1. HoHum says:


  2. WokTiny says:

    i guess people are the same wherever you go…

  3. Billabong says:

    That is a RPG not a bazooka.

  4. RTaylor says:

    No people are not the same. In the US there would be a lot of beer involved in this sport.

  5. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    That doesn’t look terribly efficient. One RPG for just one fish?

  6. John says:

    No5. I do believe the cost of a RPG round is cheaper than a rod, reel and bait. Plus it is fun and quicker.

  7. Mac Guy says:

    I knew a guy in college who used to take balls of sodium and throw them into Lake Mendota (near the campus). For those who don’t know, Sodium is highly reactive to water and tends to, well, explode upon significant contact.

    The cops showed up once to see what was going on. They asked him what he had, and he told them, “it’s just sodium.”

    “Oh. Carry on.”

    Guys with RPGs aren’t the only ones with too much time on their hands.

  8. Cursor_ says:

    Nothing new.

    In WWII guys waiting in England before D-Day were often dressed down for handgrenade fishing in the kings ponds.

    As well as shooting the king’s deer and doing all sorts of truant things. Its called bored and having weapons around.


  9. What was that one half-naked guy in his underwear doing there…?? Eew.

  10. tallwookie says:

    Looks like the 21st century’s version of spear fishing

  11. ECA says:

    Now we know what happened to all the fish…

  12. TJGeezer says:

    I wonder if they were using spent uranium rounds. Nuclear fishing. (Okay, nobody bring up Bigger Issues please.)

  13. Todd says:

    The soundtrack is the best part “East Bound & Down” from the original “Smokey & the Bandit”. Go Jerry Reed – a classic!


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