Should be good for a $250,000 FCC fine

FOX Sports – Super Bowl – Controversy raised over Prince performance — Geez, get a life people. In the worst case scenario, this is actually funny.

In the sensitive post-wardrobe malfunction world, some are questioning whether a guitar was just a guitar during Prince’s Super Bowl halftime show.

Prince’s acclaimed performance included a guitar solo during the “Purple Rain” segment of his medley in which his shadow was projected onto a large, flowing beige sheet. As the 48-year-old rock star let rip, the silhouette cast by his figure and his guitar (shaped like the singer’s symbol) had phallic connotations for some.

A number of bloggers have decried “Malfunction!” — including Sam Anderson at New York magazine’s Daily Intelligencer. Daily News television critic David Bianculli called it “a rude-looking shadow show” that “looked embarrassingly rude, crude and unfortunately placed.”

found by Mister Justin

  1. GregA says:

    Um… Hasn’t playing guitars ALWAYS had phallic connotations?

  2. C. Flowers says:

    How ridiculous is this? People have too much time on their hands! Everyone knows Prince is a female in drag!! 🙂

  3. SN says:

    First, people have been using guitars as phallic symbols since way before rock and roll was invented.

    Second, to complain that Prince did something with a sexual connotation would be about the same as complaining that W. said something idiotic.

    If you don’t want to see sexual connotations and if Prince is about to appear on TV, turn off the fricken TV!

  4. chuck says:

    Not to mention all those football players, bending over in their tight uniforms, reaching between each others legs.

  5. JT says:

    I thought we had run out of town the Republican Christian fundamentalist right-wing whacko’s during the 06 mid-term elections? Our country is in no mood for these nut-jobs anymore. Are they still trying to put in place an Afghani style Taliban regime in the United States? They frighten me more than the Muslim fundamentalists. And this is the constituency Senator John McCain is courting? Yikes!

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    He used to have a guitar that ejaculated. Phallic? No way. 😉

    Why wasn’t Prince electrocuted while playing his guitar in the rain?

    Bad Luck.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Prince did an Austing Powers rip off.

  8. Bono says:

    We noticed it…looked at each other and went: “Gross”.

    However, equally disturbing was the tribute to Aunt Jemima do-rag.

  9. John says:

    I laughed my a$$ off during that performance. I was wondering why Prince was being so tame during his performance and then he pulled off that stunt. Fantastic. He obviously did it on purpose, thumbing his nose at the prudes who can only take issue if they saw something suggested, not something that was really there.

    What really pisses me off is that seeing a nipple on TV is worth a fine, but its ok to show countless commercials for CSI about violent crimes. The goverment recommends breast feeding, but think that seeing a nip on TV will damage them? C’mon.

  10. Prince Fan says:

    Too much time on their hands? No, douche-tool…that’s the exact image that Prince wanted.

    Back in the day, he used to have his guitar ejacculate.

    Was that the imagination of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy too?
    Or maybe the Fundamentalists wacko’s?

  11. jsforbes says:

    Bah, they’re just jealous of Prince’s mad B-Ball skills.

    [edited: pls use tinyurl]

  12. plankton says:

    That was no guitar… 😉

  13. RoeBoeDog says:

    Who is the pervert the one that points it out

    or those who laugh?

  14. Mark says:

    I’m not a huge fan but the guy is a top notch axman. Didnt see the performance but kind of wished I had. The point is, after the stupid Justin Timberfuck and Janet Jacko debacle, isnt a little curious that the head honchos didnt review this first?

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Okay… I would normally just point out the the Jesus-humpin morons should be hit upside the head with a clue-bat…

    …but honestly… OF COURSE ITS SEXUAL!

    #7 and #11

    Yeah yeah yeah… But no one ejaculates like GWAR ejaculates!

  16. tallwookie says:

    If you look close enough, you can see what appear to be horns on the nefarious shadow – RUN FOR THE HILLS IT IS THE EVIL ONE IN DISGUISE!!!!

    holy crap religion is going to be the death of our species.

  17. James Hill says:

    You’d have to be pretty insecure to worry about some four foot tall freak from Minnesota.

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    NOTE: If it is a duplicate comment, where is the comment?Besides, I waited 15 damn seconds….

    Okay… I would normally just point out the the Jesus-humpin morons should be hit upside the head with a clue-bat…

    …but honestly… OF COURSE ITS SEXUAL!

    #7 and #11

    Yeah yeah yeah… But no one ejaculates like GWAR ejaculates!

  19. Bono says:

    Nerds: Come out of your parents basement and have a look around.

    There are people with kids that don’t want them to see some purple hobbit wanking off with his guitar.

    Screwball Prudes? Nope..just regular parents.

  20. plankton says:

    #18 – 🙂

    GWAR would make the best half-time show ever!! Our society would never be the same afterwards!

  21. SN says:

    20. “GWAR would make the best half-time show ever!! Our society would never be the same afterwards!”

    I’ve probably seen more Gwar shows than any other group. I even got to see them when Flipper warmed up for them. That was totally awesome.

    They took Alice Cooper’s shtick so far to the extreme that at least three laws of physics were violated.

    But the really funny thing about them is that their songs were actually pretty good. I still keep “Salaminizer” on my MP3 player’s playlist.

  22. Slappy says:

    My guitar is much bigger.

  23. Oil Of Dog says:

    Can’t kid me, that was the devil with a hardon! 666 Don’t give Prince that much credit.

    BTW- Notice he made it to the new quarter, the latest, can’t remember which state, begins with an M.

    Sombitch gets around.

  24. JT says:

    #20 As is true with most cartoons, the innuendo of this show went well above the average impressionable child’s comprehension. Of course every parent believes their child has above average comprehension.

  25. #20's peanut brain says:

    Honey shield the kids! There’s a shadow on a sheet !!!

  26. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    The horror, the horror!

    First, millions of innocent American boys were turned into gibbering psychopathic sex maniacs by being exposed to the momentary sight of part of one of Janet Jackson’s nipples; now we must pray for the millions of American girls who will henceforth descend into lives of wanton debauchery and depraved licentiousness because of this.

    The Rev. Ted warned me about this!

  27. Mike Novick says:

    Brent Bozell and the Parents Television Council started teh brouhaha about Janet Jackson and caused the FCC fines. When even they aren’t complaining, I would say this is more like people complaining about Harry Potter and not a legit story.

  28. Matt_ says:

    At least Prince wasn’t crawling around the stage in his tighty whiteys like he did back in the early 80s ,

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    Next year will be the Lawrence Welk Orchestra providing the entertainment. Then we can imagine all the little bubbles as sperm rushing up the fallopian tube.

  30. Sam Ward says:

    This wasn’t on FOX, it was on CBS.

    Also, the people who find this performance has “sexual innuendo” needs to see what programming network TV has on primetime.

    In fact, I thought I heard the F word in the latest CSI episode.


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