ipod with beatles cover

Let’s hope that the third time is the charm, and the bitter fight between Apple and Apple is really going to end this time. It would really be nice if we could get the Beatle’s catalog on iTunes.

But while the truce announced Monday appeared to finally bury the long-simmering animosity, music lovers will still need to wait for the right to buy such songs as “Love Me Do” or “Hey Jude” on Apple Inc.’s iTunes online store.

The announcement — made jointly by one of the world’s largest music sellers and one of history’s most beloved bands — was silent on whether the catalog of Beatles songs will become available for download any time soon.

The settlement gives Cupertino-based Apple Inc. ownership of the name and logo in return for agreeing to license some of those trademarks back to London-based Apple Corps — guardian of The Beatles’ commercial interests — for their continued use.

However, since the deatils of the settlement between Apple and Apple were not made public there could still be a few flies in the ointment that may still sour the deal in the long run. Let’s hope the two sides have finally come to their senses and realized the massive amount of money that could be made by releasing the Beatle’s music on iTunes.

  1. Scott Gant says:

    I have found that I have the power to predict the future! My prediction? That this thread will devolve into Apple sucks/Apple rocks idiocy. Why? Because people just can’t help themselves. Oh, I’m also getting a vision that there may be a Beatles suck/Beatles rock side war too.

  2. Jerk-Face says:

    Is anyone actually waiting for Beatles songs to appear on iTunes?

    I’d have thought that any Beatles fan would have ripped their own collection by now, would have bought them from AllofMP3.com in uncompressed format, would have borrowed the CDs from a local library and ripped them, or at the very least would have got them from any number of P2P sources.

    Or maybe Beatles fans are just stupid.

  3. Smartalix says:


    What an apt name. You assume that all Beatles fans have a CD collection of their music. What about new fans? What about the older fan who has it on vinyl but the turntable is in a box in the closet? Think before you open your mouth next time. Do you own every CD of every band you like? Do you own any Vinyl? How about cassette tapes? 

    I’m a Beatles fan. My turntable works and is hooked up, but always has stacks of junk on it, and besides it would take forever to copy everything from every LP to the computer. Are you saying it’s stupid to be willing to pay for the convenience to pick and choose from the Beatle’s catalog on iTunes and download the songs to an iPod?

  4. Jerk-Face says:

    3. “What about new fans?”

    Buy the CDs, Allofmp3, library, or P2P.

    “What about the older fan who has it on vinyl but the turntable is in a box in the closet?”

    Buy the CDs, Allofmp3, library, or P2P.

    “Are you saying it’s stupid to be willing to pay for the convenience to pick and choose from the Beatle’s catalog on iTunes and download the songs to an iPod?”

    Yes, when at the very least you can buy the CDs (or get them from a library) and rip them yourselves at a higher bitrate.

  5. Smartalix says:


    Then by your logic the iPod and iTunes are #1 because everyone is stupid.

  6. Jerk-Face says:

    5. “Then by your logic the iPod and iTunes are #1 because everyone is stupid.”

    Yep. How old are you? You haven’t figured out that the masses are stupid? God, have you watched prime time TV in the last decade? Listened to popular music? Watched popular movies? The masses are stupid. I can’t believe anyone would seriously dispute that.

    Heck, I just remembered that you were the guy who was praising Vista solely because it’s perfectly suited for the masses. That proves my point exactly.

  7. Scott Gant says:

    #6 Yep. How old are you? You haven’t figured out that the masses are stupid? God, have you watched prime time TV in the last decade? Listened to popular music? Watched popular movies? The masses are stupid. I can’t believe anyone would seriously dispute that.

    Jerk-Face is hard to dispute when he himself demonstrates stupidity so well.

  8. moss says:

    Is there such a thing as a Troll who isn’t an egregious fop?

  9. Jerk-Face says:

    7. “Jerk-Face is hard to dispute when he himself demonstrates stupidity so well.”

    What did I say that was stupid? My entire quote? Are you saying that mass popular culture is of high quality? Are you saying it makes sense to pay a buck a song to iTunes for songs you can get for free from the library?

    If I say anything stupid, at least use your brain and explain how it was stupid.

  10. Jerk-Face says:

    8. Actually, I consider myself more of an outrageous ass. But thanks for the compliment.

  11. Smartalix says:


    Well, someone has to care for them. You sneer at the mainstream, thinking that makes you hip, yet none of this would be here if it weren’t for their support.

    I’m 45. How old are you? Have you ever left your town? State? Country? Have you traveled much? Lived Abroad? Served?

    The masses can do stupid things, They can also do great things. It depends on what you demand of them.

  12. Jerk-Face says:

    11. “The masses can do stupid things, They can also do great things. It depends on what you demand of them.”

    That’s my point exactly! Thanks for putting it so succinctly.

    You praise Vista when you could be demanding more from both Microsoft and computer users. You praise iTunes when you could be demanding more from users. Why praise mediocrity merely because it’s easier for the ignorant masses? Why not demand that they stop being so ignorant?

  13. Scott Gant says:

    Well, since I actually have to explain this to you, I’ll try to use small words as you can’t grasp that OPINIONS are not FACTS. Your opinion that mass pop-culture is stupid is just that, your opinion. For as many people that can’t stand Britney Spears there are many that do. How can we call them stupid just from their choice of music? You don’t even know these people, yet you’re calling them “stupid” due to their music or movie choices. Way to generalize.

    Can you grasp the idea that your opinions and choices about art, music, or movies don’t really define you as a person nor can it be a measure of IQ or “stupidity”. I suppose you can’t. Which is why I’m sort of agreeing with you in your original statement as you continue to demonstrate it’s validity.

  14. Jerk-Face says:

    13. Britney Spears is a very beautiful woman. If that’s a talent, she’s got it.

    However, it is an objective fact that she has no musical talent. Why? Because she has no musical talent. She cannot play any musical instrument. She cannot sing without technological help. She cannot write songs. Therefore she is not a musician, she’s a marketing campaign.

  15. none says:

    However, it is a fact that she has no musical talent. Why? Because she has no musical talent. She cannot play any musical instrument. She cannot sing without technological help. She cannot write songs.

    The facts? Where did you gather these facts? Or is it more a suspicion on your part? Please share a reliable source of these facts you threw out with the rest of the class, else we’ll just assume you’re pulling them out of your ass.

  16. Jerk-Face says:

    15. “The facts? Where did you gather these facts? Or is it more a suspicion on your part?”

    I cannot prove a negative. I don’t follow Britney Spears around and know every aspect of her life. I’ve never seen her play an instrument. It is widely reported in the press that she lip-syncs. If you think Britney Spears is some sort of virtuoso on an instrument or voice, please provide some evidence yourself.

  17. Osmodious says:

    Actually, Jerk-Face, a lot of Beatles fans who already have their entire catalogue await this latest release with baited breath. For example, I have pretty much everything on vinyl and I have everything on CD…but I can’t wait to hear the new releases.

    Why? Because they are being completely remastered, that’s why. And, as soon as they are out on iTunes, they will start releasing them on CD and DVD-A. And then I, and many other Beatles fans, will buy them all again. (Remember Men In Black…”Gonna replace CD’s in a couple of years…guess I’ll have to buy the White Album again.”) There is the possibility of hearing things in the music that we never heard before. It’s exciting.

    It’s called being a fan, and if you aren’t a fan of anything you just can’t understand…but I bet you are a fan of SOMETHING. Maybe you paid $120 for a football/baseball/basketball/hockey jersey, knowing full well that it was made in Guatemala for 70 cents. Maybe you spent $150 on a Beanie-Baby just to complete that set of characters from some TV show. Maybe you bought a 12″ vintage talking GI-Joe for $1500 because it brings back childhood memories. There’s no way to explain the fan or collector mentality, you just either understand it or you don’t.

    There might even be some fans who can’t wait for the release of the remastered CD/DVD’s, so they’ll buy the iTunes music.

    It’s just what we do.

    Oh…and there are probably people out there who don’t own a single CD…they’ve bought their entire collection on iTunes. Personally, I think it is ludicrous to spend a dollar on a song in a format that is poorer quality than on the CD, but there you go.


  18. none says:

    I cannot prove a negative. I don’t follow Britney Spears around and know every aspect of her life. I’ve never seen her play an instrument. It is widely reported in the press that she lip-syncs. If you think Britney Spears is some sort of virtuoso on an instrument or voice, please provide some evidence yourself.

    But you’re the one that brought up that it’s a fact (your word) that she wasn’t a musician, now you’re saying you can’t prove it. So in other words, you were pulling that out of your ass.

  19. Jerk-Face says:

    17. “Because they are being completely remastered”

    I see nothing idiotic about buying remasters of the Beatles catalog. That makes sense. Heck, I’d probably buy at least a couple myself. Spending more money on higher quality makes sense.

    But the topic at hand is buying music from iTunes. Apparantly we both agree that it is “ludicrous to spend a dollar on a song in a format that is poorer quality than on the CD.”

  20. Jerk-Face says:

    18. “But you’re the one that brought up that it’s a fact (your word) that she wasn’t a musician, now you’re saying you can’t prove it.”

    Go back to college and take some logic and science classes. You’ll learn it’s impossible to prove a negative. For example, I cannot prove that fairies do not exist because I cannot be everywhere at once. If someone believes that fairies exists it’s their duty to offer proof.

    Only positive assertions can be proved or disproved. As I’ve stated, I’ve never see Miss Spears perform in any musical capacity. I cannot prove a negative that she is not a virtuoso. She might be a classically trained violinist but I’ve missed all of those performances.

    So, I’ll say it again. If you believe that Spears is some sort of musical talent, prove it. Because it’s impossible for me to disprove it.

  21. venom monger says:

    Britney Spears is a very beautiful woman. If that’s a talent, she’s got it.

    I think she has two great talents.

    Her third talent is so-so, mostly because of the scar from the c-section.

  22. Jerk-Face says:

    21. “Her third talent is so-so, mostly because of the scar from the c-section. “

    You probably wouldn’t even notice it with her face pushed into the matress.

  23. Smartalix says:


    What kind of stereo system do you have? Speakers? CD player? Amp? Are you hearing all the quality?

  24. Jerk-Face says:

    23. Unfortunately there aren’t many options for hi-fi equipment under bridges. I usually just listen to the cars pass overhead. People don’t even stop to hear my riddles anymore. Bastards!

  25. none says:

    You’re exact words, even though you somehow went back and changed it to “objective fact”. But anyway, these were your exact words as you said them as I did a simple copy and past when you posted it the first time:

    unedited: “However, it is a fact that she has no musical talent.”

    Your words. You said it was a fact. All I said was where did you get these facts. If it’s a fact as you state, where is the website or source where you obtained it? Never asked you to prove a negative as you didn’t first present it as a theory. You simply said it was a fact, at which point I asked where you culled this fact from…and you became all defensive with the “I can’t prove a negative” nonsense.

    You went back and added “objective” somehow…which I suppose you could do if you know the ins and outs of WordPress as I don’t see an edit feature. If it’s not a simple matter to edit a post, then perhaps Jerk-Face is really an admin here? If you can edit your posts here, it’s beyond me and perhaps I should join the ranks of the stupid. But one fact does remain that you or someone else did edit your post to put “objective fact” in as my reply right after, cut and pasted from your statement, shows there was no “objective” involved. Way to change history!

  26. Jerk-Face says:

    25. “You said it was a fact.”

    Correct, and it remains a fact until it is disproved. I’m still waiting for any evidence that Miss Spears is a virtuoso.

    “You went back and added “objective” somehow” “Way to change history!”

    Yeah, the discussion was about objective facts and subjective opinions. I just wanted my comment to be clear. There was no malicious intent to deceive. All you have to do is hit the backspace, make the changes, and re-enter it to change it.

  27. GregA says:

    Breaking News!!!

    Apple TV hopes crushed asunder by Walmart deal!

  28. Billabong says:

    If you change the word masses to herd you will be able to understand the “stupidity” of large groups.Herd mentality is a better way of discussing this issue.I think the first comment made said it all then the two herds took over the board.

  29. Scott Gant says:

    Yeah, the discussion was about objective facts and subjective opinions. I just wanted my comment to be clear. There was no malicious intent to deceive. All you have to do is hit the backspace, make the changes, and re-enter it to change it.

    Interesting, never knew you could do this. Wow, after bashing each other back and forth, I end up actually learning a little something unrelated to the subject. Thanks.

  30. none says:

    #26 All you have to do is hit the backspace, make the changes, and re-enter it to change it.

    Cool tip.


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