So how does this come about? This phenomenon is taking place in and around Texas. Arizona and other parts of the country all now. Each of the linked stories below has happened over the past two weeks. One was yesterday. This trend has not been picked up by the national media and is a huge developing story. Because of privacy laws we are unable to determine if this is race or ethnic group-related. This may be the fallout of over-prescribed Ritalin for all we know. (Orange, Texas) – Middle School 6th Grader in Texas Suspended for ‘Hit’ list

A growing and unpleasant trend spreading among area schools continued Tuesday when a hit list was reported at Vidor Middle School.

Two such threatening messages were found at Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School and Mauriceville Elementary last week. Other schools in the Beaumont and Lumberton Independent School Districts have reported hit lists recently. According to Sally Kirkpatrick, director of Community Relations for the Vidor Independent School District, a sixth-grade student has been removed from school by the district’s police department.

Another hit list found in Beaumont Texas. Linked here.

Eight Grader in Arizona suspended for hit list of students.

An eighth grade Surprise student created a “kill list” that included the first names of classmates, law enforcement and school officials said. The school, Ashton Ranch Elementary in the Dysart Unified School District, became aware of the list in late January. A letter from Principal Donna Malone was sent to parents on February 8.

According to the letter, the student “created a list of people to kill” but did not include last names. Malone wrote that made it difficult to pinpoint exact students.

Second boy with another hit list in Arizona linked here.

Camden County, PA girl suspended for developing hit list of students and teachers to kill.

PENNSAUKEN Officials said a student was suspended after the discovery of a ‘hit list’ in a Camden County middle school Tuesday.

Police were called to the Howard M. Phifer Middle School in Pennsauken after a teacher found a notebook containing threatening writing and a list of teachers and students.

Authorities said the notebook belonged to a 13-year-old female 7th grader at the school.

A Wisconsin kill list child enrols in a different school.

A Mount Horeb High School student who was suspended for allegedly creating a “kill list” has enrolled in another school. According to the district administrator, if that student wants to return to Mount Horeb High School, he has fulfilled all the needed requirements and could return to the school.

Just yesterday a plot was uncovered in Connecticut Because the kid went on YouTube before executing his hit list.

An alleged plot to cause death and destruction inside two Connecticut high schools was uncovered Wednesday by police. Police said a 16-year-old student planned to use guns and bombs to attack students in Newington and Canton. Police learned of what they call an alleged plot after the student appeared in videos on Youtube.

A girl discovered the videos. Police said they’re grateful for the tip, sparing Newington and Canton from a potential catastrophe.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    Pedro! We actually agree this time! 😉

    But it’s not just fear of the laws that prevent parents from doing their job; it’s the lack of fortitude to stand your ground and deal with the temporary fussy rejection that kids give when they are being punished. It’s sissy parenting skills.

    I grew up with a father who was a cop and a mother who was a Catholic grade school teacher. Discipline was very much alive and well in our home, though it was *never* abusive (physically or emotionally) despite my dad’s high stress job. They taught me respect, accountability, honesty and being able to actually express how I feel in a constructive manner. These qualities are lacking in today’s parents and children.

  2. MattH says:

    Parents nowadays mostly suck.

    They try to be the “cool parent” and let their kids do what they want.

    You gotta be nosey as hell with kids and know what they’re up to.

  3. Floyd says:

    #18: more about the incident that spawned the song “I Don’t Like Mondays.” The shooting happened in San Diego, by the way.

  4. RuralRob says:

    #11 totally gets it right. We have these problems simply because adults in our society are completely incapable of raising kids properly. Frankly, I think adults should go through some sort of training and pass a test before being allowed this incredibly important responsibility.

  5. GregA says:

    Boy, you guys don’t understand the world that parents face anymore. Its not the parents who are trying to be the ‘cool parents’ who are the problem. It is the parents who are trying to simply pay all the bills who are the problem. Kids cost of living are similar to an adults cost of living and most basic jobs now days only pay to feed and house a single adult.

    Video games and HDTV are the luxuries of the childless.

    Ha! you guys thought no being able to get laid was a bug, I call it a feature!

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    It’s amazing how easy it is to rant on about how all parents suck…

    I guess you are all parents and you are all raising perfect children, and outside of the small sample of Dvorak blog readers, there are no good parents…

    What a weird statistical anomoly that every last good parent on earth happens to post here…

    I’d sooner say that its a cop out answer to a complex (and over blown) issue and you really don’t have a clue.

  7. NoKidsYay says:

    #39, or, perhaps, we have chosen NOT to be parents. I wouldn’t want to be one, that’s for sure. I like to travel, have a peaceful quiet home, some actual extra money to spend, etc. Having children is VERY overrated.

  8. RuralRob says:

    #39, or, perhaps, we have chosen NOT to be parents. I wouldn’t want to be one, that’s for sure. I like to travel, have a peaceful quiet home, some actual extra money to spend, etc. Having children is VERY overrated!

  9. Mark says:

    40. I’m with you Rob. I am relieved not having kids. I always figured if I had that desire I would adopt, but never had that paternal instinct. Probably because my own family resembles the Addams Family. I really feel for people who have to raise kids in this society and uncertain and volatile future. I’m sure you wouldnt trade it for anything, you have my respect.

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I agree… having kids IS overrated… and far fewer people should do it… My point isn’t about the merits of having children. My point is about the mile most posters here have not walked in another’s shoes…

    The glittering generalities tossed around here about how ALL parents suck, ALL children are running amock, my daddy was a jackass so i know about discipline, ALL parents are selfish, blah blah blah…

    You people chiming in on this “let’s all hate parents” bandwagon are ignorant and wrong. You don’t know what you are talking about. You’ve never known what you are talking about. You aren’t going to learn what you are talking about.

    But whatever… It’s a blame based society… I guess casting blame is easier than anything else…

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    Maybe it is because of the selfish people in society, such as those in #12, 23, 34, 35, 37, 40 & 41 that are the cause of societies ills. The parents suck and the kids are rotten but anything they are involved with is cool. Sorry jackass, but you guys are wrong.

    Bullying is wrong. Combined with easy access to guns, desensitization to violence, societal role models, and no way out, it is easy to see violence resulting.

  12. doug says:

    I imagine that most of these kill lists are cries for attention, either intentional or subconscious, given that they were discovered. anyone who doesn’t want a simple document to be found can keep it secret. why does the cry for attention take this particular form? Columbine and after, you are certain to grab notice if you threaten to kill people at school.

    note the lack of a body count to go with each hit list.

    For the record – adults have been beefing about how ill-behaved children are nowadays at least since the days of ancient Greece.

  13. Smartalix says:


    In case I am in the path of your brush stroke, I just want to state for the record that I am not anti-parent, I am against bad parenting.


    You are correct in that kids have always been problematic, but now we are using the thought police on them.

  14. admfubar says:

    Uhm… gang,,,, you just got suckered by ratings driven investigative tv journalisam… It is sweeps weeks when these stories were broadcast. The media found something to drive ratings and ramped up the hype. ….. result public laps it up…
    sad part is everyone here fell for it…
    shame shame…

  15. Mac Guy says:

    #43 – If your “daddy” comment was referring to my comment, then you need to read again. He was actually a good father, and this was because he taught and reinforced the values that are lacking in children today.

    No, I don’t have kids. No, I don’t WANT kids.

    For the record, I work for a school district, and I’m used to seeing shitty parents. As a joke, I’ve been planning on bringing kevlar to work, posting it on the wall with a sign above it saying, “in case of emergency, pull.”

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Alix and Mac – I’m not saying anything about specific people… I’m just saying that these generalized tirades against parents are tiresome and moronic… It seems like the vast majority of us work from the assumption that “I am smart and everyone else is dumb” and its bullshit, plus it creates kind of a self fulfilling situation…

    C’mon Alex… I read you… I know you are thoughtful and reasonable. Sure some parents are bad. Some are good. Some are average. Most try. Some make big mistakes. ALL of them make some mistakes. Don’t you agree that sometimes the mob is just a little to anxious to crucify parents?

    and # 47 – I surely wasn’t suckered by anything. Nor were most people here. Look… This story is bullshit. nannies will abuse you kids stories are bullshit. Teachers wanna fuck your children is bullshit. Pedophiles lurking in every bush is bullshit. Danger danger danger is all bullshit…

    The problem is, one day, there will be a real story… and we’ll all ignore it because we think its more bullshit.

  17. The easy solution is to start spanking kids again with those thick paddles when they’re bad and ESPECIALLY if they’re bullies.

  18. Britt says:

    About the Connecticut Bomb Threat Whatever…. Canton High School had almost little to nothing to do with the story. Canton High was not going to be attacked in any way, all Canton had to do with this story was the girl from Canton alerting police. But otherwise, ONLY Newington High was going to be involved in the attack. Frank attended NHS and had a hitlist planned out with ways he was going to harm the studets. I attend NHS, and it frightens me to know it was a possible catastrophe but I feel Frank really wouldn’t have gone through with it. He’s just a kid going through a rough point of his life. Lay off!!

  19. zxevil164 says:

    gKwGwL Cool, bro!


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