and Shi’ite Islam–see Iraq, Afghanistan, and various other locations–because when there are no infidels to oppress someone from another sect will do.)

    Of course, we’re not supposed to even raise such questions–and certainly not if we’re employed by the BBC.

  3. Smith says:

    “The global public believes that tensions between Islam and the West arise from conflicts over political power and interests and not from differences of religion and culture, according to a BBC World Service poll across 27 countries.”

    How does one separate “tensions between Islam and the West” from “conflicts over political power?” If the government of concern is a theocracy based upon Islam, then doesn’t politics require that western culture be held at bay?

    Religion is all about the salvation of one’s soul. Within that context, absolutes are easily identified and manipulated by those responsible for showing you the path toward salvation. It really doesn’t matter if 99.99% of the followers of Islam can find common ground for getting along with the West. As long as the mullahs can convince that 0.01% to strap a bomb to their chest, conflict will prevail.

  4. tomdennis says:

    When their textbooks teach their children at an early age to believe that non Muslims are infidels that can be destroyed then there will be always trouble.
    Teach them young as the bible belt does and you have their minds.
    We just have to follow the money that pays for those books.

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    When such numbers of people actually believe such patently idiotic nonsense as “it’s not religious”, well, the PC crowd, such as those wonderful folks at the Beeb, should be proud.

    Best brainwash-job ever.

    I wonder what they’ll say when a non-religious sucide bomber finds his way to Shepherd’s Bush…

  6. OmarThe Alien says:

    Most of us could, in fact, find common ground, but there will always be those who will push the buttons of the fanatic minority, for whatever reasons, be it boredom or wish to sell more weapons or just some kind of messianic complex. There are evil people in the world, and they are not exclusive to any one religion, ethnicity or nation.

  7. traaxx says:

    Whatever the buttons, OmarThe Alien, the buttons the muslims have been pushing have been pushed since the 800’s when Mohammad begain to spread the ‘religion of peace’ by the sword through rape, pilliage, and death. I guess what the muslims never say is that the peace Islam brings is the peace of eternal sleep.

  8. fnberger says:

    i really like this website for its most controversal discussions.

    in fact the only difference between the christian and the musllim religion is: christianity is a few hundred years older, and more seasoned. there was reformation, enlightenment, the atrocities of christianity (burning of innocent young women, torturing of scientists, mindless killing of strangers, etc.) were fought back. in the islam, this process has just begun to unfold, and is severely hindered by the war for control over oil, giving more public attention to fundamentalists. and yet the islam appears surprisingly peaceful: there is no jihad going on. if there was a jihad, we’d all be dead. but WMDs never existed.

    relax, fellow western imperialists, we are still safe. and please note: there is no god. none.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    Goodness gracious! Leave it to you guys to read this article negatively!. When I read it, I was happy to find some good news

    As far as I’m concerned the problem is conservatism. more than religion.

    You make the deduction: if you get a room full of liberal Muslims and Christians together, soon we’re doing group hugs and singing Kumbaya.

    If you get a room full of conservative Muslim and Christians together, soon they’re ripping each other’s throats out.

    The violent difference is conservatism vs. liberalism, not Islam vs. Christianity. And it isn’t just religion — conservative (secular) nationalists also tend to be bomb throwers.

    The main reason Islam has more radicals is because it has more conservatives.

  10. noname says:

    Anyone who thinks Islam is a religion of peace has their head in the sand and delusional, period.

    Islam from the beginnings and through history has been about one bloody endeavour after another. A fraction of their bloody encounters have been with Christians, the majority has been against locals and themselves.

    History shows, a big part of Islam is following Mohamed, a consummate murderer. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Allot of Islamic training, is armed training for Jihad. Islam and Mohamed is more about death and war then peace!

  11. Greg Allen says:

    #11 Anyone who thinks Islam is a religion of peace has their head in the sand and delusional, period.

    Not a period! Not even a semi-colon.

    I’m curious… you base definitive conclusion on knowing how many Muslims?

    I personal know, have worked with or have met THOUSANDS of Muslims. Heck, I have four or five mosques right around my house and I’m surrounded!

    I can say that the VAST VAST majority are about as peaceful as the average Christian I know.

    Christianity Judaism — heck, even Hinduism — have their conservative violent wings

    Those same religions also have their peaceful liberal wings.

    The most I will concede is that Islam has a somewhat larger wing of radicals than some other religions. But still, we’re talking about the teeny fraction of the whole.

    Not that we Christians have anything to brag about. We have a very large, militant wing of our faith — and I don’t just mean during the Crusades. Witness the zeal and imprint of Christianity in our war on Iraq. The main difference between the militant wing of our faith and theirs is that they deliver their bombs differently.

    And have you read our scriptures? They’re as bloody as hell! That’s why I tend to keep to the New Testament! 😉


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