Good ol’ Pat threatening to kill a guy? Not our Pat! He’s been such an important force in issues ranging from global warming to fighting terrorists by predicting the future.

Man Claims Pat Robertson Threatened Him | World Latest

A Texas bodybuilder suing Pat Robertson contends the religious broadcaster walked into federal court for a legal proceeding and told him: “I am going to kill you and your family.”

According to a complaint Phillip Busch filed with the Norfolk police, Robertson made the threat when he entered a room in the courthouse Wednesday to be questioned for a deposition.

“There was no such threat,” said Robertson’s attorney, Glen Huff.

Busch is suing Robertson for what he says is misappropriation of his image to promote Robertson’s protein diet shake.

Robertson has been touting his “age-defying” weight-loss shake for five years on his Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network talk show “The 700 Club,” offering the recipe free to any viewer who requested it.

  1. WokTiny says:

    who says “I am going to kill you and your family.’’ anyway?

    anytime someone is threatening to kill me, they have a much more poorly formed sentence indicative of the type of mind that would resort to such behavior.

  2. Jerk-Face says:

    I like to give my girlfriend a protein shake every night.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Apparently this isn’t the first time Robertson has been accused of threatening death. It is possible that all that protein shake is affecting his mental state. Call it the Robertson Shake Syndrome Sort of like the Twinky Defense.

  4. John Paradox says:

    Didn’t old ‘christian compassion’ Pat say we should assassinate Hugo Chavez?


  5. WokTiny says:

    I’m still not clear on this, can someone help me out…. was #4 trolling?

  6. WokTiny says:

    #3.. I’ve heard that too much protein can slow brain functions…. maybe related?

  7. TJGeezer says:

    #5 – Nope, not trolling. It’s true. Pat Robertson said the US should assassinate Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. After a lot of “that ain’t Christian” reaction, he took it back, sort of, if one of those “sorry if I upset you” types of nonapology. I didn’t see the actual, um, retraction (?) on TV so I don’t know if it came with a (wink, wink).

  8. JeeBs says:

    You can get the recipe for the diet shake from the CBN website here. You can get a fake login from bugmenot. That is, if anyone is interested.

  9. meetsy says:

    #2, you can bet that Pat’s boyfriend also gives him a protein shake every morning. ;-}
    When he said KILL he meant it in the comedy sense….which translates to “make them laugh”. He does accomplish that!.

  10. If Pat Robertson wasn’t ashamed of advising the U.S. government to assassinate Hugo Chavez and felt comfortable broadcasting his idea to millions of his viewers, then it seems like he could have suggested a death threat to one of his critics off the record.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Athiests don’t have to resort to trolling. We have truth on our side.

    ironically enough

  12. WokTiny says:

    #7,11 I wasn’t questioning whether there was any truth behind his post, just the gratuitous reference to ‘christian compassion’ as though it had anything to do with a story about a guy who the DU readership already thinks is off-his-rocker, so to speak. It seemed not like a remark about Pat, but a Jab about christianity, intended to provoke.

    #11, how ya been? long time… if you want to debate the philosophy of ‘truth’ … you might have too much time on your hands.

  13. Erik Blazynski says:

    Shouldn’t God have already taken care of this for him? Why doesn’t Pat just Pray and ask god to take his life.


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