Looks like a confrontation shaping up between Microsoft and Apple over convergence of the Internet and TV-viewing. Apple starts shipping Apple TV in February. On NBC’s Today Show, this morning, Bill Gates essentially said that the release of Vista for PC users is going to make IPTV a reality — along with video on demand.

The internet is set to revolutionize television within five years, due to an explosion of online video content and the merging of PCs and TV sets, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said at the weekend.

“I’m stunned how people aren’t seeing that with TV, in five years from now, people will laugh at what we’ve had,” he told business leaders and politicians at the World Economic Forum.

“Certain things like elections or the Olympics really point out how TV is terrible. You have to wait for the guy to talk about the thing you care about or you miss the event and want to go back and see it,” he said.

“Internet presentation of these things is vastly superior.”

“Because TV is moving into being delivered over the internet – and some of the big phone companies are building up the infrastructure for that – you’re going to have that experience all together,” Gates said.

Yup, just leave it all in the capable hands of your Telco and we’ll all have convergence — real soon now.

  1. venom monger says:


  2. JT says:

    Pre Xbox 360, I wouldn’t have given Microsoft a chance. But they seem to have finally gotten the game console right while Sony has gone off track. If they put their successful Xbox division in charge of this, they might just stand a chance against Apple.

  3. Mark Derail says:

    Hmmm. Real hard choice. How about (C) None of the above?

    I’ll be going Joost with a recycled PC. http://www.joost.com/

    Just like some ISP’s ban VOIP on their networks, I’m sure they will ban Joost / Skype, in favor of their own service.

    One good reason to keep the FCC / CRTC – prevent service monopolies?

  4. B. Dog says:

    I’m with Bill on this one.

  5. GregA says:

    Um, wow, Apple and Microsoft are both ‘also ran’ already. As far as I can tell this is already owned by Comcast (in my market at least) with their OnDemand service.

    Nothing I have seen from either Microsoft or Apple is particularly compelling when compared to the Comcast service. with my comcast monthly fee I already have about 1000 (at any given time) commercial free feature length movies to see. Plus all the episodes of the various hit tv programs, not to mention the amazing variety of pay per view content. The service seems like it is still growing, and I have had it for five years already.

    Soooo…. unless Apple or Microsoft strike a deal with companies like Comcast, these services are DOA.

    Maybe if Apple or Microsoft could deliver the hard core porn, they could make some headway against Comcast. The porn on Comcast is all softcore… But other than that… I don’t see it…

  6. Gig says:

    I think the Apple TV is dead from the start. First it has no DVR functionality and second it REQUIRES either a HDTV or EDTV.

  7. giap says:

    How to go, gig (#6) — terrific understanding of market potential. Only half the TV sets in the US have ED or HD capability. Just maybe not on your block.

  8. tallwookie says:

    not IPTV?

    tv is teh suck, its only a matter of time before YouTube controls us all

    I, for one, bow down to our new overlords…

  9. James Hill says:

    The level of intelligence on this blog keeps going down.

    #5 – It figures that you’d like Comcrap, of which their VoD service is in the “Failure” catagory. Why? High cost and low quality of content. Apple won’t fail in these ways.

    #6 – Meanwhile, the Apple TV is the best selling item on Apple.com. The fact it is aimed at a select group of consumers follows how the iPod was launched.

    A lot of people called the iPod DOA as well. They don’t matter anymore, just like those calling for the death of the Apple TV won’t matter in six months.

  10. Mr.Newton says:

    #3,,mark derall,,i want joost but can’t get it ,,can u send me a way to get it,,
    i think the floodgates are just opening,,,i bet that within less than a year you will see a huge amount of tv online,,,the new thing,,
    the controlling interests in media are starting to get the picture,,,get online..
    ctv here in Canada is starting to do it & you just watch all the other networks do the same…in fact they are,,you can do a video on demand…
    you are going to see a positioning of media companies competing for your viewership…& $ online..
    in a word,,convergance..
    let us struggle to keep it free!!!
    ya, in my dreams…

  11. Gig says:

    #7 Where did you come up with the 1/2 the TVs have either HD or ED. I say Bu!!$h!t.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:


  13. GregA says:

    James Hill,

    Your stupid ignorant Apple fanboieism is showing claiming the Comcast OnDemand service is a failure.

    At about 3 billion video downloads, in just the last two years, OnDemand makes iTunes music and video services, look silly and irrelevant.

    Also Comcast plans to get into the computer movie download business. That will likely be a windows only service. They already have 30 million living room boxes in service.

    Also, the iPod was a total failure until Apple made it work with windows, and got rid of the ieee 1394 port. It is worth noting the apple fanbois cried at that almost as loud as they cried about the switch to intel processors, er i mean the PeeCee platform.

    Sorry, try again, loser.

  14. bill says:

    Where’s the bandwidth? I’m still waiting. You would think by now the US would have some serious capacity.. It’s going to be ipnothing unless…

  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #9 – James Hill

    Yeah, I see AppleTV headed for the same uncatchable market dominance that iPod enjoys, by this time next year – because, like the ‘Pod, it’ll deliver what it’s supposed to, i.e., a superior user experience.

    Observe carefully over the months to come as the Applebashers, one by one, lapse into blessed silence as they’re, yet again, proven to be totally wrong. That utter inability to learn from repeated experience is kinda pathetic.

  16. GregA says:


    Have fun with that portable 19″ rack mount computer with the two 30″ lcd’s


    Omg , you are such and idiot.

  17. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #16 –

    Sure will have fun. The Xserve’ll fit real nice in the same Anvil case as my rackmount interfaces, effects, and amps. The 30-inchers stay home. Guess you never learned the difference between portable and transportable, huh?

    Dumb fuck.

  18. Mark Derail says:

    GregA, do you have any influence with Comcast? If you do, please tell them Videotron in Montreal could use their technology.

    I so want to watch the shows I want, when I want, for a flat-rate monthly fee. You seem to have it – I’m jealous.

    With todays bandwidth, why would I want to spend over 500$ for a PVR machine that I have to remember to program ahead of time?

    Bit Torrent is an exercise in patience, just searching for the right torrent that also has a decent upload. Waiting 24 hours sure gets it, but to me that 23.75 hours too late.

    BT is ok for those shows that don’t air in NA, like UK’s The IT Crowd.
    That don’t do IT, just IS…

  19. TJGeezer says:

    C’mon, Pedro, let it out. Your comments are always interesting, if sometimes disconcerting and occasionally downright mystifying. So be strong, don’t be afraid, say what’s on your mind. Ignore those guys in the cheap seats throwing peanuts.

  20. Mark Derail says:

    Pedro – break them. I’ve been looking forward to the bashings from you lately…don’t make me beg.

  21. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    C’mon, pedro, your public awaits…


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