Mystery Ailment Strikes Honeybees — No honeybees and we don’t eat. The chain reaction goes right up and down the food chain. I’m guessing this has something to do with that mite which the big commercial beekeepers have been killing with bug poison not noticing that bees are bugs too!

A mysterious illness is killing tens of thousands of honeybee colonies across the country, threatening honey production, the livelihood of beekeepers and possibly crops that need bees for pollination.

Researchers are scrambling to find the cause of the ailment, called Colony Collapse Disorder.

Reports of unusual colony deaths have come from at least 22 states. Some affected commercial beekeepers — who often keep thousands of colonies — have reported losing more than 50 percent of their bees. A colony can have roughly 20,000 bees in the winter, and up to 60,000 in the summer.

“We have seen a lot of things happen in 40 years, but this is the epitome of it all,” Dave Hackenberg, of Lewisburg-based Hackenberg Apiaries, said by phone from Fort Meade, Fla., where he was working with his bees.

The country’s bee population had already been shocked in recent years by a tiny, parasitic bug called the varroa mite, which has destroyed more than half of some beekeepers’ hives and devastated most wild honeybee populations.

  1. Tim Harris says:

    uh. ok. Read the article again and tell me how you correlate the latest article with the mite issue that happened in the past.

    You journalists do this crap all the time and I just can’t stand it. 10 americans dead, must have been as a result of the 10 extremists dead the day before…UGH…Why not just say they ran over an IED and forgot their military training for a sec and it had absolutely nothing to do with what happened the day before.

    Bee problem ? Must be global warming !!! That’s it !!! Maybe Al Gore poisoned the bees so he could drum up more lobby support from the UK to make a sequel to his Global Warming BS. Give me a break. All you have to do is say, bees are dead. That’s it… END OF STORY !!!

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, what the eff are you ranting about???

    John referred to an article written by someone else for our comment. He didn’t editorialize about it except to add the comment bees are necessary to food production and to guess a possible cause.

    How do you make the connection to 10 dead from an IED??? Are you suggesting the military is to blame for this??? If that is your comment, fine, but don’t blame John because you have such a weird, out of touch, paranoid, tin hat warped, twisted, concept of an idea.

  3. Eric M Devoe says:

    I understand the correlation/causation argument do are trying to make, but seriously – try decaf

  4. doug says:

    #1. “bees are dead. That’s it… END OF STORY !!!”

    wow, so much for inquiry as to why things happen …

  5. Mr.Newton says:

    u really have no idea how serious that is..if u wipe out the bees then we get wiped out ..true story, not fiction,will happen, not a book with a happy ending,,real..stop saying that the scientists will solve the problem,,not happening now,,,too late,,,

  6. TJGeezer says:

    You journalists do this crap all the time…Bee problem ? Must be global warming !!! That’s it !!!

    Jeez, some people are smoking something weird today. The only thing missing from #1 was a hateful comment about Mr. or Mrs. Clinton.

  7. Tim — Are you high?? Cripes. What a lunatic. As for global warming I’d think bees would applaud it.

    If you think this is trivial, then you’re in for a big surprise. Study biology. Pollination is not something that happens by religious magic.

  8. Reptilicus says:

    #1 – Even if the mite issue was “in the past”, that doesn’t mean that what was used to kill the mite doesn’t persist in the environment. Many of these strong chemicals can hang around a long time.

  9. Pete W says:

    The timing is impeccable since the Apprentice is pushing Sue Bee Honey on NBC tonight.

  10. Mark Derail says:

    The only thing Global Warming can be blamed for, with a shortened winter, is that the small insects like the mites aren’t killed by the cold, they only go dormant.

    Or the opposite, longer summer allows an extra generation of pests to breed.

    We’ll know for sure in twenty years, and by that time we should be able to bioengineer just about anything.

  11. Milo says:

    People like Harris are finding it difficult now that it’s becoming clear even to them that they were treated like rubes at a midway for 2 elections.

  12. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Tim’s all wound up like me because the Dixie Chicks won some Grammys. Personally, I think the bee problem is the Dixie Chicks fault.

  13. osmodious says:

    Best quote on EVER:
    “Pollination is not something that happens by religious magic.”

    John, you managed to wrap into that retort the pablum puking, USA Today reading automatons who…well, you know….and they hadn’t even commented yet! I love it!

  14. Robert Byrd says:

    To those who make light of this information let me tell you as an older beekeeper and a part time farmer. NOTHING is more important to the cubit crops than a honeybee. It at least triples the crop by pollinating the blooms of these crops in particular and to all crops in somewhat lesser degree. I was commercially involved in bee raising a few years ago and only last year became a hobbyist and I lost some hives of bees to a mystery illness I couldn’t determine. I passed it off as bad queens but since reading this I will concentrate more on the merits of this article. Better pray this is not as suspected.

  15. J. W. says:

    Isn’t all the West Nile Virus control spraying likely to have a negative effect on insects other than mosquitoes? Honeybees etc….

  16. mollie says:

    This Bee die off is critical. It is like the Canary in the mines. It is a warning for the health of our society. Wake up you people out there that are making negative comments.

    I truly believe that this is caused by Collembola. These are Microscopic organisms that have decided to infest humans and other organisms. People are trying to call it Morgellon’s but that is just a name of a Dr. that died in the 17th century.

    Collembola are Microscopic insects that have been around since the world was born. They have many forms and they are related to the Arachnid family. Arthropod.

    If you have a creepy feeling that things are crawling under your skin, chances they really are bugs, but Microscopic ones and the name is Collembola not Morgellon’s.

  17. meetsy says:

    Most of the wild hives where I am have died — either mites or this thing. All the bee keepers I know have had problems.
    The loss of bees is terrifying. It’s not about HONEY, it’s about pollination. Without bees our food production drops, and if our food production drops…we starve.
    Be kind to bees. Some large scale research should go into this. It’s really NOT a good sign. We need bees.

  18. Wesley Reuter says:

    The honey bee problem could be caused by the spread of the African bee variety which is much more aggressive to humans and may be infiltrating the regular honey bee hives. The experts have a hard time distinguishing them just by casual examination.

  19. Floyd Wise says:

    I have to agree with Nancy Jo splicing genes from here to there in these plants coud very possibly be a big part of the bee problem.We were assured when they started this lunacy it could not be transferred between plant species.Of course only a handfull of years later we found out the horrific truth.Between spraying for west nile, mite strips that we put in our hives,and transgenic crops the poor bees dont have a chance in hell.And therefor neither do we.Wake up America before its too late!

  20. Al says:

    I wonder if trucking colonies all across the country is a factor.

    If it’s a disease it certainly helps the spread.

    Colonies have been moved around for years. But in recent years I see them going down the interstate at 80 mph with a jillion bees in piles inside the net they put over the whole load. Maybe they arrive a little weakened or disoriented, maybe?


  21. Barbara Goodwin says:

    When reading the postings it is obvious how very little Americans understand about the cycle of much of their food production. Scary. Doug said “The bees are dead” and seems to think it will not affect him if the puzzle is never solved. Not so Doug! And, yes, it is very possible that a gene snip might have brought about a drop in the immunity in the bees. The scary part, if the bees, then the birds? And how about the humans. My take is the world is MOVING TOO FAST and does not understand all the consequences. Then again, maybe it is a mutated “bird flu”! Hope the scientists are hard at work.

  22. Janet B. says:

    There is no doubt that this bee situation could cause serious health, environmental, and economic hardships not just here at home, but worldwide. We sell and share our food production with more than just our statewide neighbors. A typical wheat farmer may feed 179 people in a year now, but how thin can the distribution grow to suficiently sustain that many lives if other forms of produce are diminished? I, personally, like the ability to go to my local grocery store and have the ability to purchase a variety of foods. I like the fact that we are able to sell additional foodstuffs to other nations to help them out and to keep our prices low. I’d like to keep it that way. I don’t care which side of the fence you stand on politically, the question we should really be asking is: what can we do to help?

  23. Shasti says:

    No one should be joking. This is a serious problem and it needs to be treated seriously. The long range effects could be devastating. Let’s hope there’s someone out there trying to find a solution before it ‘s too late.

  24. Steven Williams says:

    Re: #20 – African Honey Bees (AHB) have been known to take over another colony, but only a weakened colony, and they replace the colony’s queen with their own. Then the genetics of the colony becomes AHB, BUT the colony still exists. That is not the case with this “disappearing disease”.
    Re: #22 – Beekeepers regularly relocate hives. When that happens, the bees take what is called “orientation flights” at their entrances, to reorient themselves to the hive and its location so they can find their way back. There is some scientific speculation that the bees orient not only vis-a-vis the sun, but also the earth’s magnetic field. However they do it, this loss of bee colonies isn’t the result of disorientation.

  25. Mike M says:

    The mite problem is real with almost total losses to the wild bee populations and large commercial losses each year. this year i lost 60 our of 90 hives where i would normally estimated a loss of 20.

  26. M. Yonan says:

    I am a chef and know quite a lot about food. I have had a garden for many years and it’s not nostalgia that vegetables used to taste better. Many of the fruits and vegetables that I order commercially are tasteless and look great, not to mention they last for weeks in the fridge. I realize it’s a tradeoff, however, consumer taste and demand is what drives the introduction of these inferior tasting veggies. Many customers to my restaurant have no clue about how different produce tastes today compared to 35 years ago. Someone earlier bashed the capitalists; I would say to them that the capitalists are probably our only hope right now. You can bet the farm that they will be putting their capital to work to find a solution to this problem for their very survival depends on it. More people are planting gardens every year and learning the value of growing your own stuff that tastes 100 times better and the mass producers I believe beginning to listen. The next time you eat out in a nice restaurant don’t blow up at the staff if you find the evidence of a bug on your meal. You should understand that maybe that’s an indication that it’s not loaded with pesticide. Be grateful that we live in a capitalist country where business can react to something like this very quickly and with great gusto. Bon Apetite

  27. Andy says:

    Maybe it is God.

    It is kinda strange how the bees are not dying near the nest. Maybe they all got together and decided on a strike…bees do communicate.

    Would be cool if all the bees show up at a rally somewhere in say Brazil…like the monarche butterflies that migrate!….What? There may be some truth to this ya know! 🙂

  28. Karen S. says:

    I recommend reading The Forgotten Pollinators by Stephen L. Buchmann and Gary Paul Nabham. Written over 10 years ago it is still relevant and seems prophetic (could be a bad word choice) now that this story is big news. Not only are the honeybees failing but attention to viable native pollinators has fallen off the radar and they are losing habitat as well. It’s such a complex system but the backup that could salvage, in part, the seemingly impending crisis of the weakened honeybee population are all of the other native bees and insects, which in some cases are more effective at pollination than the honeybee. So there is hope. I hope.
    All the

  29. tallwookie says:

    And I was just about to start brewing mead again. so much for that idea

    We can synthesize sugar or bioengineer some bacteria to do it for us.
    You people know we are destined to move underground after we rape the hell out of the above ground part of the earth, dontcha? well, figure it out


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