BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Chinese man to hang for ant scam — The Chinese are a little more strict regarding business practices than we are. Now if they’d start hanging spammers I’d be happy.

A Chinese company chairman has been sentenced to death for running a scam involving giant ants.

Wang Zhendong promised investors returns of up to 60% if they put money into the fictitious ant-breeding project, the court heard. Wang, from Liaoning province, raised 3bn yuan ($390m; £200m) in three years, prosecutors said.

The ants are used in traditional medicines and remedies in parts of China.Fifteen other staff members were fined and given jail terms of between five and 10 years

found by John Markoff

  1. Canadian says:

    John, I thought you got no spam? Why the “Now if they’d start hanging spammers I’d be happy.”?

  2. Joey says:

    It’s poetic, considering that in the wider context of existence, humans are but an ant on a sand hill. That line got me to 3rd base with a hippy chick once. She was waiving me home but 3rd base was too hairy.

  3. tallwookie says:

    article mentions “ants used in traditional chineese medicine”? lol wtf, is this some kind of weird acupuncture or are they after the natural-cillian that the ants produce?

  4. Krandall Brightman says:

    It’s the people who deal in tiger claw and other “traditional medicines” harvested from endangered animals who should be hanged. The atrocities committed on living creatures for such purposes are just hideous. The growing wealth of China means that demand for such things is growing, and the worldwide trade in all sorts of animals or animal parts is a huge disgrace.

    There are many dark aspects to the sudden wealth of places like China and India.

  5. NSILMike says:

    SarbOx doesn’t sound so bad…

  6. paddler says:

    I heard they were going to cover him with sugar water and let the giant ants eat him

  7. Angel H. Wong says:


    They make wine with the ants, usually mixing rice wine with them. It is used to treat various illneses ranging from fever to rheumatic pain.


    And killing animals for fun is okay as long as it’s done by white people? What about letting a herpes ladden hotel heiress own endangered species as pets?

    Don’t come yapping blaming the Chinese for the endagerment of the species.

  8. joshua says:

    #7….Angel… because white people are also assholes that makes it alright for the Chinese or the Indians to continue killing wild animals for their body parts??????

    It dosen’t matter what colour you are, if your an animal abuser, you should be jailed.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:


    As a matter of fact yes, you can’t go on and attack these nations while there’s a cable channel (The Outdoor channel) dedicated to show people how much fun killing animals is.

    You either preach by example or don’t preach at all.


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