If it wasn’t bad enough that many parts of SF Bay Area towns are crawling with immigrants and illegals on the street corners, now Berkeley has posted this signs all around the trendy 4th Street to encourage more of these folks to loiter. Unbelievable. Curiously the day workers are still near the stop signs rather than in these “white zones.”
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How long before someone complains that “white zones” are racist?
Well at least they want work.. all the loiterers around here just beg for cash..
Anything helps.. God bless…
How about directions to the employment office?
Feel the (free) Love
Curiously the day workers are still near the stop signs rather than in these “white zones.”
Not that curious… where would Immigration be watching?
The stop sign is just across the street.
Where would immigration be watching? Nowhere from what I can tell.
Just look at Montgomery County, MD. This is the third center they’re building for day laborers.
I do not understand. Berkeley puts these signs up….(note: no porta-potties, and believe me on a warm day you can TELL from a block away where the boys are toileting) and insists that they are “undocumented workers” and looks the other way. Meanwhile, the police will go on-and-on-and-on about the crime problems, the drugs, the assaults, car break-ins, and the gang activity. Theft in the 1 mile radius around the area is way, way up…especially from CONSTRUCTION SITES. (Gee go figure.)
If you are a woman, don’t even TRY to walk by the journalisto zone without cat-calls, and getting your ass patted, or worse (getting spat at, having someone expose themselves to you.) If you DO call the cops the guys all gather and lie and say “no, no…didn’t happen, you are picking on us.”
And, if a non-hispanic tries to stand in the crowd and also get jobs..forget it. There are many stories of non-latino/hispanics beating the shit out of blacks and whites who try and infiltrate their ranks.
This is outrageous. But, still, the forces that encourage this (calling them undocumented workers) are outspoken, and very well organized.
er, whoops, in the heat of the post…I meant to say “non latino/hispanics having the shit beaten out of them. These are the blacks and whites who infiltrate their ranks”.
The sign is in English…
No one is serious about immigration because everyone (left and right alike) wants to have cheap voiceless labor. If we were even remotely serious, we’d have to deal with labor as a real issue in this country and give people honest wages and job security, but no one has the guts to do that, so they all just keep whining.
You bunch of fucking racits shits
I lived in Berkeley for a few years and I went out of my way to never hire anyone without a valid green card, or an American Citizen. So, tell me how did I allow it?
No, the real issue is the Government not enforcing the laws we have! Why? Well, maybe there are some big “under the table” deals for some key players? How else can wire transfers to Mexico be processed at breakneck speed, without any one paying any attention (money laundering?) and how can we be afraid of terrorists on one hand, but allowing a wide-open border on the other?
Something is, indeed wrong. But, let’s just focus on the rapists, child molesters, drug bosses, killers, and thiefs that line our streets in every border town — posing as journalistos. Aww, poor little Mexican guy, just trying to get by, not his fault he’s not documented. Give him a break, eh?
At least we now have a designated place for ICE to go and pick up illegals, makes things a lot cleaner don’t you think.
We have one of these spot in Santa Barbara. Been there for years now. We call it “The Wall”.
It is across the street from the Salvation Army shelter where bums go to eat.
Hang out there for a while and you will see plenty of contractors stopping buy to pick up day laborers for garden and construction tasks.
I guess you rich white mother f..kers have no problem with yet another poor and illiterate subclass to wash your floors and take care of your kids and mow your lawns and bus your tables for less than minimum wage so you pigs can get rich- of course it’s cash so they’re really making nearly twice that amount since they don’t pay taxes. How compassionate and egalitarian… hell, everyone else is doing it including Barbara Streisand, so it must be okay.