Carefree Mayor, Tampa. Woo hoo!

Tampabay: Police jail rape victim for two days — This is a disgusting story. This is the kind of a-holes you have in parts of the Bible belt. They should be so proud of themselves.

First, police say, a 21-year-old woman was raped at Gasparilla. Then, she was handcuffed and jailed – for two nights and two days.

A jail worker with religious objections blocked her from ingesting a morning-after pill to prevent pregnancy, her attorney says, keeping her from taking the required second dose for more than 24 hours longer than recommended.

The Hillsborough Sheriffs Office wouldn’t talk about her medical treatment in jail. But Tampa police are investigating why more compassion wasn’t shown toward the woman after she reported her sexual assault to law enforcement.

found by Mister Justin

  1. tallwookie says:

    and some people wonder why its called the “bible belt”

  2. tallwookie says:

    and some people wonder why its called the “bible belt”

    ps this “duplicate comment” thing is dumb

  3. lakelady says:

    This is abominable! I hope she sues the pants off that county and wins!

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Stupidity prevails in the U.S.A… how about Genarlow Wilson, who got 10 years in prison for a blowjob…

  5. Joey says:

    Another immaculate conception in the south.

  6. Gunnar says:

    This is a joke right? This story is one of those “religious idiots may do this” kind of gag story………so beware!

    I mean WTF……I am so shocked right now, I am going to go donate some money to any pro-choice organization….and to believe that I thought pro-life made sense before.

  7. vitaminbmeister says:

    you dont want her to sue the county, the city, or the police. why? we have to pay for it. she needs to sue the person in charge, while she won’t have access to millions, they person will get what they had coming. if she goes for the big money, tax payers will pay the tab, and the person in charge / responsible, will keep their job, paying nothing

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    a spokeswoman for the Sheriff’s Office, … said medical service policies are set by Armor Correctional Health Services, which contracts with the jail.

    Yup, that “private industry” sure can do such a great job. I’m wondering whether they are allowed to ignore legal medical decisions at their own discretion. The truly sad part is the county will pay big for this obvious blatant screw up. That can only mean the loss of several deputies from the roads around Hillsborough.

  9. Rob says:

    Religion is evil. The Rapture Righties wail on and on about the goodness of Jesus etc etc and then you see this happen and the truth about religion comes right back out. Religion breeds ignorance, idiocy, and intolerance. The “Three I’s of Religion” I call it.

  10. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I’ve spent a lot of my life in Florida, and I can tell you, from Orlando south and east, Florida isn’t really the South as most people know it… the religious influence is really minimal compared to a lot of America, it’s far from Bible Belt, what with gambling, strip clubs, drug culture. But the people on the Gulf coast have always seemed indefinably alien to the rest of FL. Clearwater has been coöpted by Scientology as their Vatican City and the locals just yawn. And when shit like this pops up it seems like it’s almost always from the Tampa Bay area or close by. I mean, WTF?

    And Fusion, we definitely need to start worrying about this privatization craze creeping into the justice system industry – collusion of corporate interests and govt is one of the necessary early conditions for the emergence of fascism…

    All I know is, there sure has been a lot more religious lunacy intruding into government matters ever since Bush became governor – and, it just occurs to me, the exact same thing can be said about Texas… and now America as a whole, ever since bumblefuck Dubya moved from the TX Gov’s Mansion to the White House.

    – – – –

    Nah, that’s crazy talk. I’m sure it’s all just coïncidence.

  11. doug says:

    she should just be glad that she did not go in to give birth –

    another proud moment for Floridians

  12. Kurt says:

    JD, I enjoy the blog but to make a sweeping generalization about a region of the country to dramatize an inexcusable act is beneath you. The abhorent actions of the police and jail seem to be a mere coincidence rather than some conspiracy to prevent the woman from aborting a possible rape pregnancy. I am an atheist who lives in the so-called bible belt, but Roman Catholics who are the most anti-abortion are in a very small minority in the southern United States. Please take the time to analyze the available info before condemnation. You can leave that to the commenters.

  13. Named says:


    “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” — Benito Mussolini

    Nuff said!

  14. Major Jizz says:

    But I thought government police are there to protect you? Isn’t that right Mr.Con-Fusion?

  15. JDP says:

    “We may need to revisit our policy,” police spokeswoman Laura McElroy said.

    This is the understatement of the year!!!!

  16. Rob says:

    Medications are given out every day in jails, they have procedures for this. The only reason the jail worker refused was because of religious reasons and it was only after she realized how many people were upset did she change her tune.

    I’m so tired of this christian garbage.

    Dear Christians, when you come into my emergency room, please be advised that my moral convictions prevent me from using sterile instruments on you. Seriously, anybody with a cross is gonna get it.

  17. Martin Anderson says:

    And they say there’s no proselytic movement for atheism. This isn’t what JC had in mind.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    …and if it wasn’t for Roe, you can bet that Red states will start locking up pregnant women to keep them from traveling out-of-state and getting an abortion.

    >>Religion is evil.

    People can be evil — some are evil in the name of religion, some in the name of anti-religion and most just for their own twisted reasons.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    … oh, I wanted to add.

    Do you think the mayor of Tampa had to flash in order to get that many beads?

  20. Smartalix says:

    I once had the misfortune of living in Florida for several months, I wouldn’t go back there on a bet. It combines the worst of the North and South in a kind of wierd-ass amalgam.

    I hope she sues the living shit out of the jail. Maybe if the taxpayers kept having to pay out penalties they would rethink how they manage their prison system.

  21. Dugger says:


    In 9 you say…
    “Religion breeds ignorance, idiocy, and intolerance. The “Three I’s of Religion” I call it. ”
    In 16 you say…
    “Dear Christians, when you come into my emergency room, please be advised that my moral convictions prevent me from using sterile instruments on you. Seriously, anybody with a cross is gonna get it. ”

    Could I conclude that ignorance, idiocy and intolerance can occur regardless of religion? It seems to be an issue that is at risk of degrading the quality of health care you help deliver.

  22. In city after city incompetence and stupidity are often sued for millions and these folks just pass it on to the taxpayer who all seem OK by it. In some situations such as that done by the Federal Government they just put the country in debt (which should cost more in the long run if you can do math) and everyone seems OK by it. No lessons are learned. It goes on.

  23. tallwookie says:

    as per post #1 & #2 – i was at work and IE sucks, sorry bout that

  24. WokTiny says:

    If you guys are done bashing Christians, read the article.

    The woman was put in jail because she had a warrant out for her arrest.

  25. Rob says:

    #21 – Comment #16 was a different Rob. Guess I need to find a more unique name to post under. 🙂

  26. John says:

    The city nor police department should be sued. However, assuming that she is not at any fault (i.e she did not commit a crime prior to or after the rape and that is why she was taken in), then collectivly those involved, dirrectly or indirectly (knew what was going on and didn’t stop it) should be held responsible for any treatment she is in need of due to the actions they did (the raspiest being responsible for that relating to the rapists actions). If is pregnant, then at least the eprson who prevented her from taking her pill and the rapist, if not all of those at the police/jail who were involved should be responsible for all costs related to that pregnancy (including if a child is born, all costs for the raising of that child and perhaps also college tuition at the child’s school of choice).
    The police department, city, state, federal union, and planet though should not be sued, forced to pay, unless those funds come via deducing the same amount from the pay checks of those involved (however as they should no longer be working for the police,…. that isn’t an option) As the tax payers did not due this, except for those few who were involved, and only those few should have to provide payment, and/or other services

  27. curmudgen says:

    Thank you # 24. MA pills story is bullshit and so is the Christian crap.
    She was allegedly raped and during the investigation it was discovered she had outstanding …., Damn, read the story yourself, not the summation.

  28. Thomas says:

    > But she faced felony charges for failing to
    > pay restitution, McElroy said.

    So much for abolishing debtor’s prison…

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, Major Jerk,
    Right. The Tampa Police did what their policy told them to do. The Sheriff’s department, Judge, and PRIVATE CONTRACTOR” fell down.

    The Sheriff’s Department did not give her the medical help she required and had been prescribed by a physician. True, they hired a PRIVATE CONTRACTOR to supply medical services, but they still have the ultimate responsibility.

    The Judge refused her bail. As Thomas in #27 put it, I too thought debtors prison had been abolished.

    And the PRIVATE CONTRACTOR didn’t give her the medication she had been prescribed and would not allow her to seek alternate treatment.

    The fact that a government entity screwed up is not surprising. They answer to us, the people. Next election, when the voters are contemplating the multi million dollar payout, they may or may not vote for the Sheriff and Judge again.

    The PRIVATE CONTRACTOR does not have that responsibility and are not answerable to us, the people. They are there to give as little service as possible and exact as much compensation as possible.

    Now, what the eff would your PRIVATE industry, corporation, company, contractor, or whatever have done? Would they have given service or decided that it was the woman’s fault and also denied her the medication and counseling? Maybe you can even give an example where a PRIVATE company has outperformed government departments in jail / prison work.

  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #17 – And they say there’s no proselytic movement for atheism.

    There isn’t.

    But hopefully that can be changed.


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