Mercury News – Fri, Feb. 02, 2007:

Apple has some advice for PC-based iTunes customers that are considering upgrading to Windows Vista: Wait!

In a support document updated Thursday, the company warned such customers that its digital music software has some compatibility issues with Vista, the latest version of Microsoft’s flagship operating system. Among the known issues: Songs purchased from the iTunes music store may not play; contacts and calendar entries won’t sync to customers’ iPods; and customers could corrupt their iPod unless they eject it from Windows using iTunes.

  1. Mike says:

    Gee, its not like MS hasn’t had vista available for public downloading and testing for well over a year is it! What the hell has Apple been doing all this time? Hell, if they can’t get their act together in over a year and make sure their cruddy little itunes app works, why the hell don’t they just license fairplay to MS so we can use the far superior media player software to sync with our ipods instead?

  2. Apple Fan says:

    Pay attention folks – Apple released a fix to Virus, er, Vista.

  3. flying elvis says:

    used it for months, no issues. FUD by crApple.

  4. Shadowbird says:

    Conspiracy theories…they’re everywhere these days.

    These comments sound more like FUD against Apple than the initial blog post does against Windows.

  5. JoaoPT says:

    Well, it won’t bother me, I’m not using Vista in the next two years, nor I own an iPod nor I will ever buy downloadable music online…

  6. Chris says:

    Well, itunes works on my Vista fine, but will not work with my shuffle. But I am getting the same error messages that I was getting with RC1 a week and a half ago, and RC1 has been out for months. So either the problems with RTM are radically different then earlier betas (and poor Apple is valiantly trying to address things), or Apple has known about this for several months and have done nothing.

    But we know that only MS is evil, and Apple would never distort or spread FUD.

  7. GregA says:

    Having been to half a dozen appliance superstores in the last three days (looking for a wii) and windows home premium is totally sold out at every one of them…

    Mac fans and MS doubters..

    Please stay away from me. I don’t want your brain matter on me when the cognitive dissonance of it all causes your heads to rupture.

  8. James Hill says:

    Why would someone install Vista now? The only needed part of it is DirectX 10, and there are no DirectX 10 games out yet.

    Vista’s a dud, just like most of the people around here.

  9. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Since all of us have a duty to reduce our Carbon Footprint (TM) to save th world from Global Warming (TM) and OS X is there to save us all from MS, Jobs should be required to give all Apple products away or free. Since he selfishly insists on profiting from helping mankind, screw him – it’s all his fault.

  10. GregA says:


    The sleep function works on Windows finally! Woo hoo! Two second boot times!

  11. SN says:

    13. “Two second boot times!”

    Or you could leave your computer on all of the time and save two seconds.

  12. Drew Nichols says:

    I must say, I am happy about them finally fixing the sleep / boot thing, especially for laptops.

  13. Floyd says:

    Vista’s a non-issue for me. My laptop can’t run Vista (older video chip on the motherboard), but is fast enough that I can run WinXP for a long time before the machine is out of date. iTunes will run just fine on this system for awhile too.

  14. xtd says:

    Boo Hoo. Cires the little windows girls. The early adopters are going to have to wait a few weeks for a Vista Version of iTunes or risk Vista hosing their tunes and iPods.

    No different than this from Adobe:

    When Adobe began shipping Photoshop® Elements 5.0 and Adobe Premiere® Elements 3.0 software in September, final versions of Microsoft® Windows® Vista were not available to complete the testing required to ensure compatibility.

    Shortly after Windows Vista becomes available to consumers, Adobe plans to release updates for Photoshop Elements 5.0 and Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0 to provide compatibility with Windows Vista.

    Updates for existing Photoshop Elements 5.0 and Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0 owners will be available as a free download from, and updated Vista-compatible versions of Photoshop Elements 5.0 and Premiere Elements 3.0 will become available in the same timeframe.

  15. GregA says:


    No. I mean sleep.

  16. GregA says:


    I got your photoshop patch right here.

  17. Brian says:

    It’s an apple fault, not vista.

    You apple fanboys need to shut your yaps and go back to

  18. V says:

    “That’s right, don’t upgrade to Vista! Buy a Mac with OS X instead!” – Apple

    Please… If there’s a problem, issue a patch.

  19. ECA says:

    Why is it that so many BUY, by looks…If its pretty it sells…Dont matter if its a package of Dog do do, with a ribbon on it.

  20. Gregory says:

    Gee.. software wasn’t fixed until the final version of the OS came out? Shock horror! OMG Apple must be evil!

    Or – they waited until the final release to make sure the patch worked. Occam’s Razor and all that.

    What’s more disturbing is the way Vista may corrupt iPods – that sounds like a fundamental problem in the way it handles USB devices…

  21. Bruce IV says:

    Bah – Vista – pretty pictures, no substance. I plan to never install it on my laptop – xp works fine, the shiny parts will overload my integrated graphics chip, and the reworked UI needs reworked again. I installed IE 7 for the security improvements, but never run it directly (I use IETab from Firefox instead). I also refuse to install WMP 11 – I consider it a downgrade from 10 (they took out the quick access menu, and I can’t get to my music quickly anymore). Long and short of it, I’m doing what JCD suggested in his recent PCMag columns – switching to Linux – where I can tweak the UI to my heart’s content, instead of being forced to work with MS’s version of “user-friendly”

  22. Scott Gant says:

    You know, both sides look like idiots. You’re both equally useless. “Blah blah blah is better than blah blah blah”. That’s all I see.

    Grow the hell up you morons. They’re operating systems. Move along. Get on with your lives. Someone bashes the OS you use, why take it so personally? Why should you care what anonymous idiot on some random blog thinks of ANYTHING, much less something so trivial as an operating system.

    Do you honestly think what you write here is going to change someone’s mind? “Oh wait, pedro doesn’t like OSX or XP, so I’m not going to use them”. Get real.

  23. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    pedro –

    “BTW how’s the mac flaw fixing count going this days?”

    Gee, wouldn’t know. Too busy trying to keep up with all the new OS X viruses, trojans, botnets, etc, that have actually done anything to any real-world Mac anywhere at any time.

    As of 1800 hrs, CST, Feb 4, 2007, the count stands at approximately… zero?

    Isn’t the Win virus census approaching where they’ll need to start using scientific notation?

    BWAhahahahahahahaha, &c, &c…

  24. bdk says:

    Isn’t it amazing how Nvidia gets slammed for incompatibility issues, but when apple does something wrong, oh dear Vista is flawed.

  25. guggle says:

    bah, apple products are such a gimmick

  26. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Ya, pedro, ya.

    This potentially could do this, this other could possibly do that, some other might maybe do yet something else, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    Zero have actually done anything to anybody’s Mac, anywhere. You could possibly win the Powerball jackpot, too. But if I were you, I wouldn’t put an order in for a Bugatti just yet.

    “Of 4 million Windows PCs found to be infected with some kind of malicious software in the first half of this year, about 2 million were running malicious remote control software, Microsoft said.”

    – – –

    Computerworld’s Stefan Hammond:
    What operating systems were being targeted back in 1991?

    Virus expert Mikko Hyppönen:
    DOS, and Mac OS. In the mid-eighties, people thought that the computer virus problem was only a Mac problem, because back then there were zero PC viruses. Right now, Mac OS X: zero viruses, you don’t need an antivirus at all. And PC, 140,000.

    CW: What percentage of viruses affect Windows OS?

    MH: 99.99%. There are about 30 Linux viruses, 50 Mac viruses for pre-OS X, zero Mac OS X viruses, 83 Symbian viruses, and two Windows mobile viruses.”

    – – –

    (pssst! pedro! –

  27. If I was Steve Jobs I wouldn’t fix iTunes for use with Virus, er, Vista. I would let the users of Virus see that their illustrious leader can’t make Win 2000k re-hash, er….Vista work right still.

    Are Mac users smug?, no more than Bill Gates in that Times Newsweek interview.

  28. bueno says:

    Exactly what can you do with a mac that you can´t do on a pc? I mean, what´s the key selling point for a mac? Ease of use?… I mean, my socks do that. Why would I pay $2000 for socks?

    Windows faces the toughest hackers out there everyday, I prefer to trust those who face a real challenge, than a bunch of smug bastards that make ads proclaiming security….based on what? Why would a hardcore hacker spend his time developing malware and viruses for a toy? Where is the money in that?

    If you spend a month developing code to hack macs chances are you´re gonna break into some jobless fuck who makes podcasts…


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