Talk about corporate compassion…

LONDON (Reuters) – Men will be able to buy impotence treatment Viagra over the counter in Britain for the first time from Valentine’s Day, chemist chain Alliance Boots said on Sunday.

Three Manchester Boots pharmacies will sell the prescription-only medication made by U.S. drugs group Pfizer in a pilot program from February 14.

Men aged between 30 and 65 suffering from erectile dysfunction will be able to buy four Viagra pills for 50 pounds ($97) without having to get a prescription from a doctor first.

  1. RTaylor says:

    This has the makings of a Benny Hill sketch.

  2. Scott Gant says:

    They keep using the term “from February 14” and “from Valentine’s Day”. Does this mean ONLY on Valentine’s Day as the pilot program. Or “from” Valentine’s Day onward?

    Also, talk about expensive. Sheesh. That’s almost $25 a pill!

    Also, coupled with the other story about how clueless Brits are about birth control and pregnancy, this should be an interesting 9 months ahead of us.

  3. edwinrogers says:

    Four tablets? Why would they want to do it, more than once?

  4. billy says:

    #3, I agree… girls are yucky.

    – Billy, 10 years old

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    FIRST, the girls (and the gay men) have to find someone who is going to last more than one orgasm.

  6. OmarThe Alien says:

    Only for men between 30 to 65? I fear that by the time I need it I’ll be over the age limit. But wait, I’m in America, and I’m not really sure how all that works over here. According to the TV you can buy something that’s supposed to keep you in standby for 36 hours, but if you go into super action mode for over four hours your supposed to call a doctor. What’s the Doc gonna do, jump your bone (s)? That could be socially awkward, depending on sexual orientations, etc.


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