The bomber

An amazing story of a man in Israel who picked up a hitchhiker and realized he was a suicide bomber.

‘How I picked up a suicide bomber’

An Israeli driver has told the BBC News website how he picked up a Palestinian suicide bomber, minutes before he blew himself up in a bakery in the town of Eilat, killing three people.

Yossi Woltinsky, 49, an auditor at a hotel in the town, said he stopped to give the man a lift, thinking he was a hotel worker.

Mr Woltinsky said he realised straight away that something was not quite right.

“When he got into my car, I had a bad feeling because he did not behave normally – his eyes, his nerves – and the fact he was wearing a big red jacket even though it was hot.

“I asked him where he wanted to go but he didn’t say anything, just waved his hand.

“When I asked him again, he said only one word, “Haifa”, in an Arab accent. Haifa is hundreds of kilometres away, so now I was almost 100% sure he was a suicide bomber.”

  1. Jeanne says:

    So, what I would like to know — seriously — why suicide bombers believe that they are helping their cause. They are blowing up innocent people, not leaders of whomever they consider the enemy. Or, do they believe that all of a certain nationality are evil? I have heard that these people are religious. Is religion driving them? Or?

  2. Joey says:

    Note to self – don’t pick up hitchhikers in the middle-east.

  3. Frank IBC says:

    One thing that’s disgusting about the news coverage of this – the headlines typically say “first suicide bombing in Israel in 9 months”, as if this is an unusual event after many months of “peace”, while ignoring the scores of attempted suicide bombings during the same time period which have been intercepted at the last minute.

  4. Erik Blazynski says:

    “and the fact he was wearing a big red jacket even though it was hot.”

    Perhaps he could have noted this fact PRIOR TO PICKING HIM UP!!!

  5. To #4: Do you think that not picking him up would have caused him to have a change of heart, and prevented him from going ahead with the bombing?

  6. Dennis says:

    Question: If you suspect the person you have just picked up IS a bomber….why not LET SOMEONE KNOW BEFORE HAND?

    “Well, it seemed like the right thing to do…..”


  7. Named says:


    One thing you miss is that times of “peace” usually involve only Israeli non-deaths, while Palestinians are still being killed.

    And since you brought it up, what would you do during an illegal occupation when the occupiers are supplied mightily by a foreign nation with state of the art weapons and money? How do you fight back? If you recall, when Israel left Lebanon last year, their last act was to drop cluster bombs in civilian areas. An illegal act under the war. As an aside, I never figured out how war has rules, but it does…

  8. jbellies says:

    #6. So you get out your cell phone, dial 911 or 999 or whatever the Israeli equivalent is, your passenger sees it, and decides to blow right there. Nice knowing you. RIP. If your body is blown into three pieces, does that make you 666 ?

  9. Rocco says:

    If I picked up a suicide bomber, I would drive him straight to the White House. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200!

    I would be happy that my miserable existence is over, and he would be in his heaven with the virgins.

  10. Named says:


    That knocking you hear at the door? Don’t get it…

  11. Roc Rizzo says:

    Ah, that knocking at the door is the NSA guys that come by to watch me every week… They just want some coffee, it’s cold outside!

    And if they’re not really virgins, WTF is the suicide bomber gonna do? Sue them?

  12. tallwookie says:

    #14 – He will become an unbeliever – and then hate himself for eternity


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