NASA Astronaut Screening Test – – With this update NASA hopes to be able to better screen the psychos from the true professionals.

1. Who of the following do you most resemble?

A. John Glenn
B. Scott Glenn
C. Glen Campbell
D. Glenn Close

3. Which of the following items would you not bring on a road trip?

A. Brass knuckles
B. Teddy bear
C. Nunchaku sticks
D. Throwing stars

7. A space shuttle travels at approximately 15,000 mph. A BB pellet has a velocity of about 50 feet per second. If a space shuttle were launched from Houston and a BB gun were fired simultaneously, which would hit the boyfriend-thieving bitch in the Orlando airport satellite parking lot first?

Damn, I have to take out my not so trusty HP48GX for that #7, that’s the tricky one.

  1. john says:

    Well #7 is a trick question. Since most low powered BB guns shoot BB’s at least 500 fps. But using my fingers and toes to do higher math, I guess that a shuttle would get there first and do the most harm.


  2. Miguel says:

    Before going on with this silly Nowak-bashing that’s well below the intelligent dialog that one usually expects in this blog, I would seriously suggest you read these two articles:

    I’d like to think that readers of this blog are more well informed than most and would present a better example to others than resort to this sort of easy joke.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    But that’s simple!

    Just get rid of all the female astronauts and the basket case is solved.

  4. TJGeezer says:

    #2 – You’re right. The photo of her that got passed around the net really did reflect someone in torment, not someone clowning around. But maybe it’s just me. I don’t find much humor in obese people, mentally slow people, or deformed people either. (Except when I look in the mirror, I mean.)

  5. tallwookie says:

    I believe #3 is correct – this can alos apply for female congrsspeople, female cops, and heaven-forbid a female president

  6. RTaylor says:

    A committee will be formed and after two years a 5 million dollar report will be released blaming the male dominated culture of NASA. She will write a book, do the shows and star in several B grade SciFi movies.

  7. Podesta says:

    As someone else pointed out on another thread today, DU is increasingly a place frequented by the kind of guys who can’t get a date. One can tell from the misogynistic comments. Though they haven’t become public, there are surely incidents of male astronauts engaging in crazy and even criminal behavior. Any reasonably knowledgeable person knows that men are more likely to do pathological things than women.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #4, TJ,
    I’m so glad you don’t laugh at people like me. Thanks.

    #6, RT,
    So she only rates the cheap, quick inquiry?

  9. Kamatari Honjou says:

    The problem is not with Female astronauts or Male astronauts, the problem is with selecting astronauts from Navy/Airforce, ie. the Alpha Male and Alpha Female types that are all sexually drivin, they should find and seek out Beta Males and Females, you know Nerds who have no sex life and would give their right nut/ovary to go into space, because they love space, and they aren’t really using it afterall. With no sex drive you reduce relationship problem interfereing with space flight to zero, only problem is mission control has to listen to endless Star Trek and Star Wars jokes and trivia on a three year mission to Mars, but most people in mission control are geeks so nerds in space may not be such a bad thing afterall..

  10. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    Don’t you think that the people that handle billions of dollars in hardware should be held to a high standard. Don’t you expect these people to have the highest level of integrity and professionalism?
    The behavior of that woman show very calculated premeditation. The fact that it’s a woman is no excuse to pity her. This woman had a plan in mind.


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