Here are a bunch of photos of John Travolta’s and other’s houses in his neighborhood where all the residents can park their airplanes at home. The amazing part to me is that there are apparently a lot of communities like this.
How To Know You’re Wealthy? You Can Park Your Jet In Your Home’s Garage
By Uncle Dave Thursday February 1, 2007
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I have seen this before in many places. I am training to be a pilot here where I live (arkansas) and we have an airport like this, it is actualy where I train. Although they dont park jets there..just little single engine props, and small twins..
This is a legitimate example of TOO RICH.
Gee and I thought owning a Hummer was becoming passe, due to environmental concerns, I hope Johnny boy doesn’t try to get preachy on us.
There’s no such thing as too rich.
The ultra-rich sometimes get silly and over the top, like Larry Ellison having his 400′ yacht specifically built to be longer than Paul Allen’s 390′ boat. But, while over the top and extravagant, there’s nothing wrong with any of it.
It’s funny to see TWO jets parked at the one house.
I can’t imagine being that rich and choosing to want to live next to a runway.
I heard the Scientologists have a navy… guess that’s their air force.
Nothing would make me rest easier at night than knowing there was a four jacuzzi sized load of aviation fuel parked in an ad hoc lighting rod near where I sleep. This is why Coleman Fuel can labels suggest not not sleeping with them under your pillow. But if you just have to do this, here’s your theme song.
Jumbolair, me gotta go, me oh [a]my oh
Me gotta go for the foam down the [d]bayou
House in flames, me oh [a]my oh
Son of a gun, we’ll hav-a big bang on the [d]bayou
Jumbolair, blown toward the sky, there goes the kitchen.
Cause tonight Im gonna see my feet fly out the window.
Pick up parts, fill out reports and be [a]gay-oh
Son of a gun, we’ll hav-a big bang on the [d]bayou.
How does anyone get any sleep?…I find it a pain when my neighbors cut their grass at 7 AM but at least their not revving up their jet to go to the mall!
There’s one of those places outside Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. The tarmac is separated from the highway it runs along by a fence and a row of bushes. You can pretty much race the planes if you so please.
I’d have a chopper to commute to the airport, where jets can be stored securely. Watch somebody steal one of these jets and do God knows what with it and see how fast the law changes on where you can park a jet.
Why do people get so excited when someone has money? Oh yeah, you don’t.
Wow class envy has really taken off here at DU. You do know you don’t have to be rich to have live by an airport and park your plane in your garage. My friend is far from rich (construction worker), but he loves flying. So when the Government started selling land next to the former military airport (now owned by the city), he grabbed a lot and built his dream home (built much of it himself). And of course he has a garage that he parks his homebuilt plane in. Total cost less than 250 grand (much of which was building the FAA approved airport extension going from the taxiway to his house) + 50 grand for the kit plane.
We have a town, very close to us, where you can park your plane. I never really understood why but we do.
Why didn’t Scientology pick John Travolta as their Jesus? He dances a lot better than Tom Cruise, and he has a big ‘ole jet in his back yard!!!
And then, at the end of it all… you just die…
If it flies, fucks or floats – you should rent it.
Jets for the rich, empty bellies for the poor. Minimum wage hasn’t moved in a decade. Didn’t this happen in France in the 18th century? Will we die for our stupidity or our greed? It doesn’t have to be like this. We could choose to love and care for each other, Mother Teresa did. Why has America become so morally corrupt, so fast? Children starving, people who can’t afford their medicine, families without health insurance, families without jobs. While gated communities of jetsetters pop like mushrooms from the festering piles of cow dung they have created on the backs of underpaid labor. And the news at eleven is Brittney forgot her underpants. Makes you wonder who’s really in charge of the media, the government, the corporations. Wake up before they start holding the pillow over your face. 99% of Americans will never be rich, but they like to think they will, and that is the lever by which they move you, the poker they blind you with so you won’t see the inequality. So you won’t question the twisted news that tells you everything is great and this is the strongest country in the world and gosh things can only get better.
#17, I know you would love to see communism level the playing field but:
a) Minimum wage has moved, this year actualy
$5.85 – Summer of 2007
$6.55 – Summer of 2008
$7.25 – Summer of 2009
b) Compared to most of the world, even the poorest americans are rich. Here are the per capita income for 10 other countries in US dollars:
Mali 960
Nigeria 900
Zambia 850
Niger 820
Yemen, Rep. 820
Madagascar 800
Congo, Rep. 710
Ethiopia 710
Guinea-Bissau 660
Congo, Dem. Rep. 640
Burundi 620
Tanzania 610
Malawi 600
Sierra Leone 530
c) Mr Trovolta is rich because everyday people paid to see his movies. Nobody was forced to pay him.
I see a ‘money pit’