ABC News: Father Charged After Using Stun Gun on Toddler — Do these sorts of stories come in bunches? What is wrong with this guy?

An Albany Oregon father used a 100,000-volt stun gun on his 18-month-old son, police said Monday. Rian Whittman, 23, has been accused of assault and criminal mistreatment. Police said he used it “multiple times” over three weeks. A police spokesman said there were up to 10 instances.

Police said Whittman’s wife, 21, who was not named, reported the abuse on Saturday.

The child was treated at a hospital, police said, and then taken into protective custody by the state Department of Human Services.

  1. sdf says:

    maybe he thought the toddler was high on pcp or resisting arest

  2. Jerk-Face says:

    Was the kid carrying his ID? Did he refuse to provide it? Was he wearing a hat?

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    In the father’s defense, it was after 11 and the toddler didn’t have his student ID on him.

  4. WOW,,,Now that’s Shocking!

  5. anonymousdick says:

    would someone please Euthanize these white trash parents.

  6. Mark says:

    5. Or apply 100Kvolts to this jerks testicles.

  7. Klaark says:

    This sounds like the origin for a super hero with lightning powers.

  8. JT says:

    There is nothing an 18-month old kid could do to deserve this. This father should get 10 zaps applied by the toddler. I’m sure he’s old enough to hold it and they can draw 10 brightly colored spots on the father at particularly painful locations to tag him with.

  9. Named says:


    Totally agree with you. People are so self-centred they just can’t feel others pain.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    Some people should not be allowed to have children. This guy is one of them… Britney Spears and Michael Jackson are two others.

  11. rog says:

    The father should be given a vascetomy. time to start thinning that part of the gene pool. And a warning that next time he gets to contribute to a mountain oysters dinner. Without benefit of pain killers.

  12. curmudgen says:

    Smite the rat bastard!! Does anyone know where the guy is in charge of this is??

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, JT, There is nothing an 18-month old kid could do to deserve this.
    uuhmm, please refer to posts #1, #2, #3, #4, #7, #9, and #10 for the answer to your point.

    You don’t have kids, do you?

    #13, good alternative.

  14. Podesta says:

    Happened in my neck of the woods. If James Kim had been even more unlucky he would have happened into Rian Whittman. BTW, Albany, Oregon, is mainly known for having a bad smell. Comes from a large chemical plant there. The odor is worst than the Tacoma aroma.

  15. noname says:

    Is this guy a cop?

    Sound like something a cop would do.

  16. What ever happened to the good old fashioned smack on the tush?

  17. Grrr says:

    #8 – I like it. Justice.

  18. kirstin says:

    I can’t believe that some of these people leaving comments on here can find anyway to joke about this situation, in my eyes you are just as horrible as the man that actually did this to the little boy. I am disgusted by the whole thing.


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