The pollsters really had to work hard for this one. It’s like asking prisoners if they like jail cells. You can write the story beforehand. Of course, in this case, the way Bush & Co. deals with any pesky ‘furiners’ rather than try to understand other cultures and deal with them accordingly, what do you expect? The most interesting part of the story is near the end where Arabs dislike Bush more than any Israeli politician.

Poll shows Arabs dislike Bush
A new poll on Thursday underscored deep Arab unhappiness with the United States but said the negative image could be repaired if Washington brokered a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace agreement.

The survey of 3,850 people in six Arab countries rated President George W. Bush as the most disliked world leader, while the United States and Israel were viewed as significantly greater threats than

Sixty-seven percent of the respondents said the United States could improve its image by brokering a comprehensive Middle East peace agreement.

A smaller number — 33 percent — said this image change could happen if Washington withdrew its troops from

  1. Chris says:

    This gets the prize for the most wasteful use of money to learn the obvious.

  2. Higghawker says:

    Nice Bobble-head!!!!! Definately a keep-sake!!!

  3. Erik Blazynski says:

    What a stupid study, the majority of human beings dislike Bush. Whomever paid for this study should ask for their money back.

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Uncle Dave, in the interest of accuracy, I’d suggest your headline there should be qualified, i.e.: “Poor Arabs dislike Bush”.

    Rich Arabs, OTOH, think he’s just wonderful.

  5. Roc Rizzo says:

    Does anyone other than Laura and Barney actually LIKE Bush?

  6. RTaylor says:

    I have my doubts about Barney Rizzo.

  7. richard davis says:

    I’d love to see the Bush seed no longer.

  8. Al says:

    #3, #5 – You are wrong. I know for a fact that about 50% of humanity likes bush, just not when it is of the George variety.

    #5 – I also suspect that Laura likes bush, of any variety.

  9. C. Flowers says:

    That’s a bobble head?? I thought it was an actual stock photo of the Prez!!

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Curtis T Armstrong is on record as really loving bush.

    (the obligatory obscure movie reference for today)

  11. James Hill says:

    More things the arab street and the left in this country have in common.

    Yea, that was cheap, I know…

  12. BobG says:

    “Poll shows Arabs dislike Bush!”

    From what I can see, they dislike everyone else in the world, too. Including each other.

  13. tallwookie says:

    rofl – this is easily the best poll ever. i like.

  14. doug says:

    #11. So “the left in this country” is now at 65% of the population …

  15. Anonymous Coward says:

    The bobblehead is actually smarter than W.

  16. Mike Novick says:

    Hmm, only 33% think leaving Iraq will help? I thought that was why America is so unpopular there, that the invasion is creating terrorists, etc?

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Not cheap. Expected.

  18. doug says:

    #17. yeah James, you should really come up with some new material.

    #16. lets not forget that US popularity in the region is also damaged by the blank check we give to the Israelis to do whatever they want. then there are propaganda triumphs like Gitmo and Abu Gahraib, which probably permanently destroyed with the Arab street any claim we have to the high moral ground.

    There is no doubt that the Iraq war has created more terrorists. They weren’t exactly flooding into Saddam’s Iraq, simply because there was no one to martyr themselves against.

    The key thing in any hearts and minds campaign is not changing the minds of the people who don’t like you, it is keeping that dislke passive. In other words, Joe Schmo does not particularly like US policy in the region, but he’s not fired up enough about it to strap dynamite to himself. Along comes the Iraq War, and suddenly there are a lot of Joe Schmoes in the region who are motivated to fight the US.


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