For those who want to be really buff, a Dutch gym is introducing training sessions for nudists.

The Sunday morning sessions were added by popular demand and “anyone who shows up just to ogle will be thrown out,” said gym manager Patrick de Man in the town of Heteren.

Staff, who will remain clothed during the sessions, will pay special attention to hygiene, ensuring clients cover machinery and bikes with towels or disposable covers, he added.

The tradition of sport and exercise in the altogether is only a couple millennia old. Who knows? It might even become acceptable in the U.S., some day? Hah! In San Francisco maybe!

  1. Peter Rodwell says:

    Dammit! I was in Amsterdam last weekend and I missed this!

  2. spsffan says:


  3. Mark says:

    Ick, As a person who uses the gym daily, this is disgusting. Who wipes off the seat when they are finished with a machine? Its bad enought the idiots who come to the gym in flip-flops. Ever heard of athletes foot, try athletes ass.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Not surprised that this was introduced in Holland.

  5. RTaylor says:

    Gymno- prefix is latin for naked.

  6. ethanol says:

    So if this gets introduced in S.F. as Eidard suggests, that doesn’t mean Dvorak is going to attend? Does it?!?

  7. Gregory says:

    Who wipes off the seat when they are finished with a machine?”

    Er.. anyone who goes to a gym and isn’t scum? What gyms do you go to? So I never have to…

  8. Mark says:

    7.” Er.. anyone who goes to a gym and isn’t scum? What gyms do you go to? So I never have to… ”

    Good, we have too many asswipes at my gym anyway.

  9. TJGeezer says:

    All that hardware would get in the way of ogling anyway. You wanna ogle, go to a nudist camp and watch the volleyball games.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    If the pondscum floating on the pool is beige rather than green I recommend you guys not to swim there.

  11. Johan says:

    Gymnos is *greek* for naked not latin…

  12. noname says:

    Has any one ever been to nude beaches in Europe. They are common over there.

    I would suggest not eating lunch and bringing a large barf bag. Why? do you really have to ask why?

  13. Peter Rodwell says:

    I would suggest not eating lunch and bringing a large barf bag. Why? do you really have to ask why?

    Because you might see me there, that’s why!


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