Not gay anymore! – Haggard says he is not gay — Cripes.

The Rev. Ted Haggard emerged from three weeks of intensive counseling convinced he is “completely heterosexual” and told an oversight board that his sexual contact with men was limited to his accuser.

That is according to one of the disgraced pastor’s overseers, who on Monday revealed new details about where Haggard has been and where he is headed.

The Rev. Tim Ralph of Larkspur also said the four-man oversight board strongly urged Haggard to go into secular work instead of Christian ministry if Haggard and his wife follow through on plans to earn master’s degrees in psychology.

found by Mister Justin who suggests that Foley use the same treatment.

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Six months, a year – tops – before he’s nabbed in a public men’s room with George Michael…

  2. Richard Blaine says:

    Shouldn’t that be “his brother’s behind”?

  3. ghm101 says:

    I understand he has been turning his back on his brothers for some time now.

  4. A_B says:

    In the future, all his sex with male prostitutes will be strictly heterosexual.

    Don’t call him a homosexual.

    He’s just a heterosexual man that happens to enjoy sex with male prostitutes. That doesn’t make him gay.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    It’s just a matter of time until Haggard is once again caught smoking chocolate dipped cigars.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    I hope they “cured” him using traditional methods; ie. electroshock, exposure to punget & nauseating smells, genital torture and demenaning insults; all the while exposed to highly explicit gay sex pictures & videos.

    AND if it doesn’t work… His chuch will be (in)famous for having a BDSM reverend.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Angel
    That or they might have sewed his asshole shut. Like most “ministers” he is so full of shit he’ll never notice the difference.

    I admire your restraint. I think if I was in your shoes I would have a lot more of a grievance to air.

  8. Undissembled says:

    This Mr. Justin character needs to become a regular editor here.

  9. Steve S says:

    Thank God there is finally a cure for homosexuality! This is bigger than the discovery of a polio vaccine. We should administer this cure to all homosexuals. ;- P

  10. Angel H. Wong says:


    Thanks for the compliment! Finally someone replies nicely to me 🙂

    Here’s more info on that subject:

  11. prophet says:

    Is there anyone outside of the these flat Earthers that actually believes that homosexuality can be cured?

    God, I want enough money to buy a small island and get away from the rest of the crazies.

  12. KB says:

    These sorts of “counseling committees” are a joke. Strategies are analyzed, deals are struck. More than likely, Haggard agreed to something in return for which the committee promised to announce that he was “completely heterosexual.” Getting out of town probably seemed like a good trade under the circumstances.


  13. Steve F says:

    For so-called men of the cloth this treatment must sort of be the equivalent of “going into rehab” for politicians. Just an easy way to eliminate the blame for your unwholesome behavior. I’m surprised the catholic priests haven’t latched onto this technique as well with regards to child molestation.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    I’m “pro gay” and think they should have full civil rights, be treated like any other American, etc. etc.

    But I will dare say that I think some conflicted gays can go straight.

    Why do I say this? Because one of my best friends in college — a lesbian — convinced me of it. She explained that there are several different reasons for being homosexual and some are transient or reversible.

    I personally believe that sexual preference is developed in the same way as other preferences. It’s a complex mix of pre-disposition and personal experience.

    You know the easiest way to find guys like Ted Haggard — find the loudest gay basher on a discussion board and tell him you know he’s gay but you still don’t judge him.

    I’ve had several tell me their story. In every case I’ve heard, they had early homosexual experiences pressured on them and, without that, they probably would have grown up straight. These guys are the candidates for “de-gayification”, I believe. Guys like this are very mis-understood, even (or especially!) by the gay community.

    Even though I think it is possible — I can’t imagine it working in three weeks. Changing life-long sexual preferences is serious, painful therapy.

  15. DonPato says:

    Wow Rev. Haggard must really want his job back? That’s amazing now he’s straight, but then he was straight before right?

    He just had a gay relationship?

    Of course that just proves we CHOOSE to be gay as all those Evangelist claim. So you can just switch back and forth sort of like turning on the four-wheel drive and turning it off again.

    How many of your guys can switch back and forth like that?


  16. John Paradox says:

    But I will dare say that I think some conflicted gays can go straight.

    Personally, I think there are four degrees of sexual ‘preference’ (use of this term is not intended to imply any degree of ‘choice’ in sexuality):
    Exclusive Heterosexuality
    Exclusive Homosexuality
    Asexuality (not interested – or very low libido)

    I suspect that the “Exclusive” is only for the majority of sexual encounters, and there could be the cliche ‘experimentation (in college?) for these. In some cases, people may believe they are Exclusive while actually Bisexual.

    Lots of people REALLY don’t understand their own sexuality.


  17. Bruce IV says:

    Honestly, it does make sense, when taken from an Evangelical point of view. Greg (14) talks about “conflicted” gays – as an Evangelical minister, Haggard would definitely be conflicted – he would see his homosexual acts as a persistant sin, one which he could conquer, with some effort and God’s help. I won’t say one way or another whether homosexuality is changeable, but Haggard would believe that it is. Furthermore, asking him to not seek another church position is just good sense – his name has been tarnished pretty badly by hypocricy, and would still reflect badly on the church if he stayed in a position of leadership.

  18. Greg Allen says:


    I agree with this as my middle age dropping testosterone levels are moving me from “Exclusive Heterosexuality” to dis-interest! 😉

    I think conventional wisdom also agrees with you.

    What I’ve observed is that self-loathing gays (like Haggard sure seemed to be) have an internal conflict — often times very severe.

    My theory is that this is a conflict between “nature” vs. “nuture.”

    Many many many gays tells stories about how they word born gay (nature) but taught it was evil (nurture.)

    What gets told less often is the story of people born straight (nature) but exposed to gay sex early on (nurture). This seems to mess with their heads even more than the above scenario.

    It is these cases that I think it’s possible to go straight.

    But if Haggard has a strong pre-disposition for homosexuality but his internal conflict comes from church teaching, I think he has very little chance of changing his orientation

  19. Timbo says:

    Having Aspergers means I was hit on by numerous homosex addicts who saw me as an easy mark. True, I had difficulty with relationships with women, but that was because I had trouble with all social relationships. That left me lonely and vulnerable to anyone who would be friendly. The homosex addicts taught me to trust no one.

    I have seen a lot of Aspergers men who gave up and went along with the addicts just to have some kind of social life. Unfortunately, since they were living a lie contrary to their nature, there is a high rate of insanity & suicides among them. The price is too high.

    Even with Aspergers, I’ve been married for thirty years — to a woman, thank you.

    A good book on the subject is called, “Homosexuality: Can it Be Healed?” by Francis MacNutt, PHD. A group called Homosexuals Anonymous is successful in treating it as an addiction. There’s also Eleutheros, Narth and Mastering Life. But these organizations are too politically incorrect for the gay censors in most news organizations.

    Speaking of which, When was the last time you heard or read of crimes by pedaphiles like this man who got caught kidnapping a second boy two months ago? Gay censors.

  20. James Hill says:

    This didn’t work for the guy on Boston Legal last night.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    First, homosexuality is NOT an addiction. It is a biological trait. Trying to treat a biological condition with a twelve step program is comparable to having a prayer session for bunion suffers. Both conditions are organic in nature.

    Second, Aspergers Syndrome patients are anti social to begin with. A true Aspergers Syndrome patient doesn’t care or feel the need for social contact, male or female.

    Suicide among homosexuals more likely has more to do with “living the lie” then anything else. As homosexuality becomes more accepted, look for suicide rates to decrease. Insanity is an old term that has no place in the normal world. Of course, it is still widely used among the religious wackos because they don’t understand organic illnesses.

  22. Timbo says:

    If homosex were genetic, why do its proponents goto such trouble seducing people into it? And after seducing them, why do they say they can’t change back? What are they, body snatchers?

    Aspergers people are capable of being lonely; see a science fiction convention or engineering convention. We are not psychopaths.

    The suicides among homosex addicts may also have something to do with organic illnesses such as AIDS. I knew one fellow who had been converted to homosex. When the sentence of AIDS was given him, he killed his wife and himself about a mile away from here.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    #23 Timbo,

    What makes you believe that “homosex” is unnatural? It has happened all through history in both the animal and human worlds. Just because it feels unnatural to you, doesn’t mean it feels that way to gay people.

    There are endless numbers of gays who will tell you that they felt attraction to the same sex without any sort of recruitment or seduction.

    I don’t think science has proven a genetic component, yet, but I think it is only a matter of time.

    I, personally, believe that sexual preference is as complex as any other human preference — a mix of “nature” and “nurture.”

  24. Greg Allen says:

    #23 Timbo,

    What makes you believe that “homosex” is unnatural? It has happened all through history in both the animal and human worlds. Just because it feels unnatural to you, doesn’t mean it feels that way to gay people.

    There are endless numbers of gays who will tell you that they felt attraction to the same sex without any sort of recruitment or seduction.

    BTW: Why do you care what gays do? Secure straight guys don’t usually give a rip.

    Mr. Fusion #22 First, homosexuality is…. It is a biological trait.

    Are you SURE of that? Or that it’s just that? Don’t you think there is a behavioral component to developing sexual preference?

    This claim that homosexuality is strictly a biological trait has become dogma among gays and most liberals. I seriously doubt that science is going to bear this out.

    Doesn’t it fit the anecdotal evidence better to believe that gender preference is as complex as any other human preference? (meaning it is a complicated mix of genetic pre-disposition and personal experience.)

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, Greg
    …It is a biological trait.
    Are you SURE of that? Or that it’s just that? Don’t you think there is a behavioral component to developing sexual preference?

    I don’t know as a fact. I am not a geneticist or behavioral psychologist. Nor am I a homosexual. The understanding I have is that homosexuality IS genetic and NOT behavioral.

    It appears that those who want to accept homosexuality as a normal state believe it is genetic. Those who think it is a disease or mental condition believe it to be behavioral.

    It is quite possible that sexual predilections such as bestiality, cross dressing, or sadist-masochist are behavioral.


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