“Hmmm… better go take a nap!”

Study Looked at Men and Women in Greece

People who take at least three daytime naps a week lasting 30 minutes or longer cut their risk of dying from a heart attack by 37 percent, according to a study by a team of U.S. and Greek researchers.

Regular siestas apparently lower stress, which is frequently associated with heart disease, the scientists report in Monday’s edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine, a leading medical journal.

Vitaliano cautioned that the results might have been different if the study had been conducted in the United States, where daytime naps are often frowned upon.

“There is a huge difference in how napping is accepted in Mediterranean countries — like Greece, Italy and Spain — versus the cutthroat, boiler-room pressure to be competitive in the United States,” he said.

“Here, if a person naps, people say, ‘You lazy slob.’ There they say, ‘Did you have a good nap?’

So, do naps cut heart attack risks, or does being in a position to take midday naps have more to do with the results?

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Nice picture of Santa! 😀

    As for naps… Yes, they’re great for your health.

  2. SN says:

    I don’t think there’s a causal connection. I would guess it’s more of a correlation. I would think that anyone relaxed enough and with enough freedom to take naps during the day would lack the stress in life that would cause a heart attack.

    By the way, I’m glad that Firefox let’s us block images!

  3. DWright says:

    Good point about being in a position to take a nap. I have a little loveseat in my office just for that purpose.
    You just can’t sleep like that at home.

    I have adjusted my lifestyle to be less stressful which may have more impact than the nap itself.

  4. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    Every time I take a nap I feel bloated afterwards. They just don’t seem to work for me. Maybe when I get older.

  5. faustus says:

    i think thats a pic of uncle dave if im not mistaken… i thought he was on a diet….hpmm.. maybe he is… need to lose a few more lbs there dave…

  6. There’s no causal connection. Besides, here’s what looks a lot more promising: People who are able to take at least three naps a week: what are their lifestyles like? Could they be living in a way that lowers the risk of heart attacks whether they sleep or not?

    Or this: People who are actually able to fall asleep during the day and nap: How much more relaxed are they, than most people?

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    No, no, no! Not me! That guy’s the size of all us editor’s combined! Well, ok, maybe half of us.

  8. TJGeezer says:

    What, you don’t recognize 15-year-old Jennifer from the chatroom?

  9. Haywood Jablome says:

    It’s James Hill! LOL!!!!

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8 & #9,

    Shame on both you guys. This a serious discussion and you made me forget my point.

    (Damn funny though)

  11. Mark says:

    “I would think that anyone relaxed enough and with enough freedom to take naps during the day would lack the stress in life that would cause a heart attack.”

    I guess our President is safe then………….damn!

  12. KB says:

    #8– Hilarious !! 🙂

  13. joshua says:

    Having that guy put some clothes on would probably cut the heart attack rate in the US by 60% alone.


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