I think the Daily Show set the standard for this sort of “burn them with their own clips” approach to criticism. I’m shocked it has taken this long to figure out you can do this with anyone.

via Culture Blog

  1. travelsTooMuch says:

    No, you can’t burn *anyone* with such a clip. There a handful of people in the national political landscape that have a consistent message, don’t flip flop on issues, yet look awful on TV because they’re not Hollywood image material. Dennis Kucinich comes to mind. He’s not handsome at all, yet here’s one guy with the fortitude to call a spade a shovel from the beginning of his career. He’ll never make it; he looks bad on TV and people like pretty people, not ones with brains. If they preferred brains, Boston and San Francisco might be the size of LA.

    McCain’s just one of many money-taking, up-for-grabs pros. Yes, his time in Viet Nam as a POW sucked. Blame Johnson and Nixon. Others will soon blame Bush. All three had the wrong idea, that war works. War just kills and heats up an economy.

  2. Mark says:

    We should see on of these on all the candidates. Wait till Hillary’s comes out.

  3. Bob McCarty says:

    If Senator McCain truly wanted to succeed in ‘08 — despite the media attention — he would agree to display a warning label (i.e., Warning: John McCain™ [http://www.cafepress.com/wlop/2390467] ) on all literature, signage and advertisements related to his presidential campaign. Such a move would put him in good standing with the backers of the WARNING LABELS ON POLITICIANS™ [www.warninglabelsonpoliticians.com] campaign.

  4. doug says:

    they had me up until the gay marriage clip. It was clear that he was saying that gay people could have marriage ceremonies, but then stated that they should not be considered legally-binding marriages.

    And I hope everyone who maintained that the Iraq war would be a “cakewalk,” would pay for itself, and would require only a short commitment of few troops is BURNED with their own words, until they can take no more. Especially now if they, like McCain, attack others for similar assertions.

  5. TJGeezer says:

    Don’t talk about Dennis Kucinich. The man has both intelligence and principles, and uses the first to derive and explain the second. Then he sticks by them. What the hell is he doing in politics? It doesn’t add up, not in this day and age. We need more men who say what’s expedient and do whatever the corporations want.

    On that note, let’s all register Republican and see if we can get the GOP to run Dubya Bush again. That’s what the country really needs – the GOP to run Dubya again.

  6. Tom 2 says:

    I think there is a big difference with changing your mind and totally reversing you morality in 7 years, 11 minutes, 3 minutes etc… this guy will pander to anybody, he will say anything, he couldn’t win in 2000, and he can’t win now. Rudy might be the only person who could stand a chance in this election as a republican at least.

  7. Joe Dirt says:

    Shees. I’m from Cleveland and have lived here all my life, can’t say I’d recommend Dennis Kucinich.

  8. Mr.Newton says:

    well duh,,that’s a perfect example of what a politician is.That’s why it’s called politics,,in one breath they say one thing & in the next breath they say the opposite & yet people just can’t say to themselves that this person(politician)just lied, & i want him to run my affairs !! go figure..
    after viewing that clip i just ask myself,,,how can anyone vote for this person,,i mean, there it is, in his own words…i know i’m not super intelligent but even i know that a politician will say whatever it takes to stay in office..& lieing is how they do it..jeez, just watch the clip…i rest my case..

  9. doug says:

    #6. Fortunately for the Democrats, Guliani will never make it through the GOP primaries, if he does actually run. Not many pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anti-gun Republicans voting in the primaries.

  10. TJGeezer says:

    #9 – Plus, there’s the question of whether Guiliani is a sufficiently compulsive liar to please the neocons who contorl the K Street propaganda mill. Cheney’s more their style (see http://tinyurl.com/26tp2g for one version of Cheney’s rise through faked satellite photos and warfare, and http://tinyurl.com/fny3t for a rather temperate account of how Cheney lied to justify the Iraq invasion – temperate, that is, once you get past the rught-wing-style demagoguery of the headline). I wish I could find a recording of my favorite cheney quote, something about the Iraq war taking maybe six days, maybe six months at the outside. Uh huh.

  11. M Mulford says:

    Should it be the concern of the leader of the free world whether gay/lesbian couples should marry? I have concerns about anyone who marrys.

  12. doug says:

    #10., #11. The neocons are on the outs. The glorious secularist/ Christian jihad seems to not have been the “cakewalk” that they predicted. within the GOP, anticipate the rerise of the realist/ “fact-based” paleocon.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12, doug, I disagree the extremist christians are on the outs in the GOP. There are still a significant number to influence the primaries and even fund raising.

    Ok, I’m back. Just the thought of the neo-con, religious, nut cakes makes me ill.

    It will be the extremists that propel the majority to the Democrats.

    And I don’t see any of the Republicans carrying the country. They all carry the Bush stink and that won’t go away over the summer.

  14. doug says:


    Wait for it.

    I will write off the GOP for the time being if they chase Brownback or his ilk down the rabbit hole. But there is a sizable majority within the Republican party that is waiting to assert realism, I think.

    2008 is the Democrats’ to lose. But I have always had faith in the ability of my party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

  15. Dennis Kucinich? Yeah, like we need a veagan crackpot in the White House. Talk about unelectable.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, doug

    I think most of the moderate Republicans will either hold their nose and vote Democrat or stay home. I don’t see any of the current front runners as being palatable or distant enough from Bush to take the country.

    You are very correct, this is the Democrats to lose. They have to stay away from the back stabbing.

  17. I’m so tired of 2008 politics, and it’s still only 2007. 🙂


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