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KNDO/KNDU Tri-Cities, Yakima, WA | Gay Rights Activists Introduce Initiative that Would Require Children in Marriages — This is rich. So what do the anti-gay marriage fools say to this idea??

KENNEWICK, Wash.- A new initiative is turning heads around the state as the gay-marriage debate heats up again.

Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed has accepted Iinitiative 957, a response by gay rights activists to a State Supreme Court ruling last summer.

The Washington Supreme Court ruled that the state could prevent gay and lesbian couples from marrying because the state has a legitimate interest in preserving marriage for procreation.

The Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance then filed the initiative.

I-957 has five clauses that would have to be met for a legal marriage.

It would allow only couples capable of having kids to marry, and that they file “proof of procreation” within three years of the marriage. If not, the marriage would be annulled.

Many people think the law is over the top.

Leaders at a Kennewick church with gay and lesbian members feel the same.

“There are many marriages that are not about having children. There are many couples who marry later in life, they marry for companionship, they marry because they want to create a family,” said the Reverend Janet Pierce.

“They don’t necessarily marry to have children,” Pierce said.

I-957 would also force couples who married out of state to show the same proof of procreation or their marriage wouldn’t be recognized, and it would become a criminal act for anyone in an unrecognized marriage to get marriage benefits.

found by Mister Justin (on a roll).

  1. Smith says:

    Actually, I don’t understand this whole marriage controversy. Society doesn’t much care anymore if a couple is married or cohabitating. Society doesn’t much care if the couple are the same sex. I live in a good neighborhood that is dominated by Mormons. Yet my next door neighbors are lesbians. (Ooh, and perhaps their bigger sin, one of them is a manager at Wal-Mart!) I, myself, am cohabitating with my ex-wife (don’t ask). If I and my neighbors are being ostracized for our lifestyles, then the “church-goers” on the block need to work on their delivery because I’m not aware of it.

    Speaking as one who has had to confront this head on, the only advantage I get from a marriage is the extra deduction on the tax return. My wife, on the other hand, got the ability to maximize every credit card I had, legally bind me to loans I couldn’t pay, forge my name to checks that are legally binding, and, in-short, drove me into bankruptcy within three months after being married. She is living with me now because I still feel some responsibility for her life (and her kids). But I shudder at the thought of legally exposing myself to another marriage.

    Oddly enough, if we were the same sex, I could insure her as my “domestic partner” at work, but heterosexual couples don’t qualify unless they are married. How’s that for discrimination?

  2. Jeremy says:

    Can anyone please help me. I am in love with a bi-sexual female and I make it really hard for her because I dont understand that side of her. There is a Gay rights group here in Kennewick Wa. Can anyone help me figure out how to get in touch with that group. Im not sure of the ladys name but I know they just met somewhere at a church to discuss the theme for next years Gay Rights. Please rep ly A.S.A.P. Thank you


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