ipod with beatles cover

Let’s hope that the third time is the charm, and the bitter fight between Apple and Apple is really going to end this time. It would really be nice if we could get the Beatle’s catalog on iTunes.

But while the truce announced Monday appeared to finally bury the long-simmering animosity, music lovers will still need to wait for the right to buy such songs as “Love Me Do” or “Hey Jude” on Apple Inc.’s iTunes online store.

The announcement — made jointly by one of the world’s largest music sellers and one of history’s most beloved bands — was silent on whether the catalog of Beatles songs will become available for download any time soon.

The settlement gives Cupertino-based Apple Inc. ownership of the name and logo in return for agreeing to license some of those trademarks back to London-based Apple Corps — guardian of The Beatles’ commercial interests — for their continued use.

However, since the deatils of the settlement between Apple and Apple were not made public there could still be a few flies in the ointment that may still sour the deal in the long run. Let’s hope the two sides have finally come to their senses and realized the massive amount of money that could be made by releasing the Beatle’s music on iTunes.

  1. James Hill says:

    #27 – Breaking news: You don’t know shit. Film at 11.

    This thread should be about how Love is the only Cirque du Soleil that makes sense.

  2. Smartalix says:

    I recently saw Cirque du Soleil’s adult-rated show “Zumanity” in Vegas. Lovely.

  3. SN says:

    31. That’s really interesting. You should do a full post on it.

  4. Mike Voice says:


    Now that the two Apples have kissed and made-up, maybe Apple Inc and Cisco can canoodle over the “iPhone” trademark??

    [edited: comments guide]

    At least it didn’t make me re-type my entry… this time.

  5. SN says:

    35. “ipod= expensive hardware, poorer sound quality.”

    Well, I think Apple having installed music on new iPods would be a cool idea. What would be really cool is if they filled them up with public domain music. Apple could sell an American Folk iPod or a Jazz iPod.

  6. Elwood Pleebus says:

    #1, Nice prediction. I had the same thought also.
    Better luck next time!

  7. Mark says:

    pedro- you bring tears to my eyes.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – That’s my point exactly! Thanks for putting it so succinctly.

    That wasn’t your point at all. Your only point is to be contrarian for the sake of it.

    I agree that you can do all the things you mentioned, but I am not the kind of arrogant jack-ass that assumes everyone who does things differently than I do is an idiot.

  9. Simon says:

    no 2 has it . Very few people of right mind will sit around waiting for a protected mp3. Beg, Burn, Copy, Borrow or P2P.

    and yes – most of the masses are stupid, but dont know it and never will.

    In this day and age of impatience, its not about what legal…. its about what is available “RIGHT NOW”…. and that will win out. (eg: 10pm at night after a few, will you drive to shops and buy a cd or download it free right now)

    GUESS WHAT next year or very soon when beetles music hits 50yrs old, strange things start to happen with copyright, i may be wrong but they will start to be free (well some of the early stuff anyway)

    see: http://www.patent.gov.uk/copy/c-applies/c-music.htm


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