And to think, I thought it was just me who didn’t like her.

Catcalls Drowned Out Hillary Fans At DNC Meeting

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton got very different receptions from the crowd at the Democratic National Committee’s winter meeting, where all of the party’s presidential candidates spoke.

Obama and the crowd exchanged “I love you”s and other endearments as he took the stage. And through the whole of his speech, the audience chanted, “You can do it!”

Clinton’s welcome was not just less enthusiastic, but hostile — and though there seemed to be almost as many Clinton placards as there were people in the room, catcalls drowned out any roars of approval from her cheering section as she began to speak. In reaction to a claim that she had been a tough critic of the war, someone in the crowd shouted, “NOT!” Code Pink protesters repeatedly interrupted her, yelling, “Stop funding war!” and one Army vet kept calling, “How about bringing them home, Hillary?” Definitely, the applause at the end of her address was much louder than when she’d started – which, as her campaign sees it, is how all of America will react once they get to know her. Unless, you know, they already did that.

  1. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #23 – It was totally called for. I’ve outed her as the Antichrist at least a dozen times on this board. It it’s the truth it must be said.

    Powell would never run. Look at what you have to put up with these days. Every single candidate of any party will now have to deal with Michael Moore/Algore type propaganda pieces spliced together from everything they’ve ever said on film posted on YouTube for the world to laugh at. Not only that, but through YouTube you won’t be able to bury rebuttals like Hollywierd did with the movie that completely dismantled the lies in Farenheit 9/11.

    Truly competent people want nothing to do with modern scrutiny and anyone who could make it through such scrutiny without some kind of scandal are going to be so inhuman you don’t want them anywhere near power.

    I do have to stand corrected on the gender issue. You can honestly say that Hillary’s a better man than any Democratic candidate in many decades. 😉

  2. TJGeezer says:

    #32 What movie “completely dismantled the lies in Farenheit 9/11”? If there was one, I bet there’s an interesting story behind its production and lack of distribution. (Was it K Street propaganda? Was it just plain bad? Did radical left-wingers like Disney and Viacom refuse to distribute it because it made them, as James Hill puts it, all pissy and bitchy?)

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, …I’ve outed her as the Antichrist at least a dozen times on this board. It it’s the truth it must be said.

    True. It must be said that you can’t contribute any rational ideas to the discussion. You’re a moron that thinks all they need do is say something silly and people will hail you for your wit and wisdom. Sorry to disappoint you, but you still resemble a moron.

  4. James Hill says:

    #27 – Don’t be bitter.

    #31 – I was interested in politics from about age 10 through my time at the University of Alaska, when I spent a lot of hours working with the head lobbyist for the school in Anchorage and Juneau. That period of time was so exciting it destroyed my interest in a Political Science based career all together.

    I agree that Hillary would do better as a power broker in the Senate, and that Powell is in an interesting candidate. Nevertheless, I stand by my point that Hillary gives the Democrats the best shot at winning in ’08.

    #32, #34 – No kidding. Stop stealing Fusion’s act.


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