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I think John has a treaty with them, hence, “I get no spam.”

  1. tallwookie says:

    this looks like somthing the guys at the Onion would create

  2. kballweg says:

    Some Marketing guys at Fortify have a genius sense of humor.

  3. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    …and the national sport is, obviously – wait for it… hacki-sack!

    ‘Thankew. Thankewverimuch.’
    E. A. Presley

  4. ECA says:


  5. Milo says:

    It’s next door to Molvania:



    It’s a small, land-locked republic in eastern Europe, famous as the birthplace of whooping cough. Molvania also produces 83% of the world’s beetroot.”

  6. Joel Housman says:

    My friend is the manager of the security research group at Fortify and he told me they were very pleased with this marketing campaign. Its hilarious.


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