Sleeper Agent

More than 300 laptop computers and guns were lost by the FBI in a nearly four-year period, according to a new Department of Justice inspector general’s report.

The audit was a follow-up to a similar 2002 review of the FBI’s internal controls on guns and laptop computers. The new audit, which looked at a 44-month period ending on Sept. 30, 2005, showed an improvement in the rate and number of lost or stolen guns and laptops.

While the rates may have slowed, the inspector general’s report called the losses “significant” and added that “the FBI has not taken adequate corrective action on several recommendations outlined in our 2002 audit report.”

The audit found 160 guns were also lost or stolen during the audit period. One weapon was lost in a purse stolen from a sports bar. Another gun was stolen along with a fanny-pack in a restaurant. Several weapons were stolen from FBI vehicles.

I wonder how many laptops a month are lost — by all the Al Qaeda cells in the US that we’re supposed to be worrying about?

  1. Some big joke.
    It is no amazement that Sept 11 happened.
    It that the director of the fbi on the park bench or a new candidate ?

  2. Sounds The Alarm says:

    I thought SOP was your gun stays on your person?

  3. Michael Hawthorne says:

    That looks like Ted Kennedy on the bench. I didn’t know he worked for the FBI.

  4. Improbus says:

    This news makes me feel all safe and protected.

  5. Gig says:

    The FBI must not be staffing or training to the same standards they used to. I’ve know several FBI agents over the years and with the ones I’ve known I’d sooner believed they would have lost their dicks rather than their guns.

    There also was a time that if an agent lost their gun and there wasn’t a damn good reason for it they would have had to turn in their badge.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Where’s J Edgar Hoover when we need him…he wouldn’t put up with this crap.

  7. Mark says:

    6. J Edgar is doing the horizontal mambo with Clyde Tolson in hell.

  8. ECA says:

    Think of a laptop,
    And then the networking it can have,
    Then the passwords into a Internal network…

    I wonder if they use WINDOWS??
    Or if they paid someone GOOD money to make a DECENT firewall password system.

  9. TJGeezer says:

    #7 – But doesn’t he look nice in his flaming red dress?

    I’d like to know what percent of the whole these losses represent. Laptops can be easy to lose, but the guns being out of an agent’s direct control? That’s harder to understand. There are however some not so nice reasons an agent might choose to “lose” a weapon and report it stolen. Just sayin’.

  10. Mark says:

    9. Yes, at least we know he’s the woman.

  11. Ron Larson says:

    Stats can be twisted to mean anything.

    So how do those numbers compare to other law-enforcement agencies? How does it compare to the military, or private corporations?

    At a glance, 72 laptops over 4 years (9 laptops a year) for an agency as large and as mobile as the FBI sounds pretty damn good.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Ron, How right you are. Unfortunately let’s start with the FBI’s statistics.

    There are 160 laptops and 160 guns lost or stolen in 44 months. That works out to 3.64 guns and 3.64 laptops every month !!! Or almost one of each per week !!! Out of 52,000 guns and 26,000 laptops the FBI own.

    BTW, that works out to 44 guns or laptops per year.

    How this compares to other agencies is irrelevant. I’m sure the military loses their share too.


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