Seems like Press Secretary Tony Snow had a little tête-à-tête with the reporters today over the claimed intelligence of Iran from the White House. It’s always a tricky day for the Press Secretary when the Joint Chiefs of Staff offer differing opinions. But tricky Snow gets some good words in… or did he?

HENRY: “…the Iranian government clearly knows or is complicit.” Are you saying that you, from this podium, know more than the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
SNOW: I am telling you what the intelligence indicates. And…
HENRY: So, was he not in the loop? I’m just trying to understand why there’s a contradiction, where the chairman of the Joint Chiefs –
SNOW: There’s not — Ed. Calm down. I know you’re excited. Your voice is rising, your pace is increasing.
HENRY: I’m not. I’m telling you that –
SNOW: I’m telling you —
HENRY: He’s saying this. I’m not.
SNOW: No, I’m telling you, I talked with him. Ok. I’ve talked to him since –
HENRY: Well, we’ll follow up with him as well.
SNOW: You better.

Of course, classy banter like that deserves a deeper look and listen.

  1. Dan says:

    I know where that photo was taken.

  2. Mark says:

    Talk about dancing around the question, this guy is the Michael Jackson of the Press Conference.

  3. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Come on – its Tony Snow – he’s a congenital lier and a knee jerk Bushie.

    If Duhbya butt raped his mom and killed her with a stick, he’d blame is mother for causing it.

    In other words he’s chicken George’s Goebbels.

  4. TJGeezer says:

    #3 – C’mon, be fair. He wouldn’t blame his mother, he’d blame the Democrats.

  5. doug says:

    #4. … and say they were emboldening the terrorists.

  6. joshua says:

    Actually I like Tony Snow. His old program on Fox on Sundays was one of my favorites. He never got angry, never raised his voice and treated all the politico’s who were guests fairly.

    Lets face it folks, being Press Secretary to any President has to be a front line hazardous duty post, but being Press Secretary to THIS President is like taking your life into your hands. And all those reporters that hassle him all the time, 99% of them would give their left nut and first born to have Snows job.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    Who the heck can know of this is true about Iran?

    Here’s what we DO know: this administration lie to start a war.

    Rather than debating a non-binding statement about Iraq, Congress should pass a BINDING resolution that makes it illegal for Bush to start another war without a congressional vote.


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