Lawyers for the Hells Angels are preparing to sue the city after an investigation into an attack on a woman escalated into a full-scale armed raid on their downtown headquarters.

“There were snipers on the rooftops, a helicopter hovering above and the entire street was cordoned off. Hundreds of men milled about in bulletproof vests and there in the middle of them was New York City’s one and only tank. All of the post-9/11 paraphernalia was there. All the boys, all the toys and all the weaponry. They turned 3rd Street into Fallujah,” said Ron Kuby, the bikers’ long-serving lawyer.

He added: “They were doing it to create shock and awe, but all they achieved was to make a gang of hairy, scary outlaw bikers look like sympathetic characters and the victims of excessive police force. Given the Hells Angels reputation, that’s no mean feat.”

“This will be the third major suit against the city and will take the total they’ve had to pay through the $1m mark,” said Kuby. “Thanks to the police, New York City has already given every one of those guys a new motorcycle and I’ve bought a very nice house in the country. America is a wonderful place.”

When those charged with enforcing law and protecting human rights — devise on-the-spot amendments to satisfy their prejudice — even with sound history — we’re in as much danger from the cops as we are from the criminals.

  1. Greymoon says:

    What is the point of having toys unless you play with them? Just as in Boston early last week, over-reaction will become the norm. Look for more of this type of law enforcement in your area soon.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe the police should raid one of those HUGE fundamentalis christian churches, I bet they will find more intere stuff inside it…

  3. SN says:

    2. “Maybe the police should raid one of those HUGE fundamentalis christian churches”

    I guess the Branch Davidians weren’t interesting enough for you.

  4. SN says:

    I have to wonder whether anyone interviewed the woman who was allegedly attacked. What did she say? Was a member of the Hell’s Angels involved?

  5. Ex-Biker says:

    Hopefully they will get enough money to buy an just to piss off the swat cops that can’t afford a Yamaha.

  6. ECA says:

    maybe they should raid a few corps, and add some bookeepers into the group… The Gov could then, AT LEAST, make some money.

  7. gquaglia says:

    I guess most don’t really know too much about the Hell’s Angels. These guys are full on bad asses. Into everything from Meth to rape to murder. All are armed and wouldn’t think twice about wasting a cop. Over reaction by the NYPD?, nope smart show of force. Anything less would have been foolish and dangerous.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    #3 SN

    I think the FBI got dibs on them first 😉

    Why do Hell’s Angels wear leather?
    Because chiffon wrinkles too easily.

  9. andy says:

    #7 right, cause they have been cutting a swath of terror through out the nation killing raping plundering and pillaging everything that they cross.

  10. Slappy says:

    Nothing like a lawyer who refers to a client as “outlaw”.

  11. John Paradox says:

    I have to say, when it comes to how people think about police, watching the TV shows from ‘then'(say, 1960’s) and ‘now'(Ok, post 9/11), you realize how the sheeple have been led into this.
    1967: Dragnet – Jack Webb, uses a lot of shoe leather going around to investigate, ask questions, and almost NEVER pulled his gun. (In fact, I have several episodes via those $1 DVD deals… I don’t think there’s a single episode where he has to pull, let alone fire).
    1989: premiere of COPS – pretty much every episode or two, there’s a SWAT team breaking into a house, for anything from a Meth Lab to serving a warrant for jaywalking.

    I definitely agree with the The Cato Institute about how the SWAT teams are over-utilized.


  12. Mr.Newton says:

    branch davidians,,,,bush the butcher…the difference being?

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, gq

    Just because they have a reputation, they don’t deserve protections under the Constitution? If they don’t deserve the protections, then please explain why some wing nut like you does ?

  14. noname says:

    The badge has become a shield for the Dumb and Lame. A badge and a tank, what a stupid connection.

    I hope they win their case against the police. It’s getting to the point with the police, where the only good citizen is a dead citizen. The modus operandi the police want citizens to know, is hell with innocent until proven guilty; shoot first because you know the courts will justify it, they always do.

    This whole police state, obviously suites the state and #7 (gquaglia, aka gags alot).

  15. Peter says:

    Well, it you guys like the Angels so much, why don’t you just keep them in your country, instead of trying to export them. USA is an amazing place – where real criminals in organized crime are protected, yet millions of small time offenders are in jail….

  16. gquaglia says:

    why some wing nut like you does ?

    Thats good Mr Fusion, I don’t agree with your left field ideas and I’m a wing nut, typical of what I would expect from the left. Anyway, the Hell’s Angels are an outlaw group and have been classified as organized crime. They are not legitimate in any way, shape or form. The fact that the NYPD took extra steps to protect its officers, allowing them to return home to their families, was a smart move.
    And for one who doesn’t know, I guess that’s you Mr Fusion, perception is everything. You project a high force level and you intimidate the enemy without firing a shot. It could have gone down very differently if the PD showed up with a few uniforms and a search warrant. And another thing about perception, why do you think outlaw bikers dress and look the way they do. Most take one look and go the other way.

  17. TJGeezer says:

    Wow, I forgot the way they dress! And all that hair, too. Well, that makes hauling out the siege engines and rooftop snipers and all that paramilitary b.s. perfectly okay then. Absolutely. No, really.

  18. gquaglia says:

    #18 you are an ass as demonstrated by your comment. You would probably shit your pants if you ever meet a Hell’s Angels member in person.

  19. noname says:

    #19 who is to say #18 is not a HELL’s Angel, him/herself? Why speak of what you certainly don’t know?

  20. Side-bar Surfer says:

    When those charged with enforcing law and protecting human rights — devise on-the-spot amendments to satisfy their prejudice — even with sound history — we’re in as much danger from the cops as we are from the criminals.

    And just think, ALL those anti-gun organizations, in every argument to take your Second Amendment rights away, kept repeating “This is the USA. THAT can’t happen here…”.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, gq,
    You still didn’t answer why the wing nuts like YOU deserve the protections of the Constitution of the United States of America.

    You prejudged all the Hell’s Angels as guilty. Ok, guilty of what? The statement that they are a Criminal Organization is about as useful as a teaspoon of crap. Many could make a legitimate argument about some of your heroes like Dick Cheney.

    Why do you deserve any respect when you deny it to others whom you don’t agree with?


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