An article in yesterdays edition of Le Figaro, the conservative French daily, brings news that a new book written from an Islamic Creationist perspective, “”LAtlas de la Création” cover, right is making waves in France. According to the newspaper, dozens of thousands of free copies of this diatribe against Darwinism were sent from Turkey and Germany to nearly all French schools and universities. The article does not say who paid for this expensive, lavishly-illustrated, 770-page anti-intellectual propaganda tome to be so massively distributed although it asks the question.. Nor how whomever sent it was able to get a list of the “dozens of thousands” in educational establishments to whom it was individually addressed.

They wonder who paid for it? Saudi Arabia or the Discovery Institute and George Gilder, that’s who.

found by Sergio Gasparrini

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Nor how whomever sent it was able to get a list of the “dozens of thousands” in educational establishments to whom it was individually addressed.

    These lists are widely available in the US, and I imagine in France as well. All it takes is a google search and a few dollars to buy the handy comma delimited version. All the major wedge issue players have done this in the US, and they send free “educational” materials. Non-biased materials, of course. 😉

  2. Palomar Jack says:

    So, when do the comments from the Left start popping up that 9/11 was propagated by anti-Darwinian infidel Right Wing creationists, all along.

    For the record, I’m not a creationist, but I do demand freedom of speech and religion without persecution by Left Wing zealots.

  3. Gregory says:

    Palomar Jack – if you can show me just one instance of that sort of comment.. then I won’t call you a blowhard that is full of crap.

  4. Floyd says:

    2: Anyone can have an opinion/belief, including fundamentalist Christians and Muslims, or believers in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The US is a free country. However, stating an opinion or belief doesn’t make it true unless you have independently verifiable facts to back it up.

    Theories like evolution, on the other hand, are supported by independently verifiable facts, and those theories change and are considered more valid as more facts are found and are incorporated in the theory. Furthermore, theories are not political (no left or right, and certainly no ideology), as they’re based on evidence, not belief systems.

    Jack, you might not like a theory because it conflicts with your beliefs, but it’s still verifiable.

  5. Improbus says:

    Floyd, you can try to discuss reason, logic and science with a believer but it is pointless. You could have a more meaningful conversation with a chimpanzee.

  6. Milo says:

    Palomar Jack: I do demand persecution of religion by left wing Zealots.

    Your pose as a non creationist is standard creationist boilerplate, getting a little old.

  7. Josh P says:

    Everyone in the world needs to read “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins. The world will be a better place once we all realize how religions are created by people who have their own interests. The question I’ve asked myself since I was 8 was “with all of the religions in this world, which religion is the right one?” After going to several different churches with my friends I figured it was just brainwashing people into donating money to the church guy so he could live without needing a real job.

  8. Oil Of Dog says:

    Repeat after me.

    Man created God, not the other way around.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Sounds like Muslims have one more thing in common with Christians other than Homophobia.

  10. doug says:

    #11. Oh, muslim and christian fundies have lots and lots in common. Cultural conservatives unite, you have nothing to lose but modernity!


  11. bw says:

    By seeding his site with whaco, extremist views, John Dvorak serves to further the interests of his media masters. He knows if he doesn’t perform the function for which he is being paid, someone else will be cashing the paychecks he now receives.

    The purpose of these articles is to further divide American public opinion. I believe Mr. Dvorak knows exactly what he’s doing.

    Divide and conquer.

  12. doug says:

    #13. I for one welcome our new Cranky Geek overlords!

  13. Jägermeister says:

    George Carlin says it best…

    #13 I believe Mr. Dvorak knows exactly what he’s doing.

    And some don’t.

  14. rectagon says:

    …and yet the horoscope continues on the left side frame. Kettle or pot?

  15. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    #13, the story was submitted to this site, you can plainly see that. There is no agenda here to undermine religion, but to point out how creationist with their pseudo-science are trying to undermine education and knowledge.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, good link jager, haven’t seen that one before. I could go for the worshiping Joe Pesci too except I always thought of god as better looking.

  17. TJGeezer says:

    #13 – I believe Mr. Dvorak knows exactly what he’s doing. Divide and conquer.

    Nah, he’s not political. He’s starting a religion. The holy JCD mantra: “Cripes. That sounds bogus to me.”

    Joe Pesci doesn’t stand a chance against that.

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #20 – I could go for the worshiping Joe Pesci too except I always thought of god as better looking.

    Yeah, I guess the invisible man has better charisma than Joe Pesci… after all, he’s an imaginary product from the minds of men.

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #2 –

    “For the record, I’m not a creationist, but I do demand freedom of speech and religion without persecution by Left Wing zealots.”

    ‘For the record,’ this is how Bible-thumpers define ‘persecution’:
    “Objection to, or the prevention of, the act of us shoving our mindless, irrational superstition down the throats of others, against their wills.”

    By this time, it looks like everyone has learned how to play the ‘victim card’. “If you don’t give in to our every demand, you’re persecuting us.”


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