Yıllık maaşı en az 400 bin dolar — Here is a pic of Paul Wolfowitz, architect of the Iraq fiasco, entering a mosque in Turkey. Apparently other things besides his Iraq strategy has holes. He now heads the World Bank. Can someone buy this man new socks? While this picture is all over the Middle and Near East the US press has chosen to ignore it. Too funny I suppose.

found by our Istanbul Correspondent Umut Bozkurt

  1. venom monger says:

    You know, this is funny and all… but. This is actually kind of nuts. Like Howard Hughs with 4″ long fingernails. Or Boris Yeltzin who didn’t realize he pissed himself. Something just ain’t right.

  2. ChrisMac says:

    Nice to see the head of the world bank is so thrifty..

  3. Dennis says:

    Even more frightening is that Wolfowitz is now head of the World Bank.
    Forget his holes in the socks….if I were into conspiracy, I would be wondering what associations he has now….

  4. Kerry says:

    I’d say the socks are they only truly holy thing about this picture.

  5. Mr.Newton says:

    why is it that having holes in your socks is a big deal?i would guess that is a common thing. but i have this thing about other people seeing the holes in my socks.where did my attitude about that come from,,i have no problem walking around in the privacy of my own apartment with holes in socks, but yet it bothers me if someone else sees them,,i’m a hypocrite when it comes to that..i say it’s no big deal & yet it bothers me.Why?
    it doesn’t bother me to see other peoples holes in socks, but i feel embarrassed when others see the holes in my socks…i guees i relate holes in socks to poverty.i really don’t know..silly me!!

  6. John Paradox says:

    So he didn’t listen to his Mom about underwear?


  7. tallwookie says:

    thats whatcha get for not clipping those toenails

  8. Childish Personal Attacker says:

    I never wear the same pair of socks twice. Rodney Dangerfield had a similar problem with socks too. I hate the way they look after they have been washed and I hate to try and match them up. It costs me approximately $6K per year for socks. There is nothing worse than seeing someone in a nice suit and shoes with a shitty pair of socks.

  9. sirfelix says:

    Holes in socks don’t represent poverty or long nails. Poor people who live in a messy home are still trash. You can still be poor and clean. Thread and a needle aren’t expensive and most likely free in most hotels Wolfowitz stays.

    Whenever I purchase a house or car from someone I look at how they treated the item. Its a representation of any hidden problems. For example, if a person keeps a messy car interior filled with stains and trash, then most likely that person also neglected important engine maintainence, etc.

    Going somewhere like Asia or the Middle East or any country whose customs require you to take off your shoes then for pete’s sake get some socks without holes you idiot. This oversight is just a representation of the person’s attitude and carelessness and usually represents ignorance, laziness and self-centeredness.

  10. edwinrogers says:

    Horrible suit, dirty shoes, poor personal grooming, physically unfit and a bad haircut. Must be a civil servant.

  11. Kendall Brookfeld says:

    Didn’t “Fahrenheit 9/11” also have some hilarious footage of Wolfowitz combing his hair with spittle? He seems like the classic nerd who was taunted as a child — just look at the ears — and made up for it by rising to high office and starting a war.

    As someone once said, the neocons are so far to the left they only seem like they’re on the right, and this sure seems to apply to the Wolfman.

    And what is it with presidents of the World Bank? Wolfowitz’s predecessor was James Wolfensohn. I nominate Los Lobos to succeed Wolfowitz.

  12. #9
    New pair of socks every day for 365 days a year? And this costs you $6000!! Man you’re paying too much for your socks! Cripes.

  13. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Anything that makes him look like the neocoward colon-blow he truly is – is way cool by me.

  14. mxpwr03 says:

    Hey hey hey, you guys don’t know Paul Wolfawitz. As an accomplished economist he knows the derived utility from owning, and wearing, socks with a few holes in them derives similar utility as ones without. I for one own several socks with holes and they still function in a similar, if not homogeneous, manner.

  15. Roc Rizzo says:

    Often times the way that a person dresses has nothing to do with their personality. As a poster above mentioned, he presumes that the current image is a fair judge on how something that he buys used, has been taken care of. I have news for him. There are plenty of people that don’t fit this mold. I find that the more that people have an outward appearance of niceness, or cleanliness, or neatness, the more they are trying to hide.

    Such is the case of Mr. Wolfowitz. He is trying to show a good impression with shiny new shoes, a new designer suit, nice clean white shirt and tie. But underneath this thin facade, he has holes in his socks, and cares nothing about the welfare of his fellow human beings. I bet he has holes in his underwear too! Not to mention, I bet his cholesterol is way up, and he eats like a pig!

  16. Billabong says:

    His Emperor has no clothes.

  17. Mr.Newton says:

    the 3 operative words..
    amusing since i have been sitting here for the last 5 hours sipping beers & reading these comments on the j.c.d site,but i would really like to chat with john or some of his buddies about the really meaningful things that are occurring now on the web…not holes in socks,,,come on, give me a breack,,

    holes in socks is just not teaching me anything…

  18. doug says:

    I would worry more about the holes in his head, myself.

  19. Ballenger says:

    Those must be his lucky socks, the ones he wore that afternoon, between 2:00 and 2:19 PM, when he planned the Iraq thing. And on the 6K a year for socks, are you wearing those inside or over your shoes?

  20. Bob Seal says:

    So the f##k what? My mother always said a hole in a sock is all right if it doesn’t show with your shoe on.

  21. Childish Personal Attacker says:

    #13 – I buy socks at Nordstrom. They are generally priced high as giraffes’s pussy but I always find what I want. I donate trash bags full of socks to the homeless. I’m told I need therapy for this but hey, I could have a worse obsession.

  22. glenn says:

    “Paul Wolfowitz, architect of the Iraq fiasco, ”
    It is my dream that every time his name is mentioned, ” architect of the Iraq fiasco, ” would follow.

  23. Rance Bleester says:

    Yah, those holes come from licking his toes.
    Sometimes he likes to bite them too, especially when his ‘roids ache.
    When he nabbed the Chief Blowhard role at the W.B., they said he had to
    give up the comb thing, too disgusting.
    So he figgered with the toe thing, no one would know.
    I hear some people lick their armpits when they get sweaty so I guess the toe thing’s not too bad, eh?

  24. Patrick says:

    Whenever I have to travel on business, I take all my holey socks with me and leave the good ones at home. Why pray tell? Because when they are dirty you simply throw them away. No need to pack stinky used socks in your luggage.

  25. Childish Personal Attacker says:

    #3 – he is showing humbleness and toe cheese.

  26. Oil of Dog says:

    A wife or a gf will cure that obsession.
    Worked for me!!

  27. TJGeezer says:

    About the pic, are short, fat neckties “in” this year? I really have no idea. I haven’t bought a tie since I got a Bugs Bunny tie to wear at Comdex years ago. (Ties required for a professional appearance, my employer told me.)

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, I think your obsession and need for therapy might have more to do with your predilection for the giraffe.

    I spend very little time checking out a person’s clothes, especially their socks. There are more important things in life then inspecting someone’s feet when you meet them.

  29. Dutch fellow says:

    What a disgusting man!!! Look at his pants, did he masturbate on them? The old fashioned and non fitting suit and tie, he must have bought them in the bazar next door. Give the man a raise for Christ sake, 400k a year cannot help this guy, oh yeah and surely a pair of new ears.

  30. My Awakening says:

    Typical jew.


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