News from The Associated Press — What is wrong with these people? Since when did schools use prison terminology to categorize their actions. Lockdown? Over Batman?

Three schools in the north Phoenix suburb of Cave Creek were on lockdown for about 45 minutes Wednesday morning after a student at Desert Arroyo Middle School reported seeing a person dressed as Batman run across campus, jump a fence and disappear into the desert, Scottsdale police Sgt. Mark Clark said.

The student described the person as 6 feet 3 inches tall and possibly male. “We’re assuming it was male, although they did have a mask on,” Clark said.

Officers combed the desert around the middle school. A nearby elementary school and high school also were on lockdown as officers sought the caped crusader. The result – no Batman.

found by Tallwookie

  1. NSILMike says:

    Sigh…it’s either this or the opposite:
    (‘Faux’ News channel Exposes Lax Security at Mass. Schools)

  2. GregA says:

    For anyone who doesn’t know, schools now have lock down and defend against the school shooter drills, just like the fire and tornado drills we had back in the day.

  3. SN says:

    I kind of agree with the school. Did you see the way he was driving in that last movie? He probably killed about 50 people!

  4. Joe says:


    maybe he was chasing the joker!

  5. Improbus says:

    Holy masked crusader Batman!

  6. TristanP says:

    Who is protecting Gotham City with Batman running around in Arizona?

  7. ECA says:

    Please dont make me Laugh at this…

  8. gtriamy says:

    Ok, granted, anyone in a batman costume would be funny. On the other side of this, there are freaks out there… that “like” children. Normally, they are shunned by society and pushed into the edges of our community, but sometimes they reside right smack in the middle of our lives, and we don’t know it. And every once in a while, these freaks will end up being clowns, or teachers and other such jobs where contact with children is a given.
    Given this information, if you were a parent, would you be happy with the school your children attend if all they did when an adult runs through the school in a batman costume is laugh?

    And btw, there has been lockdown procedures for schools for a very long time.

  9. SN says:

    6. “Who is protecting Gotham City with Batman running around in Arizona?”

    Batwoman, Robin, Darkwing, the Huntress, Jason Blood, Ragman, the Question, Plastic Man, Zatara and Zatanna, and the Black Canary.

    And Gotham’s first superhero was not Batman, it was the Green Lantern. Early comics originally placed Batman in New York.

    (Gee, wikipedia has such a great wealth of useless information!)

  10. David says:

    #8: Would I be happy with the school? No, I would pull my kids out of there the first chance I get. Imagine the kind of people that could sneak into the school while the security guards were out searching for Batman.

    Paranoia is no excuse for incompetence.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    The school’s personnel was affraid Batman will take another boy.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    And btw, there has been lockdown procedures for schools for a very long time.

    A very long time is very suggestive. Anything less then 10 years I would consider relatively recent. Anything more then 20 years I would consider a long time. And if it happened when I went to school, which it never did, I would consider it a very long time.

    Hhrmmph, kids today!!!

  13. Awake says:

    He was there to “Save the Cheerleader… save the World”.

  14. TJGeezer says:

    In my day we had to cower under school desks against the A bomb or the communists, I wasn’t quite clear which at the time. To each generation its own adult-imposed weirdness.

  15. noname says:

    Ah, running into the desert, thereby running away. Hmm, seems useless, like locking the barn door after the horse leaves.

    But hey, these bright individuals, who charged with instructing and preparing the great analytical thinkers of tomorrow are not Brain Surgeons, far from it.

    Then again when you got things like “In School After School Across the Nation — Students Planning to Murder Other Students and Teachers. Kill Lists Uncovered Everywhere” what’s a bureaucrat to do?

    The days of swift critical thinking are fast diminishing, we need rules and guidelines for every eventuality, nothing less will appease the masses.

  16. Goes to show how ignorant the school administration is!

    Batman is a GOOD GUY! .. Now if they saw Joker or Penguin running around.. THEN you lock the school down!

  17. Pfkad says:

    Cave Creek, Arizona. Mmmm. Crazy Ed’s Chili Beer! Hard to get in Michigan, but well worth the effort!


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