And to think, I thought it was just me who didn’t like her.

Catcalls Drowned Out Hillary Fans At DNC Meeting

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton got very different receptions from the crowd at the Democratic National Committee’s winter meeting, where all of the party’s presidential candidates spoke.

Obama and the crowd exchanged “I love you”s and other endearments as he took the stage. And through the whole of his speech, the audience chanted, “You can do it!”

Clinton’s welcome was not just less enthusiastic, but hostile — and though there seemed to be almost as many Clinton placards as there were people in the room, catcalls drowned out any roars of approval from her cheering section as she began to speak. In reaction to a claim that she had been a tough critic of the war, someone in the crowd shouted, “NOT!” Code Pink protesters repeatedly interrupted her, yelling, “Stop funding war!” and one Army vet kept calling, “How about bringing them home, Hillary?” Definitely, the applause at the end of her address was much louder than when she’d started – which, as her campaign sees it, is how all of America will react once they get to know her. Unless, you know, they already did that.

  1. Matthew says:

    Republican hatred for Hillary is seething and pervasive. Just mention the name to a right wing friend and their face immediately changes to one of disgust.

    That’s at least one good reason to like her.

  2. Improbus says:

    You don’t have to be a right wing nut to dislike Hillary.

  3. Bono says:

    I like her cankles. I wonder if she has bacne?

  4. ArianeB says:

    Hillary is unelectable, period. And it has nothing with her being a girl, it has mostly to do with her being a Clinton. We had four years of Bush, eight years of Clinton, eight years of Bush, and now at least four of Clinton?

    We need a radical change in this country, and it starts with a radically different President. The Democrats have a very good shot, but not with a candidate that already starts out with a 40% negative rating. Obama, Edwards, Richardson or someone else, does not matter, not Hillary.

  5. James Hill says:

    The first female with a real shot at the White House ever and the left is going to blow it. The DNC continues to not let the right down.

    Way to go, morons.

  6. Greymoon says:

    Lighten up James, although I agree #1 is a moron if thats the least good reason he has to like The big H.

  7. Smartalix says:


    Hillary is not the anointed leader of the left.

  8. I’d vote for Condoleeza Rice before I vote for Hillary, If Hillary couldn’t stand up to Bill and his cheating ways, how would she stand up to anything else.

    Hilllary is a coward that lacks the spine to tell her own husband off, she’d last 5 minutes in the MiddleEast at the end of a knife.

  9. James Hill says:

    #7 – I’m not claiming she is. What I am claiming is that she has the best shot at winning the White House, and the left can’t seem to get over itself to get behind her.

    Realistically, the left’s establishment is currently ga-ga over Obama because he represents all of the following (in order of importance, from their point of view).

    – He’s half black… so the racists in the south won’t be completely against him.
    – He’s pro-business… so the crooks on the east coast will fund his campaign.
    – He’s young and has a family… so the idiots in the midwest will see him as one of their own.
    – He’s inexperienced… so the stoners (aka Hollywood Elite) out west won’t have to work around a track record when imagining all of the good he’ll do.

    The left likes a candidate that’s puddy: Something that can be molded as time goes on.

  10. Dylan Neild says:

    Ignore James Hill. Everytime there is a political story he blindly sounds off on behalf of the lunatic fringe right wing.

    “Hillary for President” is the quickest way to elect another corrupt, morally bankrupt Republic, plain and simple.

    She is a female, yes – but NOT a female with a shot at the white house.

  11. Smartalix says:


    “…the left can’t seem to get over itself to get behind her.”

    Why is that important? Must we have a woman president, and must it happen at the earliest possible opportunity? Must it be Hillary? I don’t think so.

  12. Greymoon says:


    Yawn, heard ya the first 200 times.

  13. Righteous Indignation says:

    I have an idea. Jail Cheney, impeach Bush, see how Nancy Pelosi does. Otherwise, vote Dennis Kucinich, who’s he?

  14. Improbus says:

    Vote for Kang or Kodos. A vote for any other candidate is just a wasted vote. I, for one, welcome our Rigellian overlords.

  15. Matthew says:

    #1 here Just for the record, thats my only reason for liking Hillary. But oh, would republicans be angry with her in office. Just as many repugs ONLY like bush because dems hate him so. That would just be too much fun to watch.

  16. James Hill says:

    #10 – Just because you can’t make a point is no reason to get pissy. Try not to be such a bitch… or just stop posting here. Either works for me, since I’ve just owned you.

    #11 – It’s not about her being the right person, or the right woman. It’s about her being the best chance for the Democrats to build momentum off of the previous election. They sure as hell aren’t going to do it based off of actions… they’ve already rolled over on Iraq, and the anti-Iraq sentiment in this country is what got them elected.

    The DNC continues to fail its party, and its base. As someone who is right of center I enjoy this: At 28, the vast majority of my life has been lived under the rule of the party I align best with.

    For you, and the majorty of people who read this blog, the best way to shape this nation in the way you see fit is the continued reign of politicians that you best align with. While you may not like her, she represents a much better shot at winning than Obama and the also-rans.

    #13 – Then maybe after 201 it will sink in, idiot.

  17. Vince says:

    I agree with Smartalix. Just because she’s a woman and she’s running for president doesn’t mean she’s absolutely the person everyone has to vote for. While everyone trumpets up the “she’s a woman, vote her in” side of the argument, there’s not much ballyhoo over the fact that Obama could be a viable African-American candidate.

    The thing that rubs me the wrong way about Hillary is, she flat out panders to the group she’s speaking to at the moment. Granted, all politicians do this in some fashion, but she’s had a history of saying one thing at a speech on a Monday to get an audience reaction, then she has to recant it by the end of the week because she pissed off some other group. It seems to me that she does this all the time. Plus, from interviews I’ve seen and speeches I’ve heard, I frankly just don’t like her nor her politics. And my wife, a “soccer mom”, can’t stand her either. In her words, she thinks if Hillary is elected, she will “bankrupt the country.”

  18. Palomar Jack says:

    “…she’s had a history of saying one thing at a speech on a Monday to get an audience reaction, then she has to recant it by the end of the week because she pissed off some other group…”

    She’s had good teachers regarding these activities, the entire Left Wing establishment does the same thing. That includes the ones in the Republican as well as the Democrat party. She’s just parroting the same old crap the rest of them say.

  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    James, then you’re too young to remember how Bill Clinton came out of nowhere to become president. That’s a pretty interesting story…a guy from a smaller state who didn’t do squat in Iowa, and still won the nomination. I’m not saying he’s great, just pointing out that recently we’ve had guys enter the action much later in the election cycle than we are as of Feb 5 2007, and they’ve won. (History did not begin with Newt’s Contract on America…although he’s saying some pretty interesting things these days.)

    BTW, if we elect leaders to “shape the nation the way you [or I] see fit” we’re doomed. That’s not the role of the fed, and it leads to the division and turmoil we have today. Nor is the role of the fed to cater to industry titans at the expense of its citizens. The US public is getting fed up with that, as well as the war.

    I have some friends who get all frothy when Hillary is mentioned, and it must be something visceral in them because they can’t tell me why, exactly, they hate her so. I won’t be voting for her, but geez…she has no impact at all on my blood pressure.

  20. Tom 2 says:

    Well this is what happens when the radicals start taking over, in any side, they go for the ideal not the reality. Obama is the ideal and Clinton is the reality, it doesnt matter who you are, if your a democrat and you have stayed true to the values, then you shouldnt get shit.

  21. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Woman President?!? Is Hillary a truly a female?

    I’ve always thought of the Antichrist as asexual.

  22. Rick says:

    My God you guys are ruthless! You’re worse than Hillary Clinton. She may not be the perfect politician. She may not be he happy-go-lucky Obama, she may not have the charm of Edwards, she may not have the experience of Richardson, but damn! The moment there is an article showing her weakness you grab to it and fight for that opinion. Meanwhile you are all blinded by the charm of Obama and Edwards. Instead of following your instincts of the 90’s, actually listen to ALL of the candidates before you make a judgment.

    I can’t stand when someone says they “hate” someone and can’t explain it. And any explination has nothing to do with the person at all or is half-ass. Be an active voter and actually know your candidates. Know what you want for this country.

    22. That was completely uncalled for.

  23. James Hill says:

    #20 – I remember those events quite well, but I do not believe history will repeat itself with Obama. Clinton didn’t get the love-fest treatment early on in the way Obama is, nor is Obama from a small state.

    I’m not saying the premise for electing pepople is good, I’m just calling it out for what it is.

    Also, your final comment is interesting: If she doesn’t sway you either way, does that mean she has a good chance of getting your vote… based on the odds of how the Republican nominee will impact you?

    That’s why I think she has a shot at winning: She’s turn out a large base (women), and she’ll alienate few moderates. The fact she pisses off so many far-left zealots only serves to position her as a moderate.

  24. SN says:

    23. “I can’t stand when someone says they “hate” someone and can’t explain it.”

    Gee, I hate when someone says they “hate” someone and can’t explain it. I’m not entirely sure why.

  25. stan says:

    i have alot of friends that are not political, and every one of them have already stated for the record that they will vote for her. two went to sign up to vote for the first time in their lives friday. and i am here in the south. so what’s that tell you.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    Hillary’s best friends are also called the Republican Party. They have been giving her all the free publicity for years now.

    Why ??? Simply because they appointed her and her husband as their favorite whipping boys. Forgetting the years of growth the whole country experienced under President Clinton. Shoot, the Republicans never got it wrong, it is always Clinton’s fault. Only their rants are getting old.

    She isn’t my first pick. Hell I doubt I’ll pick my candidate for another 18 months. If she is the Democratic nominee then yes she will get my vote, regardless of what scum bag, lying sack of crap, the Bush led Republicans put up.

  27. Locke says:

    I guess I shall be the first man here to be honest and admit that I consider both myself and the world too sexist to elect Hilary “Hairy” Clint. Yes, I’m too sexist to vote a woman president, because I consider women to be too emotionally bound to be good leaders at such a level, as well as I think the USA would become even more hated than it is today. Imagine the middle east’s/asia’s reaction to the worlds only superpower being led by a woman?

  28. Peter says:

    I think Hillary would make a wonderful President. One of her greatest strengths is that she would have Bill – an experienced statesman – to help her govern. Dynamite team!

  29. Drew says:

    How about Colin Powell. He had the balls to quit working for a bad President, and the integrity not to bash him after leaving. Seem like the guy has always tried to do everything to the best of his ability. Maybe it’s time we had a man (or woman) in office who was more focused on making America strong and secure then trying to make the rest of the world be like us. I think Powell would be a great president.

  30. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    James, you were 13 when that happened…must have been lots of politics in your house? 🙂 just kidding…what I remember about being 13 was the bicentennial and some peanut farmer from the south. I just think Hillary needs more time in congress. She can wield a lot of influence from there, and take a whole lot less heat than if she wastes a year campaigning.

    Powell is an interesting character…completely electable if he comes clean about what really went down re: WMD and Iraq. Otherwise, he’s got a major credibility issue.


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