These butts are “legal” in West Texas

Police arrested eight Chippendales dancers and three others during the first of three sold out performances Friday, accusing them of violating the city’s adult entertainment ordinance.

Shortly after, several hundred women began chanting, “Bring them back, bring them back” and “the City Council sucks, the City Council sucks.”

Authorities say the dancers violated a city ordinance which bars contact between entertainers and patrons. Lt. Greg Stevens of the Lubbock Police said the dancers were simulating sexual positions with audience members.

The Lubbock Police Department occasionally spends time simulating adult, educated peace officers. Otherwise, they’re out running errands for local idiots.

  1. ECA says:

    whats good for the goose, is good for the gander..

  2. Joe says:

    its texas, Need I say more

  3. Al says:

    #2 – Joe, you cannot sum up an entire state in one sentence any more than you can sum up an entire race or country with one statement. Your ignorance is hanging out; such statements are offensive.

    The problem isn’t Texas – it is Lubbock. Lubbock COUNTY allows alcohol sales and FULLY NAKED strip clubs. Immediately outside the city limits there are so many liquor stores and strip clubs that it makes for an odd scene. Driving into Lubbock, one sees nothingness for about 50 miles, then about 2 miles of neon, then Lubbock (nothingness again).

  4. Awake says:

    And the people that were being harmed by the conduct of the Chippendales dancers are… thinking… thinking… nope… can’t think of ANYBODY being harmed in any way.
    Stupid, stupid, stupid use of tax dollars.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    I bet some men in blue will not get some from their wives for a long time.

  6. The Aussie says:

    Are these the same guys trying to ban the word scrotum too?

    They, too, deserve the ‘sack’.

  7. Pierre says:

    #3 – Al, you cannot sum up an entire city in one sentence any more than you can sum up an entire race or country with one statement. Your ignorance is hanging out; such statements are offensive.

  8. moss says:

    #7 — of course you can — and prove the point with the exceptions. Yes, there is a statue to Buddy Holly in Lubbock for example. There’s also a great song about the best view of Lubbock being one in your rear view mirror.

    Lubbock was — and is — the last bastion of the racist Deep South in West Texas. Plenty of folks in the South End of town will tell you about that.

    Characterizing a culture presumes the listener to be bright enough to comprehend the breadth and variations within that theme — unless they’re incapable.

  9. Pmitchell says:

    #8 racist is the last thing you should call Lubbockites. You are obviously not from there, (I am ) Bible thumpers they are but racist they aren’t and you should be ashamed of that broad accusation.

    Lubbock is the only place the liquor store owners and Baptists are on the same (Lubbock is a dry city ) and the liquor store owners dont want any competition from the c stores and grocery stores so they work to keep the city dry

    as for the bust of the dancers, I can only hang my head in shame for the ignorance of the people who called for it ,and for those who thought it was a good idea

  10. moss says:

    #9 — “obvious” is may be your word; but, your own history ain’t up to date. Most of the families I have hung with in Lubbock date back to before June Teenth, bro’ — have someone explain that to you + the fact that Lubbock had to have federal oversight of a segregated school system longer than any other town in Texas.

    Racism is part of your history you should recognize and deal with — instead of living in denial.

  11. Pmitchell says:

    #10 BRO Lubbock wasnt in existence at juneteenth, “bro” read your history better it wasnt founded until 1890

    The fact that Lubbock fought a stupid decision to drag kids miles from their local school to ride on buses for hours in the name of equality doesn’t make them racist. Ask your juneteenth friends if they wanted to walk to their neighborhood school, or ride a bus for an hour to a school across town full of people they dont know, so they can simply go to school with some one who has a different color skin. Desegregation of schools didn’t and wont stop racism education stops racism.

    it sounds to me like you need some more education because you sir are the racist ,not Lubbock

  12. moss says:

    It was called Lubbock years before 1890, dude. Googling doesn’t solve your excuses for segregation, either. All of the Confederate states play the same denial song. Your copouts ain’t any different. Or new.

    Figured you wouldn’t have any June Teenth friends of your own.

  13. Gary Marks says:

    Debate public nudity all you want, but the photo shows that the real problem in Lubbock is “crack” 😉

  14. moss says:

    Funny. Got me thinking back, since I didn’t grow up in the Southwest — the first June Teenth celebration I went to actually was in Lubbock. 1987.

    Hell, Plainview Baptists are even worse. First client I had in Plainview, I walked in the door to his business and his opening question was , “what denomination are you?”

    All I could think of is why is this dude asking me about currency?

  15. Pmitchell says:

    it wasn’t a Google I am from Lubbock and I know my history

    Lubbock was formed from 2 towns old Lubbock and Monterey they merged into Lubbock but used the Monterey location and it wasnt called Lubbock at all before the merger old Lubbock was about where New Deal is currently located and it was only a settlement

    your showing your racist ignorance, south Lubbock is primarily white yuppies. So it is obvious you dont know Lubbock, east Lubbock is still primarily black and minority ( and it actually the prettier area of town with a canyon and lakes running through it )

    just a question Moss are you a follower of the Nation of Islam you certinaly spout their racists rhetoric

  16. god says:

    Aside from the hilarious rendition of local prudes (in the article), the funnier bit is watching dweebs whose defense of bigotry is as impassioned as is the defense of creationism, imperial military adventures and other anachronistic leftovers.

  17. moss says:

    Tee hee. Haven’t been in Lubbock since, oh, 1994.

    Tell me, do they still have signs at those pristine lakes warning folks NOT to eat any fish they catch — because of pesticide runoff from the cotton plantations?

  18. Duane says:

    I live in Lubbock right now (although I am moving in 6 days). This town’s city council is hellbent (for lack of a better term) on pushing its own morals on the entire population. Honestly, you couldn’t find a single council member who ISNT a big connection to the church crowds here. Also, all those strip clubs in Lubbock are pretty much shut down. The city has closed them on technicalities in the permit filing process.

    One thing that the article doesn’t tell you is that the Lubbock Police and NewsChannel 11 were at the show FROM THE BEGINNING. So apparently the city was just waiting to take action. The men in the show hadnt even gotten to take their pants off. Some were shirtless, but none more than that.

    Honestly, even if Jake’s had requested the permit, it’s a pretty big bet that the city wouldn’t have even granted it to them. Also, Jake’s lost a little over $1,000 in bar tabs because the cops emptied the place right out with a quickness.

    I hope Chippendale’s sues the city of Lubbock for their stupidity!!! It’s sad, because this will definitely help ruin the entertainment indsutry in that town…..and there’s ALREADY not much to do!!!

  19. 1972 bo lchs says:

    If the morals of the Lubbock Police and City leaders are communist they are well on the way to their goal. I was bussed to Dunbar in 1970 it was no picnic for anyone. I was lucky enough to transfer out after a murder in the hall. The goverment cannot make bad people good so why do we let them try to run so much of our life. I did one thing right about 1993 I saw the things coming so I sold all Lubbock city property and got out I have been able to monitor what my savings on property tax alone is now $32,000.00 I hope I have moved far enough out to keep the land grabbing dictators off my property until I die .

  20. 1972 bo lchs says:

    New Deal is still Monroe on some maps I have.

  21. Megan says:

    Okay… Lubbock is racist. We’ve had segregation laws saying that blacks can’t live east of (I think Avenue Q) until about a year ago.

    Number two: This Chippendales thing is totally a load of crap. The entire city is pissed off about this, partly because the LPD has lately been on a crusade to suck money out of our wallets by installing red light cameras (and then, probably shortening yellow light times to increase revenue AND accidents/injuries). Two people were stabbed and killed the same night that the police were sitting out en masse in front of a bar with a paddywagon. THEN, when the city holds a town hall meeting to discuss some other issue, the city council WALKS OUT because the majority of the people there were there to protest this. All the mayor says is, this has nothing to do with a crusade against sex, but I can’t say anything else because of a gag order. Then, Mr. Mayor David Miller, what is it about? Because I’m pretty sure that blowing on a woman’s neck (which is apparently what prompted the arrests) is NOT simulating a sex act, but there’s not a whole lot else the dancers were doing. At the time of the arrests, some of them were shirtless – but anyone who knows about the Chippendales dancers knows that they are NOT nude dancers.

    And Number Three… the total estimated cost of damages is not $1,000. Since Jake’s Sports Bar and Grill (the location of the incident) must refund tickets, they will take a $20,000 hit. In addition, because the police forced everyone to leave and didn’t let anyone close their tab, Jake’s is facing an estimated loss of over $90,000.00.

    Yep. This is a huge embarrasment.

  22. Megan says:

    My mistake: overall losses for the night totalled $90,000.

  23. 1972 bo lchs says:

    Sorry you said Lubbock is racist you are so wrong. People are racist I am and I cant help it and I am willing to admit it,because I had polio at the age of 18months so I have been discriminated against all of 55+ years most the it was other people deciding what i could or could not do in only their own mind. Hate does not come from knowledge but lack faith in your self and others the city shows they have no faith in us to even know how much water to use or when to stop at a light . smoke swim or any thing else they think they can control. The hunters south of town better watch out some info says they want to ban guns for hunting in Lubbock. the love of Jesus is the only thing that kept my sorry self out of the kkk at a early childhood I still want all of my brothers and sisters in the lord to find the peace he offers lets just make each other remember good people silent lets bad people rule

  24. 1972 bo lchs says:

    The news texasize and the rest are just letting the city lie about the other shows that have came to Lubbock to perform. I worked for Lubbock Sound when we did some of the male review shows at Villa, Midnight rodeo,Players, and Chips. There was so much going on during some of shows I blushed, but that is understandable my girlfriend was right in there with them ( i did not complain to her later) so maybe if jakes would let the cops have their night out (If you dont let them drink and drive around on flat tires) they might be in a better mood. All I would like to see is freedom in Lubbock like it was when I grew up.

  25. Pheau-Tog says:

    I’ve lived in Lubbock for 30 years now. I move here from a large progressive city. My observation about this city is that it has two distinct characteristics. Number one being that it , being a city of just over 200,000 population, it is still small enough to keep the ratio of nut cases down to a reasonable level. For that reason, it is still a sane place to settle down and raise a family. There’s always plenty of things to do in Lubbock. Number two, being that the “establishment” is trying to make themselves out to be ultra-conservative and usually appear to be very self-righteous. This is the troublesome part of living in Lubbock. The city is, on the surface, to the viewing public, and the national news, and the Dixie Chicks, very backwards and conservative. But I have perceived in the people that I rub shoulders with in daily life, that the population is actually very progressive and very liberal. They are actually what some people would term to be hypocrites. I myself am also one of these. I attend church regularly, professing to be a God-fearing human being. I treat my fellow man with respect. I give to people on the street when given the opportunity and am confronted with a homeless person. I share my talents and assets with people less fortunate than myself. But, I still find myself lusting after the opposite sex, as any normal male does. I find myself partaking of an occasional beer after a really hard week at work. I curse bad drivers in traffic, occasionally honking at them and giving them the bird of paradise salute. I’m imperfect.
    In conclusion, I must say that the Mayor, city council and the “makers of the law” in Lubbock have, over the years shown their true colors and proven to the nation and their constituents that they are truly very self-serving and have their own agendas as “priority one”. They don’t seem to have the best interest of the population as their first priority. I suggest that we impeach them as soon as possible.
    I hope this sheds some light on what the average Lubbockite observes from inside the gates of the city.

  26. Tres says:

    This town is one of the worst places to live in the world. Freedom in this country is an illusion. We cant drink, smoke, or trust our hips with out the Man laying down the law. Just because they dropped the charges dose not change anything. You may remember a few years ago when the Man arrested several students at a football game, I was one of them. My charges were dropped but i still spent a night in jail and hours on a bus of piss and puke, since then my view has been jaded. PEOPLE WAKE UP. We live in a town that has restrictions similar to Saudi Arabia. Just remember, to stay out of jail keep your nose in a Bible. By the way I use to be a very religious guy then I moved to Lubbock, there are more hypocrites here then anywhere. The ones that arn’t hypocrites are so damn ignorant that they only believe in Jesus and Bill O’Riely, not Democracy or freedom. Just remember Christians are more similar to Muslim extremest then you think, we both deny that sex and drugs exist, only difference is they cut off your head we take your money!

  27. shotgunn says:


  28. manny says:

    I was born in Lubbock and lived here until I moved about 10 years ago. I have to say that the only things that have changed is the population. Lubbock has gotten alot bigger but the city council still has that same small town mayberry mentality. A dry city of this size is unheard of these days and as far as the strip clubs. I believe the city council is just trying to push there own holier than thou views on the city and does not care what the real citizen wants. Like I said I don’t live in Lubbock anymore but for the sake of the city in the future, please get these people out of the positions this upcoming election and vote for some new blood that understands that Lubbock can be so much more without having people like Mr. Mller and the rest of the council holding it back and maybe then Lubbock won’t be the laughing stock of Texas or the country


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