John dealt with this next-to-useless law back when it was passed.

At first blush it may seem like no big deal: clocks will move ahead by an hour three weeks earlier than usual this year. But for today’s networked businesses, the simple change could mean complex problems if IT shops aren’t prepared, industry experts say.

The trouble goes beyond missed meetings and messed-up schedules to errors within time-reliant applications that are critical to a company’s business — processes such as operating room scheduling, billing and contract deadlines and ensuring record compliance, for example, could be at risk. Any applications dependent on timestamps will run into trouble after March 11, the new day for the daylight-saving time change, if actions aren’t taken.

“The problem is very wide and not very deep,” says Steven Ostrowski, a spokesman for Computer Technology Industry Association. “It’s going to cause a lot of little headaches instead of big Y2K-type issues. But people need to be prepared.”

Folks who weren’t involved with the IT side of preventing problems during Y2K think it was no problem — without understanding all that was done to make it no problem. Everything that communicates and is hooked into a corporate network — including phone systems, email servers, etc. — contains time stamps.

Thanks, Ryan

  1. Improbus says:

    Lucky me … I got handed this assignment at my workplace. Happy happy joy joy.

  2. Mark Derail says:

    Having lived through Y2K, all my programs rely on the OS to get the DateTime value.

    The only Y2K problem in the database world was the February 29th 2000, when your application would not recognize Now() +1 as being Feb 29th, would give March 1st.
    That was a huge nightmare in the SQL world.
    (Informix, Oracle, Sybase, MS-SQL, etc)

    Now since this issue doesn’t deal with a non-existent value, it’s simply a scheduling thing, the problem won’t be too bad.

    With Windows 2000, you need a registry hack to fix, or just change manually like when you did with Win95/98.

    All equipment with built-in electronics with a clock and a calendar will be the ones messed up. Hopefully not too many things will go haywire.

  3. John Paradox says:

    Another reason I like living in Arizona.

    (NO DST!)


  4. Mike Johnson says:

    Yay for Arizona and their telling Uncle Sam to go soak his head when the laws are ridiculous.

    I think this will cause more trouble than Y2K ever did and all because of his Moronic Majesty George “Dumbass” Bush

  5. JoaoPT says:

    And by the way can anyone please explain the reasoning behind DST?

    And don’t come on with the usual “to have more active daylight hours” crap, cos what you gain in the mornings loose at nigh and vice-versa…

  6. Dave F. says:

    On the surface, you might think this is a 3 week problem in the first half of 2007, but if you dig deeper into the Microsoft implementation of the patch for this you will find that this could potentially be a much bigger problem.

    The way that Microsoft chose to implement this, is to change the rules for 2007, as well as ALL PRIOR YEARS. Therefore, if you have a client / server application, and the client is patched, but the server is not, and a record with a date/time stamp in the 3 week period in the spring or fall of 2006 or 2005 or prior is updated, the data will be recorded incorrectly. Since all users cannot have control of all of the systems they interact with, for example sending / receiving exchange/outlook meeting times, Microsoft’s response is “you should place the time of the event in the subject line of your message” as to insure all parties are in agreement of the correct time.

    If you ask me…Its a stealth Y2K for 2007.

  7. Bill R. says:

    John and Mike (Nos. 3 and 4).

    I live in Arizona and still have to deal with this one. My company has users across the world that are impacted by this stupid little change.

    What’s real sad about this is that the software (OS) vendors had over a year to prepare for this and some didn’t release updates until December 2006! Others still don’t know what the impact will be.



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