“I’m workin’ it, Mom, so they won’t take me away!”

‘Fat police’ put children on abuse list

SOCIAL workers are placing obese children on the child protection register alongside victims thought to be at risk of sexual or physical abuse.

In extreme cases children have been placed in foster care because their parents have contributed to the health problems of their offspring by failing to respond to medical advice.

The intervention of social services in what was previously regarded as a private matter is likely to raise concerns about the emergence of the “fat police”.

Some doctors even advocate taking legal action against parents for illtreating their children by feeding them so much that they develop health problems.

  1. Elvis Ripley says:

    I need to see pictures of just how fat these kids are before I can comment on the morality of taking children away.

  2. What difference does it make? Where do you draw the line? How about naturally large people such as Samoans?

    Can you imagine what would happen if this was done in Texas?

  3. Improbus says:

    They could take kids away for parents teaching them irrational things. You know, like the Bible. [jumps into foxhole]

  4. spsffan says:

    I’m not sure which is more disturbing: the story or the graphic!

  5. Steve S says:

    #3 Wrote:
    “They could take kids away for parents teaching them irrational things. You know, like the Bible.”

    Or for other really crazy things like teaching them that the government is always right.


  6. mandarin says:

    Damn! THats a big fatass!

  7. RTaylor says:

    They need to worry more about drunken teenage gangs that are taking over the streets.

  8. tallwookie says:

    that animated pic there is pretty disturbing.

    Obesity is hella funny – if the people who are fat (and they are, the big boned excuse only works for norweigens) just took some freaking personal responsibility and ate correctly, or perhaps mixed in some vitamins/nutrient supplements & excersise it wouldnt be a problem.

    I laugh at fat ppls, this is a non-issue.

  9. Mr.Newton says:

    wait till the “fat” police kick in your door looking for a deep fryer! you child abuser you..can you say extremism? a couple of years ago here in Canada i tried to engage people in the discussion about the cigarette police & where that would lead..if you smoke & had children, then you were harming your children with the smoke,,.i said “wait till they go after fat kids” my warnings fell on deaf ears,,but i was right..next it will be, if you don’t have a computer for your kids then you are abusing them…
    it’s the old “think of the children”,,…bah!!

  10. jbellies says:

    Another reminder that Dickens, match factories, and boarding schools are not the only chapters of note in the ongoing panoply that is English parenthood. I love England. In some ways it is so close to what we know, and then suddenly it is like another planet.

    The first time I tried to post this, I got a “Slow down cowboy message”. Maybe it was the oxymoron detector van outside reading the two-word phrase beginning with the word “love” above.

  11. Childish Personal Attacker says:

    Man, if they could only take away your wife for getting fat…

  12. Anonymous Coward says:

    We went to a sporting event (cars were going real fast, kept making left turns) and there was a huge woman in front of us with a fat shelf on her back so we could set our beers on it. Came in pretty handy I must say. I wondered if she had been a fat kid who watched Sesame Street and took the words of wisdom literally from Miss Piggy who said, “never eat more than you can lift.”

  13. Mr. Fusion (in disguise) says:

    #12, if only, …


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