anna nicole smith

Is Anna Nicole Smith’s death another Monroe-like snuffing of a gold-digger who wouldn’t let go, or a tale of yet another burned-out wreck on the celebrity highway?

Former Playboy Playmate Anna Nicole Smith, who took her fight to inherit from her aged billionaire husband to the U.S. Supreme Court, has died at the age of 39 after collapsing in a Florida hotel room, her lawyer said on Thursday.

“I can confirm that she is deceased. It’s as shocking to me as to you guys,” Smith’s attorney, Ronald Rale, told Reuters. “I don’t know anything further. (Her lawyer and husband) Howard (K. Stern) obviously is speechless and grieving.

The sudden death of Smith came just five months after Smith’s 20-year-old son, Daniel Smith, died in the Bahamas three days after the birth of her daughter.

Smith was found in her hotel room and given CPR by Seminole tribal fire rescue and Hollywood fire rescue workers, said Michael Bloom, president of the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida.

The only reason this even approaches news is that she’s a little too young to just drop dead, and she’s been in the public eye too much to be symptomatic with something fatal without the tabloids finding out. That there are millions involved is enough to raise eyebrows.

  1. ECA says:

    Can I ask 1 question???

    HOw in hell did Hollywood END up in Florida??
    Some very weird reporting here.

  2. Gary Marks says:

    Earlier today I filed the official papers to form an exploratory committee concerning whether I should run for the office of “Anna Nicole’s baby’s father.”

    Let John, Hillary, Rudy, Barack, and others all run for President, but I’ll be more than satisfied to be elected “Anna Nicole’s baby’s father” and be able to control the potential inheritance as the child’s guardian. It has always been my dream to mine platinum from a gold digger.

  3. Smartalix says:


    Because only a pseudo-celebrity dying under mysterious circumstances would force a diaper-wearing crazy homicidal astronaut chick from the front pages.

  4. Terry says:

    Creating y our very own conspiracy theory:

    ANS was from Texas.
    NASA has a facility in Texas.
    Kowak is with NASA.
    NASA launches from Florida.
    ANS died in Florida.
    Her death pushed Nowak’s story out of the limelight.
    Q.E.D. – NASA killed ANS to get people to forget about Nowak.

    All the other theories? Way too obvious.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, good reasoning. I was leaning more to the results one feels after reading one of James Hill’s political diatribes.

  6. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #32 – SN

    “…who says you can’t hire a hitman to do a job after you’ve died?”

    Agreed. After a little chitchat with some people who know some people, I can offer for your consideration the initials R.H. Oh, he wouldn’t personally involve himself in such a thing, God forbid – but this is Republican owned & operated Texas; meaning there’s nothing that you can’t have done as long as you can pay the freight.

  7. #34 — Better question: Which came first? Hollywood, Florida? Or Hollywood, California?

  8. SN says:


    Hollywood Florida was founded on November, 28 1925

    Hollywood California was incorporated as a municipality in 1903.

  9. SN says:

    38. “NASA killed ANS to get people to forget about Nowak.”

    If you’re not a Hollywood script writer, the world is suffering a huge loss!

  10. James Hill says:

    #21 – All worship is welcomed at The Church of Hill.

  11. shih tzu paradise says:

    To add another twist to the story, Zsa Zsa Gabor’s present husband, ‘Prince’ Frederick von Anhalt, is claiming to be the father of ANS’s baby…man, that chick sure got around!

  12. Ballenger says:

    On 35. Actually, the Seminoles were lower Creek (and maybe some other smaller tribes and fleeing slaves) from GA/AL who came to Florida avoid further conflict with more dominate Creek factions. The Seminole name means “running Creek”, not as in flowing water, but as in “we’ve lost this battle with other Creek tribes, we better GFOH”. To be extra nit-picky, they didn’t call themselves Creek and neither did other tribes of the area. So, Seminole more specifically means “running (whatever the other tribe that chased them out called them)”. Prior to the Seminoles, the even more native Floridians were wiped out by the Spanish, with some help from the British and infectious disease or shipped as slaves, by a variety of Euro-a-hole traders, to the Caribbean.

    To not be completely off topic, you really don’t need conspirators to kill someone who is badly addicted. All that is needed is unlimited access to a drug of choice and to be left alone. Maybe this isn’t case at all, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Whatever it was, it’s shame that anyone can get as much attention as Anna Nicole Smith and none of it be directed toward helping her deal with the obvious problems that appear to have ultimately caused her death.

  13. ChrisMac says:

    Thank god that bitch is dead

  14. Dr BLT says:

    If any of you still haven’t heard Hole in the Soul of Anna Nicole by singer/songwriter/psychologist, the song that made it’s debut here:

    Hole in the Soul (of Anna Nicole)
    Dr BLT (c)2007

  15. Faith says:

    According to the State Laws of Texas, Anna’s mother should at the very least be under investigation by CPS and Law Enforcement for her claimed criminal acts against Anna as a child. See definitions listed below for Child Abuse. Because her mother was a police officer, her awareness of the law makes this even worse, in my opinion. Further, those around Anna had to know something was going on, they to can be prosecuted for the failure to protect Anna from her mother.

    We are all talking about HKS. Let’s talk about the criminal acts of her mother. These acts caused great emotional harm that had a deadly cause and effect to Anna. In a sense, her mother killed her, it just took 39 years to accomplish her goal.





    § 261.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
    (1) “Abuse” includes the following acts or omissions
    by a person:
    (A) mental or emotional injury to a child that
    results in an observable and material impairment in the child’s
    growth, development, or psychological functioning;
    (B) causing or permitting the child to be in a
    situation in which the child sustains a mental or emotional injury
    that results in an observable and material impairment in the
    child’s growth, development, or psychological functioning;
    (C) physical injury that results in substantial
    harm to the child, or the genuine threat of substantial harm from
    physical injury to the child, including an injury that is at
    variance with the history or explanation given and excluding an
    accident or reasonable discipline by a parent, guardian, or
    managing or possessory conservator that does not expose the child
    to a substantial risk of harm;
    (D) failure to make a reasonable effort to
    prevent an action by another person that results in physical injury
    that results in substantial harm to the child;

  16. trina says:

    there is only one person on this site thats smart were and of you people there and how come nobody talked crap while she was alive were you people there when she spread her legs and got knocked up no i dont think so because if you where you would say you are the daddy aint nobody knows the truth because you were not there all you heard before she died was how everybody loved annanicole for gods sake she made playboy of the year you dont know why she married marshall maybe she loved him there are onther wom en that has married older men are they all golddiggers or is she one because she was famoushe apparently loved her or he wouldnot have married her.would you want people to talk crap about you after your gone so your kids and family only hear bad things about you would you want your baby to grow up thinking her parent was nothing but crap and hearing nothing good about you are you in howards heart where you in his brain he apparently loves dannilynn or he would have put her out when mommy died if yalls theary was right he knew she didnot have no money so why would he stay if he didnt have some feelings for them.any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a daddy and a say hes the daddy even if hes not the father you people would do better to praise him for that he is the only one that dannielynn knows she has losed her brother and her mother and now you want to take her daddy to the grandparents have not said anything about her so why take away her only family she has left do you wantyour kid taken from you and then told forget that person and i am your new parent someone that has not been there since day one who held you first who cried when you were born through calic and teething held her while buring the other parent the only other person that loves her i say you people should leave howard alone and let him raise his baby girl because all the other ones want is her money nobody seems to think about what this is doing to her now and in the future hearing nothing good about her mommy because she was famous. and if people cant understand that apparently they were feeling between them or they would not have been together everybody thinks all she wanted was money that she was out to screw people out of money there was more to her than bad things or she would not have been famous nobody talked crap about her while she was alive only after passing

  17. Methadone says:

    Well yes, she is another Monroe, they both had the same fate and they both found their ending into drugs. It’s too bad now because it’s too late to ask them is drugs were worth the supreme sacrifice…


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