Spiderman is no match for me!

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Devon | Shock at women goading toddlers — What is wrong with these people?

Footage of four women goading toddlers to fight has “stunned” police and social services in Devon. The seven-minute footage, filmed at a house by one woman, was shown in a case at Plymouth Magistrates’ Court. In the clip, a boy wearing a nappy was called a “wimp” for not hitting a girl back after she struck him in the face.

  1. Mr. Magoo says:

    George Bluth is already preparing his lawsuit…

  2. Mac Guy says:

    Anyone want to start a pool on how long it’ll take for YouTube to have the video posted?

    And by that turn, how long it will take YouTube to take it down?

  3. James Hill says:

    Hopefully not much longer than it will take to get the addresses of these women out in the public.

  4. Graeme Allon says:

    Please put your anti-British comments here.

  5. TJGeezer says:

    What’s next, a cage match with dog prods for the two-year-old wimps who don’t want to fight?

    This is just too weird. I’m having trouble getting my mind around it as anything more than a sick fantasy. For once I think I agree with James Hill – publish their names and addresses and see if peer pressure can remodel their thinking a bit. Poor kids.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – I’d make kids fight too, if all I had was bad teeth and bad cooking…

    Hmmm… Even I’m getting tired of that joke 🙁

    Oh well…

  7. tallwookie says:

    woot!! less english to worry about!

  8. bhk says:

    #7 and living in a council home with no prospect of doing anything productive and interesting.

  9. Graeme Allon says:

    Just you wait – one day an American will do something bad – then we’ll see who is laughing.

  10. Oil Of Dog says:

    Now that’s funny!!:-)

  11. hibiscusroto says:

    Proof that any asshole can be a parent.

  12. iain says:

    See we british can be nutters too! Also you note they are from Devon. They are odd down there. Their mothers knew their brothers too well if you know what I mean! As the story says the mothers are all from the same family!!!!!

  13. Graeme Nimmo says:

    The problem isn’t just with the English, in Scotland the newest fashion accesory is a child.

    When I was back in high school (ok, so it was 4-5 years ago, but that is still recent) there was a 14 year old girl who had a child, but the worst part of it was that it was her 3rd pregnancy, but had the previous 2 termintated. I am sickened to go into my local town centre, the shopping centre should change their slogan to – “The Oak Mall – Where young mother is an understatement!”

    I believe it was Boris Jonston who said this and I do quite agree “All people who live in council houses should be neutered.”

    It is concerning though that the mothers would want to film their children having a fight, the Children’s Panel should remove those children from their care.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    “This was a multi-agency operation with the police and social services working together and every professional that has seen this has been shocked and stunned,” he said

    C’mon, give me a break. How prejudicial can you get. While I disagree with this behavior, it did not rise to the level of a gross crime requiring the “stunned” reaction by the police and social workers. If this is the worse they have seen then they really need to get out more. I can only assume that they are not very professional.

    I guess the question to ask is “was any child injured in the making of this film”?


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