Next week, the House of Reps are to debate the President’s “surge” deployment. Leaked letters released by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) revealed brilliant Republican strategy; ignore it! Ah, you just can’t have a good debate when one side isn’t participating..

In the letter, leading conservative Reps. John Shadegg (R-AZ) and Peter Hoekstra (R-MI) inform their allies: “The debate should not be about the surge or its details. This debate should not even be about the Iraq war to date, mistakes that have been made, or whether we can, or cannot, win militarily.” Shadegg and Hoekstra warn, if conservatives are forced to debate “the surge or the current situation in Iraq, we lose.”

What do you call a debate that ignores the parameters?

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    What do you call a debate that ignores the parameters?

    Typical Republican Politics?

  2. igor says:

    mister justin’s first post?
    no info about him on the “about us” page

  3. Milo says:

    It’s called faith based foreign policy.

  4. Mister Justin says:


    Hey! I’ve posted before!

  5. JT says:

    Republicans in Congress must think the President’s war policies are a lost cause if they won’t even bother to show up and defend it. At least that’s the message they’re sending to the American public by ignoring the debate.

  6. Named says:


    Ah, but will any of the major “news” sources report it?

  7. malren says:

    Anyone vet this story or this leaked letter and find out of it’s real yet, or are we all cheerleading because it confirms presuppositions?

    Just asking, since no one else is.

  8. Jim W. says:

    lets see

    Democrat strategy: vote on one non-binding resolution after another
    Republican strategy: ignore debates on a non-binding resolution

    hooray for gridlock

  9. ECA says:

    I was wondering…
    the Pres declared the war…But he dont fight it…
    The pentigon does..
    so Who is to blame for stratigy??

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    if conservatives are forced to debate “the surge or the current situation in Iraq, we lose.”

    What do you call a debate that ignores the parameters?


  11. OmarThe Alien says:

    The Democrats won on one isue: Get us out of Iraq. But apparently no one is listening, instead throwing tons of bullshit in the face of the American voter. The prez heaps disrespect upon disrespect, sending even more troops in after the American people have spoken, and the other guys just lay back and take it. Why did we even have an election?
    We need to load the wagons and bring our people, our equipment and our money home. Yes, there will be a bloodbath when we leave, but there is one going on now, and American blood is being shed on the streets along with Arab blood.
    Bring our people home and lets spend some of that money on health care and alternative fuels, to name just a couple things that would be a better deal than death and destruction.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    Here’s a way to stop this war PRONTO:

    A war tax.

    Conservatives hate taxes more than they love war. If they actually had to PAY for this stinkin’ war, they’d figure a way out fast.

    I recommend that the war tax be based on the same formula as Bush’s tax cuts — weighted heavily on the top. The conservatives can’t complain, considering how they’ve been telling us what a fair and reasonable formula this is.

  13. Dallas says:

    #12 would be a great idea but the republicans have long since found the work around – Borrow it , not tax it!

    The GOP answer is that they never tax and spend. They borrow and spend. Since americans know that borrowing is like free money, it works pretty well.

    I think the answer is the one the country is hopefully on. Simply vote out the GOP FOREVER with the new generation of young Americans They were mere elementary school children when the Bush regime took over with the help of the Christian Taliban. 20 more months of nuclear winter.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, Greg

    Good point.

    I would also attach a war tax on companies providing war materials and support. Sure, allow them a healthy profit, 10% of capitol worth should suffice.

  15. MikeN says:

    >I would also attach a war tax on companies providing war materials

    Great way to raise the price of the war.

    We already have a war tax where the wealthiest pay more. It’s called the income tax.

  16. TJGeezer says:

    15 – Good man! Keep those blinders on.

  17. richard davis says:

    I wonder what it would be like to go through life knowing that nearly all of the world’s population, including your parents and wife, hate your guts and think you are a moron? That might be the definition of insecurity…


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