Trina and friends stiffed by charity

Strippers’ money not good enough — Apparently the charity would not take the money from these women (who are exotic dancers) because some unnamed creeps thought it was beneath them to be associated with charitable women like this. I’d like these people named. Name them! After all I’d like to know who are these oh-so-superior people. Or are they the cowering weasels that I suspect who will never be named.

Almost anyone can donate to the Breast Cancer Society of Canada-unless they take their clothes off for a living.

Local strippers who hold an annual event to raise money for cancer research were shocked this year to discover their offer to donate part of the proceeds to the society was turned down. Last year, the same group of dancers donated $3,000 to the society without incident.

Former stripper Trina Ricketts, an organizer with the Exotic Dancers for Cancer fundraising event, said they planned again this year to donate half of the money raised to the Breast Cancer Society, but when she contacted the society recently, she was rejected.

In a letter to Ricketts, the society’s executive director Rany Xanthopoulo, wrote: “Unfortunately we will have to decline your kind offer as we have certain major donors that are not in favour of this connection. This decision came as a result of donor disgruntlement and together with the board of directors we have decided not to accept any donations from what donors consider controversial sources.”

found by Mister Justin

  1. RTaylor says:

    Who lives close to Vancouver who could drive up and check this story out? They would need one of those small Kodak cameras to take pictures and video. Who could we get? 😉

  2. Scott Gant says:

    Reminds me of “Gone with the Wind” when Belle Watling wanted to donate some money to the hospital, yet Scarlet didn’t want any of her money due to Belle being a Madame. But the goodness of Melanie saw through all the hate and fear and saw Belle as a kind soul who was just trying to help.

  3. TJGeezer says:

    we have decided not to accept any donations from what donors consider controversial sources

    Oboy are they leaving themselves open to mischief. If they take money from anyone considered the least bit controversial, one of those dancers could start a web protest with publicity and rake them over the coals.

    What idiot decided to allow such a good cause to be turned into a political hockey puck? All they needed to say was “We don’t turn down generous donations as long as they are legal.” Who’s disgruntled, some right-wing Xtian or Muslim?

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if these strippers stop donating money to this organization altogether.

  5. Brubble says:

    We had a similar situation a few years ago in this area- I’m constantly amazed at this type of holier-than-thou behavior.

  6. Anonymous Coward says:

    Trina should have spent her tattoo money on implants.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    This is almost certainly a Xian thing… And screw them…

    So… Give the money to a nuetral third party, have that party donate the money, and then be done with raising money for breast cancer.

  8. Smartalix says:

    I’m glad you posted this, John. What a bunch of self-righteous harpies. Strippers aren’t women?.

  9. 5centcigar says:

    Thank you so much John….not just for this, but for every time you have come down on these insidious fundimendalist idiots.

  10. Jerk-Face says:

    Flat chested, ugly beyond belief, putrid skin…. yep. She’s Canadian!

  11. Mark Derail says:

    Most major NPO’s are like this, you have to make your own separate Non-Profit Org incorporation, as a numbered company.

    I think it’s 200$ Canadian. Then transfer the cash funds to that company, write a check to the NPO of your choice.

    This happens often, it’s nice to see this in the spotlight.

    Jerk-Face, come to downtown Montreal, especially during our hot & humid summer. You’ll never down talk Canadians girls again.
    Les descendantes des filles du roi, well not the French ones.

  12. BgScryAnml says:

    Just where should they draw the line? It’s just a little thing called ethics. Suppose it was from drugs or straight prostitution. Believe it or not some individuals do care from where the money originates.

  13. Mac Guy says:

    Alix: Don’t say “strippers” anymore. They prefer “professional peelers.” Violet Blue will be all over you for this one, and John C for his silent complicity.

    Just kidding. Up hers. 🙂

  14. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #12 – BgScryAnml

    “Just where should they draw the line? It’s just a little thing called ethics. Suppose it was from drugs or straight prostitution. Believe it or not some individuals do care from where the money originates.”

    OK, O Great Moral Judge; “It’s just a little thing called ethics.” Is that so? Why, how nice.

    “Suppose it was from drugs or straight prostitution.” Thanks very kindly, I’m sure, but we need suppose no such thing. That’s nothing but a flimsy, underhanded smear attempt, implying guilt by association. It’s a bogus argument because the implied association is false.

    I can’t wait – and I’m sure I’m not the only one – to learn exactly what is either ethical or unethical about stripping.

    C’mon, do enlighten us, from your exalted moral perch up there, Your Self-Appointed-Holiness. We abide with bated breath.

  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #10 – Jerk-Face

    “Flat chested, ugly beyond belief, putrid skin…”

    Yeah! Whatta skank, eh? I’m with you, pal. Gimme a real woman, with cartoonish store-bought boobs, full Kabuki makeup and a fake tan!

    Shame about Anna Nicole, huh? Just your type…

  16. nubi says:

    Strippers with a heart of gold who want to help the less fortunate? Can I get a phone number?

  17. James Hatsis says:

    #6 #10… She’s trying to give money to charity and you ridicule her chest size? get a life ea!

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #18 – pedro

    “he may have gotten too carried away on describing her. But you got to admit, what was she thinking about that hair?”

    Yeah you right, p-dawg. About the hair, all I can do is quote the immortal John C.: “Cripes!” Sexist pig that I am, those firm l’il boobicles make up for the hair, tho…

  19. Oil Of Dog says:

    This is almost certainly a Xian thing…
    In every Mafia picture I ever saw the ‘church’ was more than glad to accept contributions.

  20. Mike Novick says:

    Does this charity turn down money from tobacco companies? Do you think they should?

  21. 1 — we do not know that these are Christians…there is not reason to be bigoted without proof. There are a lot of possibilities.

    2 — The girl is obviously a charitable sweetheart who looks fine and natural to most normal men — give her a break. Yes, she isn’t all made up to look like a hooker and she doesn’t have a fake top. Oh dear!

    When is the last time you organized a thousand dollar plus charitable donation to anything, jerkface?

  22. Dude says:

    Contact them and let them know how you feel:

    375 University Avenue, 6th Floor
    Toronto, Ontario M5G 2J5
    Tel: (416) 596-6773 or toll-free 1 (800) 387-9816
    Fax: (416) 596-7857
    General Email: cbcf @
    CIBC Run for the Cure: CIBCRFTC @
    Executive Office: Executive @
    Giving: Giving @
    Grant Allocations: GrantAllocations @
    Health Promotions: NationalHealthPromotions @
    Human Resources: HumanResources @ Corporate Relations: Corpdev @
    Information Technology: InformationTechnology @
    Marketing & Communications: Marketing @
    Brand Management: brand @

  23. Hoosier Daddy says:

    She may be a dog but I’d bury a bone in her backyard.

  24. Jerk-Face says:

    15. “Shame about Anna Nicole, huh? Just your type”

    Wow, it’s like you read my mind. Or maybe you saw my Anna shrine in the other posting.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    “We feel that our contribution should be valued the same as any other. Cancer does not discriminate, after all.”

    But people do. I do have the feeling that the Board of Directors did not vote on this. Decisions like this can sometimes be a job killer.

    Jerk, may you be the next victim of nasal cancer. Then you can have an excuse to cut off your nose to spite your face. Geeze you’re an asshole.

  26. SN says:

    I was lucky enough to work in a record/CD store in an area populated with strip clubs. The strippers would come in to buy their music. (Of course the stripper discounts we offered helped to facilitate that!)

    The thing about strippers is that they usually are not that attractive. (Outside of the high-end expensive clubs you’ll find in large metropolitan areas, of course.) If they were really attractive they’d get jobs as models or actresses. Or at the very worst, high paying secretarial jobs with men who prefer beauty over job skills.

    However, they’re really good at the art of illusion. They know that with men attractiveness is just a combination of a few physical attributes and attitude.

    So they wear the right make up, put their hair up the right way, and wear the right clothes, and with the lighting offered at strip clubs, they become very sexy.

    Believe me, any guy who saw Miss Trina in a club would have died for her.

  27. Jerk-Face says:

    26. “Geeze you’re an asshole.”

    Thanks. Did I mention she has gross teeth too? God, shut your mouth bitch or at least do something useful and stick a cock in it!

  28. BgScryAnml says:

    #14 Yea, It is a wholesome family atmosphere. There is a reason society places an age limit on individuals who can patronize those establishments.

  29. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #30 – BigScrewyAnimal

    Maybe you figure nobody’ll notice how you weaseled out of answering the question. I didn’t.

    Q, to BgScryAnml: Explain how “ethics” apply to the universal and eternal activity of human beings dancing for the entertainment of others.

    “There is a reason society places an age limit on individuals who can patronize those establishments.”

    You betcha. There is also a reason why society places age limits on many other activities. There’s lotsa stuff in life that adults do that children aren’t ready for.

    Your statement there implies that driving a car is immoral, since children aren’t allowed to drive. Voting, too, must be an immoral activity – since we don’t let kids do it, right?

    The (absurd) conclusion we can draw from your statements is: ‘Anything children can’t participate in is immoral.’

    I’ve heard some fairly loopy ideas in recent years, but that’s definitely in the top 10%.

    If, for some reason, that isn’t what you intended to convey, then why don’t you explain what is?

    Your inability to make a rational argument does nothing but advertise the fact that you have some irrational hangups regarding human nudity and sexuality.

    “It is a wholesome family atmosphere.”
    Sorry, but the whole world can’t be turned into a giant Chuck E. Cheese just because you’ve been brainwashed into being ashamed of your sexual impulses…

  30. BgScryAnml says:

    #31 Lauren, my point was quiet clear. Society has answered the question. You simply don’t like the answer. Peddling flesh is peddling flesh. I don’t jump through your hoops.


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