What was that you asked? While the read might drive you to tears, it’s important to hold onto just a few of the necessary details. Firstly, psychologists have determined that it’s natural for husbands to simply ignore the demands to, say, help around the house.

Working with Duke Ph.D. student Amy Dalton, Chartrand and Fitzsimons have demonstrated that some people will act in ways that are not to their own benefit simply because they wish to avoid doing what other people want them to. Psychologists call this reactance: a person’s tendency to resist social influences that they perceive as threats to their autonomy.

Of course, not to be undone, the better half of the equation is optimistic that once we understand we don’t listen, we’ll work harder at it

Chartrand believes her husband “should now be better equipped to suppress his reactant tendencies.”

Thankfully, the scientific mind wins out!

Fitzsimons, however, believes the results “suggest that reactance to significant others is so automatic that I can’t possibly be expected to control it if I don’t even know it’s happening.”

Now, let’s get back to NOT trying to improve our ladies sex life.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    Who is THAT? And why don’t I have her number?

  2. Mister Justin says:

    Alizee. Super hot French chick!

  3. SN says:

    2. “Super hot French chick!”

    Totally super fucking hot French chick. Why she’s not famous in the US is beyond me. VH1 would only have to play one of her videos one time and she’d sell a million copies as every pervert would run out an buy it. AKA, the Brittany Spears Schoolgirl phenomena.

  4. Matthew says:

    in that same outfit, the best I can figure its a song about tickling herself in the bathtub.


    and the song that made her famous


  5. SN says:

    4. “and the song that made her famous”

    No offense, but no song made her famous. She made the song famous. (Yes, I’m smitten.)

  6. Mister Justin says:


    She’s not popular in the US because she’s French.

  7. undissembled says:

    Good choice of photo. But you should have posted the Alizee videos from YouTube. 🙂

  8. Mister Justin says:


    How about this?

  9. SN says:

    6. “She’s not popular in the US because she’s French.”

    So do you think the US hates the French or that the US won’t listen to music sung in French? Never mind. You’re probably right either way.

  10. Mister Justin says:


    A little from Column A and a little from Column B?

    And as for the US hating the French, I LOVE this thread…
    Warning, you may throw up from the hyperbole and ignorance…

  11. undissembled says:

    Ahhh. Very nice.

  12. JT says:

    The best way to ignore a nagging wife is not to have one.

  13. OMG Alizee was actually the topic of discussion on my own forums this morning. Small world.

    And she is definately a hottie. Word has it that she’s still working on a new album, albiet 5 years in creation now and she no longer has that 15 year old body.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Listening to you guys just proves my theory… Nerds sure are easy to please…

    I mean she’s pretty and she’s skinny… but there are a half a dozen carbon copies of whoever the hell that is in just about every American mall on any given Saturday… There is nothing about her that seperates her from the pack… and her wiki bio makes her out to be a spoiled silver spoon baby…

    So… have at her… She’s not interesting to me…

    I have no idea what she sounds like, and unless someone with taste suggests otherwise I’ll assume the critics are right and she’s just a pop tart.

  15. Jerk-Face says:

    15. “but there are a half a dozen carbon copies of whoever the hell that is in just about every American mall on any given Saturday…”

    True, but unfortunately the local malls all have restraining orders against me.

  16. TJGeezer says:

    You too?

  17. Mister Justin says:


    You know, this thread was about ignoring your wife. The delicious picture was just for fun. But, I’m glad to see you were able to look past the girl and look at the meat of the subject so to speak… I guess the thread should have been about men ignoring the topic entirely!

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #18 – I’m not married… But I promise not to ignore your wife 🙂

  19. Mister Justin says:


    Ah, but you see, that’s the thing! You have no choice but to ignore her. That’s the nature of us guys!

  20. JoaoPT says:

    What honey?…In a minute baby… I’m just looking at some blog here with interesting topics for…ahem, discussion…

  21. joshua says:

    #18….Just what do you think most of the nerds on here WERE ignoring???

    315….OFTLO…..I agree. She can move her ass like any 5.00 whore and there are just to many girls wandering around the neighborhood that far surpass her in looks and body.


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